The Cailleach Ken Library | Teachings
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Celtic Anam + Ancestors
The people of Earth are re-awakening to expanded ways of knowing. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.
Spirit has never been fully erased, no matter how hard the oppressors have tried to control who and where and what and how Spirit is accepted and legitimized here.
The people are awakening.
Grian-stad a’ Gheamraidh Beannaichte. Blessed Winter Solstice.
This is the time of reflecting deeply into self and facing the darkness within. The sun will stop for 3 days to allow us this time of grace and reflection. This time of “sun-stop” is to realize and embrace intention towards what will be re-birthed for ourselves, our community and the world with the return of the light.
Tabhartas Bòid are Celtic votive offerings. They were used to commemorate important events, ask for favour from the Gods, the Spirits and the Land. Listen to a teaching given by Muireann, our Iron Age Celtic Ancestor.
Animism is the belief and cultural practice that everything in existence is inspirited. Everything that exists has Soul &/or is part of the Anam Mór (the great soul) of all things.
There is no great distinction between things spiritually. There is no thing that is without Spirit. For a thing to Be, it must have Spirit. Spirit is the foundation of existence. Beingness is Spirit.
There is no hierarchy of importance in animism. The Great Soul is fite fuaite - interwoven and sewn together.
Our Ancestral healing continues with those that have passed over. They are healed when we feel the pain and trauma that has been passed down unacknowledged generation after generation. The Celtic Diaspora is a wound in our trees that can be healed through ancestral witness. I didn’t know how much they hurt when we left. I was cut off from the source. The joining again is bittersweet. Our ancestors love us and want us to thrive.
Celtic re-connection has given me the greatest sense of belonging, in the physical world, in this body. All the ways that I have felt alienated from modern Western culture have been healed in the connection to my Celtic roots.
The body is sacred. Religion has thrown suspicion on the body and judged it as inferior and an obstacle to enlightenment. Bodies are spirit made visible.
Claiming ancestors and believing without absolute proof. Sharing our loving visions with the world and standing for them in the face of rejection and dismissal is the call. We have the examples of belief in separation and fear and violence. Now the call if for those with visions of love and equity and transformation. It’s time. If you’ve been waiting - now is the time. If you need permission. You have it.
Apparently, I have to reckon with the Christian colonization of my Celtic ancestors before I can walk with them into the future. This is the first of a series on Christianity and the the harm and gifts it’s given to my ancestors.
Image credit:
Until we’re united mind to mind, we’re forced to communicate through the symbol of words. These are my chosen words to represent my reality. Every book can be a Bible and all our words can be holy. (Wholly). Also Robin Wall Kimmerer is a Prophet and I love her.
The Church of Beloved Presence is the Earth. My home and my first love and first experience of divinity.
Indigenous Land
You are a fucking miracle.
You bring magick, re-enchantment and healing wholeness to a sad and hurting world. You are literally changing the world by seeing everyone included in love and warm welcome. You are the solution the world is waiting for. We all are.
The people of Earth are re-awakening to expanded ways of knowing. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.
Spirit has never been fully erased, no matter how hard the oppressors have tried to control who and where and what and how Spirit is accepted and legitimized here.
The people are awakening.
Winter Solstice (Grianstad a’Ghreamhraidh) is the time of reflection and repair. It’s the time of getting our bearings (BEARings) - which makes me think of Bear in the 7 Grandfather Teachings of the Anishinaabe.
The Magickal Practice
(It’s all Magick really - but you know what I mean.)
You are a fucking miracle.
You bring magick, re-enchantment and healing wholeness to a sad and hurting world. You are literally changing the world by seeing everyone included in love and warm welcome. You are the solution the world is waiting for. We all are.
A Beloved Presence message for 2025.
I was guided to share this month’s monthly message with The Cailleach Ken Library.
It revolves around the message that we are walking a change in the world that revolves around the miracle moment of the New Dawn.
I used left over seed pulp from the seed papers. It added unnecesary wetness to the balls, so it’s not ideal - but was a good use of the pulp.
In The Cailleach Library you can find Tabhartas Bòid; a Celtic Teaching about Votive Offerings, given by Muireann - our Iron Age Celtic Ancestor.
Join the free Library if you’d like to learn more about the meaning, history and practice of Tabhartas Bòid in pre-Christian Celtic culture.
This is a great way to get rid of old papers and leftover seeds. I have a problem storing my seeds because they never seem to be as fertile the next year.
In The Cailleach Library you can find Tabhartas Bòid; a Celtic Teaching about Votive Offerings, given by Muireann - our Iron Age Celtic Ancestor.
Join the Library for free if you’d like to learn more about the meaning, history and practice of Tabhartas Bòid in pre-Christian Celtic culture.
This is the first of 3 “Making Votive Offerings” posts sharing how I build relationship with Spirit + the Land through Celtic cultural practice on Mishiike Minisi.
In The Cailleach Library you can find Tabhartas Bòid; a Celtic Teaching about Votive Offerings, given by Muireann - our Iron Age Celtic Ancestor.
Join the Library for free if you’d like to learn more about the meaning, history and practice of Tabhartas Bòid in pre-Christian Celtic culture.
In Thanksgiving for continued Indigenous survival and future thriving; I dedicate this page to further links and resources for educating ourselves on Truth and Reconciliation.
We can choose new options to Reclaim the Dinner and bring Indigenous gratitude into all our actions. Thank you for being here.
I am one of millions of people who came to be a bridge for this message to root and blossom the World.
Speak w/Spirit is sharing the message that both Spirit + Land are communicating with us all the time. This is my little way to normalize the present Spiritual Reality of Beloved Presence; Spirit Present in the World of Form.
Speak w/Spirit is normalizing our constant communication + relationship with Spirit + Land.
Speak w/Spirit is a reminder to you that it’s all real - all your experiences of Spirit in the World of Form are real and they are wisdom and your body is Ancient Wisdom and Land is Ancient Wisdom, and Land and Spirit have never stopped talking with us.
Speak w/Spirit and remind the world of what is real.
Your best, most joyful, soul-filled visions are the map to the World we all want to create. Sharing your visions are the way we create it together.
Don’t wait to be ready to share. Sharing is how we get ready.
Elder Dr. Dave explains that Ceremony is the framework for every interaction; it's what determines how we come into relationship together. This works out on all levels, individuals, community and nations. Ceremony means "to make sacred".
Cailleach. The "Veiled One". She is the Witch-Hag-Crone-Land-Ancestor-Goddess of the Celts.
She is a Winter Witch goddess ancestor. In combination with Spring's Bríd, she shares the duties of caretaking the Land. They are sisters of light and dark, growth and stillness, all opposites held in one figure.
Be gentle with yourself because no one teaches us how to live this way. No one teaches us how to use all our Presence and Being to find our Selves in the world and the Work that we will do.
No one teaches us how to rely as equally on empathic intuition and body sensation as we do logical rationality. No one teaches us how to make sense of these intense desires to share deep truths that we only partially understand. Be gentle with yourself.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Understand that most transformational paths in all categories of study begin their spark in the creative arts.
The visionary path isn't one that guarantees an income or promises that anyone will even give a shit about it - but I can't help believe that it's the most important work that can be done on the earth. The visionary path carries the seeds of change - for society, for humanity, for the earth at large. It's nothing less than transformational.
Please don't give up.
You’re reading this because you are one. You’re a visionary.
Calm down. It’s totally normal. (We need to normalize our totally natural visionary natures.)
You can see how things could be better, how things could be run so that everyone had enough and everyone could live safely and securely without fear or hunger.
You can see a society where healing and self-expression are more valued than aggression and accumulating things. It’s not so hard to see*, but you are a visionary so it’s easy for you.
Living my life from heart source is resonate, and I believe that is the simplicity of our purpose here on Earth.
Be courageously authentic, whatever that is.
Our purpose is to find out what that is and allow it to live in the world.
In Western society, we have lost connection to the ceremonies of death that served to weave our grief and loss into the larger fabric of existence. We have lost the thread of continuance and cycles of change on the small and grand scale that makes us fite fuaite with Creation. Our disconnection from the cyclical turning of Creation has created a boogeyman of death as the final consumption of who and what we love. Love doesn’t stop, it just changes form. Your loved ones still exist and they want to communicate if you’re willing.
Christian beliefs have prevented me from believing in and sharing with the world my spiritual beliefs, gifts and ways of knowing. We need no permission or outside authority to communicate directly with Spirit. Our dead live on and continue and are waiting to communicate and have relationship with us from beyond the physical realm. We are in direct contact with all of the everything and can learn directly whenever we want.
Irene “died” and opened this door for me. It is just love Lezley. It’s never wrong to share love.
I accept my gifts as a medium. I talk with the unseen. I have all my life and I accept that I am going public with this now. Come over here. Let’s talk with the “dead”.
Do you want to hear from your “dead” loved ones? I need to practice hearing them. Let’s work together and open communication with your loved ones on the other side.
Fill out the form and you will re-direct to the detailed request page.
The “dead” don’t stop just because they don’t have a body. They’re waiting and wanting to continue relationship with you in this new way.
We are Divine Wholiness together. You are God. You are Beloved Presence. You are the World, the Universe, all of Creation.
I ask uncomfortable questions and I speak uncomfortable truths. I have always done so and lived a good portion of my life believing that I was the problem. I spent most of my childhood and adult life being told to shush, or being called inappropriate because I ask questions that make people uncomfortable. I don't ask to be malicious or to judge. I ask because I am genuinely curious about you and your world and would like to know and understand who you are and how you see yourself in the world.
If you're on a self-aware spiritual path, retail is a great place to work on emotional triggers. For sure someone will show up who will throw an emotional bomb into an otherwise beautiful morning.
I thought I was going to write a foundation post to celebrate the new website. Instead Creation asked, “Who am I?” and so now I’m writing about that. How can we make our lives happier and more true to our highest self?
Identity is important and the the duality of our separation as individual bodies is greatly over-rated. We have bodies that are beautiful wisdom tools. We hold our identity with the wholiness at the same time we hold our identity in a body. They are happening at the same time. We are one. Nature is kin. There is only loving inclusion.
Part 3 of my collaboration with Śivani. We talk Galactic citizenship, how the new stuff to us is old ‘always-been-here’ stuff, the Earth coming into trust again with human beings, mediumship, transmission of wisdom and proclaiming our love for the Earth often, loudly and joyously.
I so enjoyed this conversation with Śivani from Solace and Shine. We talked about Yoga Ecology and how the Earth is moving into trust again with human beings. We talked about remembrance and what we can do to come into remembrance with Earth. We talked prophecy and dog stories and how important it is to normalize Nature as Kin.
In all honesty, I am still integrating the download of information Śivani shared in our hour and a half together (split into probably 3 episodes).
Śivani launched a deep dive into Yoga principles and we talked about healing and clearing chakras and mudras, yantras, mandalas… there is a LOT.
Śivani is a a Medium, Intuitive Artist, and Sannyasin on the Yogic path.
Lord of the Flies scared the shit out of me.
It was terrible, and relatable. I experienced elementary school as a terrifying and unruly place. The bullying and harassment on school grounds was an awful experience... and I still don't trust any of those kids to this day.
A lot of the stuff we get upset over isn't true and we can't ever know for sure that it's true. Our believing it is true is what disturbs our peace, so to regain peace, we fall back on what we know for sure is true.
Standing in our truth is a powerful place to be. We can accept and own our truth without feeling the need to defend or convince or provide proof. This is necessary in order to complete the circle of truth - to share our accepted truth with others. We need to share and others need to receive it.
Atiyyah shook me and I am strengthened by her truth.
There’s only one wound and we keep stabbing the knife into it over and over again. The fix is simple, but it’s covered with a bunch of knife wounds.
Thank you for being here to help me remember who I am and why I’m here.
There’s a difference between knowing something in my head and knowing it in the cells of my body and being. I finally understand that The Church of Beloved Presence is literally focused on allowing the experience of the Anam Mór on Earth. It is learning how to allow ourselves to identify as divine wholiness and see the world as divine wholiness. We become Beloved Presence and learn to see all of existence as a Beloved Presence in return.
Say yes to your dreams and visions and believe that Creation has your back. Believe in you and the power of Beloved Presence and the Anam Mór to guide you. You are brilliant and talented and fabulous. Give yourself permission. I believe in you.
Bodies are sacred. Following greatest desires is a learned skill - that we cannot learn until we trust and have faith that Creation and the Anam Mór are working tirelessly and lovingly on behalf of our dreams.
It’s all speculation until we walk it in our bodies.
Come dance with me.
The structures and systems of our society have been made up based in beliefs of separation, “special” and supremacy. Nothing in western society is fixed or “natural” or absolute.
Everything has been choices made based on faulty understanding.
It’s all made up and we can re-make it into something that benefits everyone.
Witches unite. We remake the world.