Society and Religion are Designed to Repress Your Visionary Qualities

The visionary has shifted in our society from human well-being, to someone who creates something great for industry or profit. Visionary leaders no longer lead society to equality, but instead lead their corporate team to new levels of profit.

This isn’t the model of visionary that we need in society today, but it is the only model that society is interested in supporting.

Society isn’t interested in supporting or producing visionaries, because…

Visionaries tend to upend the status quo and make it uncomfortable for people benefiting from unfair and inequitable systems.


Our current education system isn’t set up to nourish visionaries and change-makers. We’ve got what Sir Ken Robinson calls a factory-model of education. It’s designed to spit out a certain type of “educated” person - one who’s good at memorizing and following rules and fitting in with the structure of industrialized society.

We have pathways to many different types of careers - lawyers, doctors, teachers, accountants, trades… But there’s no structures set up to nurture visionary creativity or teach students how to identify and evolve their own visionary identity and creative voice.


It does not serve the current system for you to thrive in your visionary work.

Why not?

There is inequality and oppression built into our education system that gives preference to those with money. This isn’t a new idea but it does hammer home the point that the ability to change our society doesn’t rest equally in all hands.

Those that have access to money and power are more likely to decide what changes are beneficial to society and it is unlikely that those changes will include nurturing the masses to identify with their transformational and creative passions.

If you’re a visionary, you’re pretty much left out on your ass in the weeds trying to figure it out on your own.


Our institutions of belief have choosen power over freedom.


Whether you are religious, atheist, non-religious or follow the teachings of Judaism, Christianity or Islam, our society is built upon Abrahamic traditions which do not favour the visionary in any way.


There are no more prophets, no more bibles and nothing new left to learn or say.

If it doesn’t go the way we say, it’s not true or real.
— Well, that's convenient

Not only is this very sad and dull, it’s a useful tool to pre-suppose the falsity of anything that may come along to challenge the existing Abrahamic dogma. It’s another pillar in holding up the status quo of society as it is.


It prevents the evolution of the human in Spirit.

Your right to joy and peace is real.

Own your gifts and your path in this life to live in fulfillment and satisfaction. Reconnect to your Beloved Presence.


You also don’t have to own the guilt of your own hatred because the bible told you that you could hate the "other" with impunity. There can be no other understanding of religion other than the perspective given to you because it is a self-referencing text.

I am the truth because I said I am. Sigh. This is how fascism works.


It couldn’t be possible that the One Loving Wholeness had anything else to say or to teach us? (lol).


Religion will be quick to jump on your visions as ego or the devil, but never attribute your vision from god.

Never from Spirit.

It threatens their authority, their power and control to allow dissenting ideas to their established doctrine. It doesn’t matter how religious or loving your vision is, if it asks that the religious institutions release even an iota of power or authority, the visionary must be repressed at all costs.

If you're here to do visionary work... work that is intended to inform society, change thoughts, provide alternative realities, push equality and liberty for all... please don't give up.


Please. Do. Not. Give. Up.

It's unlikely that you'll start off with huge support - more likely you'll get quizzical looks and uncomfortable half smiles. Please don't give up. We need you.

We need every single person walking their visionary path, creating their visionary work, putting out their visionary message again and again and again and again... even in the face of crickets, even when it seems like it's not being heard, not being received.

The visionary path isn't one that guarantees an income or promises that anyone will even give a shit about it - but I believe that it's the most important work that can be done on the earth.

Visionary sharing is the most important work that can be done on Earth.

The visionary path carries the seeds of change - for society, for humanity, for the earth at large.

Visionary action is nothing less than transformational.

Please don't give up.

I know you are often plagued with insecurity and doubt; good enough? too much ego? dismissing the train of your own thoughts as pie in the sky fantasy... but what if we've been lied to all this time? What if the parents, teachers, bosses, friends - the 'authorities', claimed to know what was best and right, only because they settled for the lies they were told to keep them manageable?

Don't settle. We might try something and have it not work out - but we can course correct and try again, and again, and again.

Don't settle. I know you have a better version of life in your head. I do too.

We are one. There is only love.

Every change in society started with the creatives.

Personal Reading with Beloved Presence Personal Reading with Beloved Presence
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Personal Reading with Beloved Presence

Get an audio recording of your personal reading with Beloved Presence.

Receive communication from Spirit about you and what you most need to know right now. Re-connect to your gifts and joys. Re-member your passions and purpose for being physically manifest on Earth right now.

Re-member Self that you have hidden away. Stand in your Being and re-connect to the joy of being alive.

Warning: Beloved Presence is loving wholiness, and They are also Truth. I do not edit what I’m given. I do not analyze or interpret - I just record. Do not agree to this unless you want to hear the truth.

Beloved Presence is never mean or cruel, but They will give it to you straight. If you’ve been playing small with your Light, you’ll hear about it. (I know I have. Lol.)

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