Is mise Anamchara. I am your Soul Friend.

The High Priestess of Holy Sh!t / Tha Àrd-BanShagart na Naomh Shìt


 There is only loving inclusion.

This is the only thing that I know for sure is real and true. I experienced a mystical event in my early 20's. It changed everything I knew about being alive and became a demarcation line between the world before and the world after I knew we were all one in “wholiness”.

I experience the oneness of existence as Beloved Presence. It is spirit and soul and all the unseen, and it is the world of physical reality in all it's infinite ways of being. The presence of oneness and unity is a Beloved Presence in the world.

We are a Beloved Presence in the world and the world is a Beloved Presence to us in return.

How do we do that? How do we get better at that?

How do we live our most free expression of soul self?

How do we love and accept ourselves exactly as we are?

All I can ever know and offer is my own journey.

My own wisdom journey is walking through all the ways that I have kept myself from knowing and being true to who I am and expressing who I am and what I really want in the world.

We hold ourselves back by believing our suspicious stories of self.


 Suspicions of Self

(I wonder if this will be relatable - lol!) My suspicious stories of self most often appear in areas of:

1. Trust & Acceptance.

Can we accept ourselves as we are and trust that we are exactly where we need to be and are exactly who we need to be on our “spirit in a physical body journey”? This is big, and also so nourishing.

I know that there are no mistakes and that Creation is always holding out a hand to get us where we want to go.

Trust in yourself. Creation has your back.

2. Worth, Value, Deserving and "Enough"

Whoa, this one is so common. We are filled with suspicious stories of our lack of worth, value and deserving. We are filled with stories of "not good enough / not deserving".

They are all lies.

You are a Beloved Presence in the world and we need you. The Universe is incomplete without you and you are deserving of love and the fruition of every one of your soul desires.

3. Freedom and Power

We cannot act upon our desires or step forward in confidence to create a more suitable life for ourselves if we don't feel the freedom and power to do so.

We feel the most free to live and the most power to act when we embrace our worth, value and gifts and feel able to share them with the world.

4. Sharing Self with the world.

Sharing completes the circle. Standing for our truth builds the ground of a new reality, for everyone.

Sharing the truth of ourselves with the world is the only way we can ever really own our gifts. They have to be given away to go out and flourish in the world as inspiration and love for others.

When we give our self to the world we make space for the world to give back to us in return.

All of this is what I’m talking about most, in one way or another.

If you'd like to learn more, click any of the links below &/or join the email list.


Ancestral Healing & Celtic Reconnection

Celtic woman in purple shirt with big smile and closed eyes holds hands over her heart. Surrounded by lush greenery and a wooden fence.

Recently I had a 2nd mystical event, as a result of ancestral healing practices.

This is another demarcation event separating before I was in contact with my Celtic ancestry and after I was claimed by my ancestors.

Identity is important.

It gives us a framework for how we see ourselves and how we interact with the world. Identity is who we are and it is in constant flux.

Ancestral healing has brought me, for the first time, to identity with a physical body. Ancestral healing has given me this particular physical identity in the world; an identity in place and a physical world context and an ancient history.

I focus on spirit through the wisdom of the physical body. The physical body is a wisdom tool for communication between the seen and unseen. The Celts know this as Fite Fuaite - the interwoven and sewn, forever inseparable, being spirit and flesh together forever.

Celtic reconnecting is a homecoming to who I am, and a belonging to a larger, ancient context and history of Celtic identity. My Celtic spirituality is an identity that has roots and belonging in my body, in this life.

If you'd like to know more about Celtic Reconnection click any of the links below &/or join the email list.


Celtic Animism & the Anam Mòr

The Anam Mòr means "The Great Spirit" or The Great Soul in Irish and Scottish Gaelic. It's interchangeable with Beloved Presence... though the Anam Mòr invokes the infinite - the great mystery of all the everything.

Beloved Presence is the Anam Mòr showing up as a bee on a flower or a cat in my lap or the cherry trees in my backyard. The Anam Mòr is the great big everything. The Beloved Presence is spirit right here in front of us.

I am an Animist. Our ancestors were Animists.

The Anam Mòr is present in all beings; human and non-human beings. All of existence is kin and the natural world are our cousins.

All of life is our kin.

Animism informs every aspect of my spiritual and physical life. Animism and the oneness of the natural world is the primary pathway of my healing.

Don't underestimate the trauma and wounds created when you first realized that our society, institutions, educations, healthcare and spirituality disconnected us from the natural world. Our society has been designed to disconnect us from ourselves, each other and the Natural World.

We are Nature.

We are communicating with the wisdom of the natural world at all times. Fite Fuaite. We speak to our Ancestors, Nature and the world. This is real and true and happening, even if western society has tried to diminish and erase these ways of being and knowing.

Heart knowing and empathetic knowing and learning from intuition and direct relationship with the trees and the plants and the animals is real and true and is our birthright. It is a way of knowing and communicating that has evolved with our bodies since the first ancestor swam as a single cell in the soup of creation.

Fite Fuaite.

Mothatheacht, Mothachadh, Buiochas, Ceolta na Cruinne - these are all Irish and Scottish Gaelic words for the communication and connection to our oneness with nature.

There is no separation between us and the natural world.

We are Kin.

We are Beloved Presence together.

Middle-aged Celtic woman's face. Grey blue eyes, dark hair with some grey, and labret piercing.
If it didn't matter, we wouldn't want it. Purple orange dawn sky over placid flat lake with a tree on the right hand side.

You are Beloved Presence.

I am an Author.

I write about the spiritual process of living in the physical world.

I am an Animist.

I love the world as my kin and advocate for the recognition of Their worth and value as They are. Nature is a Beloved Presence to us. We need practice on being a Beloved Presence to nature in return.

I am Anamchara.

Anamchara means "soul friend' in Irish and Scottish Gaelic. I offer teachings and resources to encourage awareness of the Beloved Presence in ourselves and the world. We all need divine reminders because it's easy to forget who we really are.


We are mirrors of Beloved Presence to one another.

The Education

I have put in over 30 years of practice in processing my sh!t through spiritual healing modalities. We are a mind/body system of energy. Spirituality, the chakra system, the 3 Celtic Cauldrons and mental health therapies are powerful tools in healing and returning to Wholeness.

My purpose is to express authentic Soul Sovereignty as completely as possible while I am incarnate in the world.

This is our only purpose.

To do this we need to dissolve the beliefs that separate us from embodying the Wholeness of Being. I offer teachings and tools for you to do the same - so you can live the life you have always known in your secret heart.

I know your soul dream is there. Why is it hidden? Your soul desires are a beautiful loving map, showing you what’s possible.

We stand in our own way.

You came to live in joy and peace and love. It’s your soul right to do so. It takes courage and commitment and you deserve it.

It’s not all butterflies and rainbows.

This is hard and painful work and it only moves by paying attention to the feelings and perspectives of Self.

You will be required to feel all your feelings and then process those feelings. You will be asked to go places within you that you have kept hidden and locked since childhood.

These locked places don’t serve you anymore - but they are not your enemy. They helped you when you were too little to help yourself.

Now you are the Witch you needed.

The locked places hold hostage pieces of your most glorious self.

They’re waiting for you to come get them.


More Education

Resistance to the truth of Loving Wholeness stops us from living in love, peace and fulfillment - which is our right and natural state of Being.

Everything that isn't at peace in our lives can be brought to therapeutic process. We can uncover false beliefs and dissolve them, to allow greater understanding and compassion for ourselves and each other.

Releasing resistance and suspicious stories of self brings the space and energy needed to allow what is more suited to Loving Wholeness to take root in our lives.

  • I have completed 3 levels of Transpersonal Coaching with ICU in Holland. ICU is an ACTP based in ACIM foundations, radical acceptance and the oneness of spiritual reality.

  • a Spiritual wholeness foundation, in combination with psychological modalities like Gestalt principles, Family Systems Theory, CBT, NLP and other therapeutic methods.

  • this is my path to becoming an Anamchara - a Soul Friend who holds space for you to release the false beliefs and restrictive ideologies that limit your experience of being alive in the world of Form.

  • I am currently in practice to become ACC certified with ICF.


Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and To Speak for the Trees by Diana Beresford-Kroeger are two books that have had a profound impact on my understanding of spirit in the physical world.

They speak directly to my vocation in this life.

Click the images below for more information on my continuing education.