Personal Reading with Beloved Presence


 Beloved Presence is what I call the experience of loving wholeness in the physical world.

It is a literal feeling of being one with all existence. It is the sense of always being connected to authentic Self and source of Being. Sometimes I forget, but as soon as I am reminded - I immediately return to the sense of loving wholeness of Being.

You are connected to Beloved Presence. You may call it something different. You may experience it differently or forget that you are connected - but you are. We all are, all the time, no matter what we think or believe, nothing can be separate from the wholeness of Being.

A reading from Beloved Presence is a message from wholeness to you. It is your connection to Beloved Presence communicating with you.

You can totally do this on your own. In fact you should practice communing with your wholeness of Being regularly, but sometimes we need a kick start. Sometimes we need a map to get started.


A reading with Beloved Presence can be that map.

 The Only Obligation


The only obligation you have is to live the expression of your authentic Self.

That's it. Done. Nailed it. Lol.


Western society has been built upon the worst possible perception of reality as fragmented, separate, hierarchical, authoritarian, oppressive, judgemental and violently believing in scarcity.

The truth of our Being is loving wholeness, but the dominant world perception we live in is one of repeated existential trauma.

No wonder so many of us are sick and depressed!

If you aren't thriving in this current fragmented world view, you're considered a failure or broken.

You are not broken.

You are having the natural and expected reaction to a world that has failed to recognize the existence of eternal loving wholeness.
— Beloved Presence

Let me be perfectly and exactingly clear - the physical world itself exists in perfect loving wholeness, as it is. There is nothing about the Earth and the manifest physical universe as it is, that needs to change. The world - and us - and everything - exists in the loving wholeness of Being.

Loving wholeness is the only thing that is and nothing can be outside of Being.

There is no false universe.

There are no “meat suits”.

There is no illusionary dismissible world.

This physical manifest Universe is real and exists in the loving wholiness of infinite Being. This physically manifest Earth is one with loving wholeness.

The only illusion here is when we choose to perceive our reality as separate from loving wholeness.

That's it. That's all the illusion that exists. We mistake form as separate from Being, separate from each other, separate from ourselves.

That is the first and only mistake that has ever occurred.

We thought we were separate and our separation meant we weren’t wanted or loved.
— Beloved Presence

The only “false Universe” is believing that there is anything or anywhere that can exist outside of the loving Presence of Being.

The mistake is believing we are separate.

The mistake is believing we are alone and unloved. The mistake is believing we are disconnected from the love of wholiness. Not even in our mistaken belief in separation can we be separated from the whole. Not even in our mistaken belief in not being wanted do we stop being wanted. Not even in our mistaken belief in being unlovable do we stop being loved.

Belief in separation is the only wound that needs healing. Belief in being unloved and unwanted is the only wound that needs healing.


I am deeply dedicated to the physical manifestation of Beloved Presence on Earth.

I am deeply dedicated to sharing the perception of the physical world as undifferentiated from the loving wholeness of Being. There is no reason to wait to be free from pain. There is no need to wait for "another life" to realize our soul desires or live in peace and joy. There is no need to “wait for the return”, you can choose now to see the world as it has always been.

Future heaven makes now a hell.
— Eckhart Tolle

There is nothing inferior about the physical world. Form is spirit and the loving wholeness of Being is manifest. This is Beloved Presence. This is the experience of Soul present in the physical world.

This is your only obligation - to spend your time and attention on things of your authentic Self; the Self eternal in Spirit. The Self eternal in Spirit that is expressing it's authentic truth here on Earth. Spend your awareness always in loving wholeness with Being.

The Purpose of a Beloved Presence Reading

This is the purpose of Beloved Presence readings - to realign you with the truth of your Beloved Presence - the loving wholeness of your Being. To be reminded of your passions and your purpose and your delights at being Spirit physically manifest in the world.


Your love and peace and joy are not small things.


This is the point of existent. Literally, all that it is for. Your experience of love and peace and joy and ease. This is what all of creation wants for everyone - we just need to be reminded. We need to be constantly reminded because the “oopsy” view of the world as a fragmented nightmare is persistent and we can forget very easily what is the truth.

  • Beloved Presence will remind you who you are and what makes you feel alive.

  • Beloved Presence will tap on the doors of joy that we forgot we closed.

  • Beloved Presence will lift up the rugs and push aside the heavy furniture to show you what parts of yourself you've been hiding.


Great insights and revelations are never information that is “added” to us.


Great insights and revelations are always the gentle removal of blocks that stop us from knowing ourselves as the loving wholeness of Being that we are. Wisdom is re-integration of the pieces of ourselves we have locked away in fear and pain. Insight is re-connection to the parts of ourselves we rejected and denied because of fear of not being loved, not being safe.

Beloved Presence gently points to the ways in which we keep ourselves small and deny the true expression of our Authentic Self in the world.


You already have everything that you need to thrive.


You already know what you want to do and how you want to live. You already know the greatest expression of loving wholeness of your Being. Beloved Presence will show you where to start.


 But… what do you want?


It is so common for people to not know what they want. How could you know when you've been actively forced to disconnect from your Source Self for most of your life? We are trained in Western society to become part of the machinery of consumption.


"Become a good worker so you can be a good purchaser of goods." Ew.


It is an oppressive, authoritarian system that only works for a very small group... and it doesn't even work for them, because they have also forgotten their foundation of Being.

Lip service is given to following true passion and soul desire, but there is no educational or systemic help for you to do that - because if there was, the world as it has been created would crumble.


A broken world view cannot encourage it's people to heal.


A stunted, fragmented society cannot support and educate it's people in wholeness. So, we do that for ourselves, and we encourage wholeness in one another. I encourage, support and celebrate your wholeness.


We all forget sometimes.

This is your Reminder.


You're probably here because you feel stuck.

Some area of your life is unsatisfactory, but it doesn't seem to change, despite how much you want it to be different. You can't figure out how to do the "right" things to get your life to go in the way that you want.

Maybe your job is a soul-crushing drudgery, maybe your relationship is unfulfilling or non-existent. Maybe your health is suffering or maybe you lack confidence or secretly think you're a piece of shit loser.

You're not a piece of shit loser, but no one outside your Self can make you know the truth of your worth.

The broken, fragmented view of our world thrives on making sure you don't know your value, don't stand in your worth, and don't live in the authenticity of your Soul Self.


Beloved Presence knows who you are and why you're here.


A reading with Beloved Presence can ignite hope and a path forward. The doors of Self re-open to forgotten areas of your life that you closed because of fear of rejection, or fear of being unloved, or fear of ridicule or scorn.

Beloved Presence provides new insight, a new perspective, and new framing for old problems.


When you change yourself, you change your world.


When you open again to the possibilities you shut down because you believed in the limitations of a broken world (the world is actually loving oneness), you re-access your creative power and re-member your clarity of passion and purpose.


Re-Member is important.


There is nothing you need to know that you don't already have. Great insight and revelation is never adding to your wisdom. It is always removing blocks to the truth that already exists within you. It is always re-membering the Self that you have denied.


Re-membering is re-joining. Re-membering is going from divided self to wholeness. Re-membering is reclaiming gifts and talents and joys that we buried in fear.

Never underestimate the amount of energy that is wasted in maintaining the battle ramparts separating our self from our Self. Release the flow and access the clarity and understanding of who you are and what you want to do with the time you have here.


Connect to how you want to live.

Connect to how you want to feel and what experiences you want to have and suddenly, you have an unstoppable confirmation of your Being, incarnate right here, right now.

Ground your Being into the confidence of your Soul Self. Stand in the clarity of your Universal flow and feel the confidence of your wholeness in Beloved Presence.

Personal Reading with Beloved Presence Personal Reading with Beloved Presence
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Personal Reading with Beloved Presence

Feeling stuck sucks.


Low energy, heaviness - even the colour leaches out of life. What is the point of a life with no passion, no zest?

When we are in connection with authentic Self, life comes alive. Peace, joy and ease are the characteristics of a life lived in flow with Being. It's easy to fall into a rut; repeating patterns and habits that don't lead to the life situations we want or the peace and joy to be found now, in the journey.


Why do we do the same old things and expect new results?


We're insane. Lol... but kind of. It's insane to think that the rules of this fragmented, hierarchical world view will bring us joy or peace. Losing touch with the juice of aliveness just makes us depressed.


Jim Carrey called depression the need for "deep rest". Deep rest from playing a false avatar of ourselves.

He's right.

We get depressed when we literally depress, repress and suppress our authentic expressions of Self in the world. When we don't talk, act, do, believe, express, stand, think and live from the Source of our Being, we will ultimately fall into pain and depression. It's our body's way of throwing up a surrender flag and saying "enough" to the farce of living in a surface mask of our Selves.

This gray, sad, hopelessness isn't necessary, or inevitable.

Change can be simple, but it is a habit that needs to be practiced.


Simple, but not easy.


We are encouraged and invited by Beloved Presence to live life in joy and peace and experience the effortless freedom of living from the Source of Authentic Self.

Stand for your authentic self of Being in the world, as you are. Accept that you deserve to receive what you need. Accept that you deserve to live a joy-filled, peaceful life.

There is magic and joy and awe in life as it is. This is not just for some few lucky people. This is for everyone, in all ways, no exceptions.  


I’m not judging these activities - there’s nothing wrong with any of them. It’s when we use them to avoid feeling our life that it becomes a problem.

Repeating Emptiness


When we're disconnected from our authentic Self, life can feel lacking in energy and juice. We repeat the same patterns of life in a chore-like automation of unconsciousness. We feel separate and isolated from our selves and our lives. Our disconnection makes it easy to not care; about our selves, our homes, our bodies, our jobs, our relationships... feeling disconnection makes it easy to not care about anything.


Most often we distract ourselves from our disconnection and discontent.


Mindless TV, internet and gaming. Eating, drugs, movies and mindless consumption of books can distract us from the root of our discontent. Even self-help and spiritual enlightenment books can be a source of distraction when we consume unconsciously without a change in our perception and actions.

The worst is when we lose the delight in discovery; this is when life can be the greyest. No hope of change, no passions or desire to uncover self or meaning in the world. It turns the joy of life into a shallow series of meaningless chores.

It's far too common because we are not in anyway taught, encouraged or championed in the pursuit of authentic self, discovery of Being or sharing that wisdom with the world.


Authentic Being is your only obligation. Beloved Presence reminds you of the joy and delight in living from your authentic Self.

This will shift how you spend your time.

A reading from Beloved Presence is not a magic pill - you need to do the things, but the things will feel easier because they belong to you, are from you and reflect your plan for living in Being instead of unconscious consuming.

Living from Beloved Presence is lighter, more peaceful, more filled with ease because you shift your focus to how life sparks the joy in you. You change your own experience of living when you re-orient your focus to notice and feel the joyful feelings more often.

The great Teachers of the world have always said that every part of life is a joy and an experience of Beloved Presence - if we choose. We can choose easier and more often when we release the flow of authentic Self from the bonds of "should" and "aught to" and “obligation to” the insane rules of a distorted perception of reality.

You are under no obligation to live in this world the way it's been assumed to be.


Connect to your source of Being and have the courage to walk the path that is meant for you, not the one that the fragmented world says you "should".  

Personal Reading with Beloved Presence Personal Reading with Beloved Presence
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Personal Reading with Beloved Presence

Get an audio recording of your personal reading with Beloved Presence.

Receive communication from Spirit about you and what you most need to know right now. Re-connect to your gifts and joys. Re-member your passions and purpose for being physically manifest on Earth right now.

Re-member Self that you have hidden away. Stand in your Being and re-connect to the joy of being alive.

Warning: Beloved Presence is loving wholiness, and They are also Truth. I do not edit what I’m given. I do not analyze or interpret - I just record. Do not agree to this unless you want to hear the truth.

Beloved Presence is never mean or cruel, but They will give it to you straight. If you’ve been playing small with your Light, you’ll hear about it. (I know I have. Lol.)

Learn more…


If we don't know what we want how can we know what we deserve to have?


We have the right to have and be in the physically manifest world. Not in a grabbing, hoarding way, but we have the right to be and desire and grow and expand in knowledge and experience and Being.

There are so many false stories of Being floating around that we believe are true. Original sin, denial of the body and the physically manifest world. "Falling from Grace" and the illusion of the world and "you are not your body". All of them may have had basis in truth but have been shared and taught by those who may not have actually understood their true meaning.

We have believed our own false stories of our own Being in the World and what it means. When things happen, both "good" and "bad", we make up a story about what that means and why it happened.


We believe our made up story is the truth of the world and our existence in it.


The only thing I know that is actually true, is loving inclusion. That's it. That's the whole truth forever.


There is only loving inclusion.

Everything else is just details of the eternal, primary, foundation state of Wholiness.

Every time we make up a story about ourselves or our lives or other people or the world or Nature or Animals or Plants that is not loving inclusion, we choose to disconnect ourselves from the wholistic flow of Being.

We choose to see the world other than it is and see ourselves other that we are. These stories distort the free flow of Universal juice that energizes us and makes us feel alive and connected with our joy and peace and ease in life.


If we make up enough stories and disconnect and distort our free flow of Universal wholiness energy, we will inevitably end up sad and depressed. We will feel heavy and burdened. Life loses it's light and shine when we have our Being wrapped up in false stories of separation.


We think that we are broken or wrong.

We believe that we're the problem. (We are the problem, but not in the way we think.) We believe we're not good enough, undeserving of love and joy and engagement with the world. We believe that we're pieces of shit and deserve to be separated. We believe that we are unlovable and unworthy and unacceptable as we are.


None of that is true.


We are the problem in that we have chosen to see ourselves and the world as separate from loving wholeness. That's the only mistake that we ever made. That's the only problem that ever needs to be fixed.


I believe in you completely.


I don't believe in the little you that believes in fragmentation and separation and being unloved or unlovable. I believe in your Beloved Presence. I believe in You that exists in primal Being. You have all the answers you ever need. You know what you need to do and how you need to do it. You know what isn't working and what is the joy of your heart. I believe in Beloved Presence and your willingness to connect to the truth of your essential Being.

You are allowed to identify what you want and what you need in this life to live in peace and ease.


You are allowed to have joy and peace and accept yourself for who are, as you are, right now.


Spirit guides us back to Self. Beloved Presence guides you back to Self that loves life and is filled with the possibilities of experience still waiting to be enjoyed. Spirit guides you back to the potential of all that we can still do, feel and create.

Its not too late. It's not too soon. Beloved Presence is ready whenever you are - to co-create a life of satisfaction and fulfillment, in the way that is perfect for you. 


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Personal Reading with Beloved Presence Personal Reading with Beloved Presence
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Personal Reading with Beloved Presence