It's time for visionaries.

Lots of men in ties with telescopes.

Actually first, it’s time to take back the term visionary from the capitalists and business entrepreneurs and IT techs and financiers.

Google “visionary”.

It’s all product and industry and efficiency and logarithms. It’s all about money and profit. Gone are the visionaries who sought to change the inequities of our society.

(They will refer to your vision of equality as impractical, but see their own vision of unceasing profit and increasing disparity as laudable.)

Click etymologies to open in lightbox.

A person who sees.

We are artists and writers and creatives and psychics and we see. We are visionary and we see.

You are here reading this because you are probably ready.

Ready to acknowledge the stirrings of your visionary dna, and ready to acknowledge that the time is now and that sharing your visions of the world are required, because it’s becoming self-evident what the alternative looks like.

Can’t we feel, deep in our souls, deep at the heart of our being - that equality is truth? Doesn’t this feel like something we’ve known since we first experienced the world?

The right to exist and the value of all livings things is truth.

Hierarchy is some made up bullshit to try and explain why some people have much more than they could ever need.

Personal Reading with Beloved Presence Personal Reading with Beloved Presence
Quick View

The Visionary sees how things CAN BE.

You’re reading this because you are one. You’re a visionary.

Calm down. It’s totally normal. (We need to normalize our totally natural visionary natures.)

You can see how things could be better, how things could be run so that everyone had enough and everyone could live safely and securely without fear or hunger.

My nephew resonates with “well being” as his spiritual barometer. How could anyone not want “Well Being” for all people?

You can see a society where healing and self-expression are more valued than aggression and accumulating things. It’s not so hard to see*, but you are a visionary so it’s easy for you.

It’s time to share the visions.

It’s time to share the visions in whatever form creativity has given you. Visual art, music, dance, poetry, writing, fiction, movies, television, public speaking, teaching, business, finance… whatever avenue of creative self-expression given you, is the place to start.

Share your visions as a counterpoint to the garbage dumpster fire of cruelty that has become an acceptable baseline for a large proportion of the population.

Share your visions, not to change anyone’s mind, but to remind those susceptible to fear and isolation that not everyone is a nazi fascist ready to limit someone else’s freedoms.
— Beloved Presence

Share your visions to normalize visionaries.

Share your visions to remind us of the goodness and love that is the potential in every moment.


Evolution and the progression of equality will win out. It always does.

This current fascist blip is the push-back of the scared and the small. They believe that “being better than others” is the only way to prevent being exploited and consumed (the way the fearful behave to those they consider less than themselves).

Share your visions and show the disconnected lie of their chosen nightmare.


Share your visions and remind all of us, that there are other worlds to live in.


I see a world of visionary creatives making and sharing small acts of transformation every day all over the globe.

I’m writing about visionaries to normalize the discussion around visionary life. The act of living and creating within a visionary model of life - where everything has meaning, where everything connects to a bigger whole and all acts contribute to, or take from the vision of transformation that we hold.

I’m writing this series to explore how our society represses visionaries and how we can more easily spot the repression fallacy and understand the true motives of the opposition.

I’m writing about visionaries to bring voice and attention to an aspect of our creative life that goes essentially unsupported. No one talks about the creatives who have an unending drive to transform the world around them.

No one is talking about or providing support and a community to creatives trying to make sense of the passions that seem to be so at odds with the world around us.

I’m writing this series to help give visionaries some tools of their own to stand in their truth, in a society that would limit our freedom. I’m writing this series because I want you to share your visions with the world.

I don’t want to change the World.

The world, the Earth is fine exactly as They are.

I want to change the society we have made, that is based in exclusion and fear.

My vision is where all living beings in the world have the rights and freedoms of person-hood and human beings don't hold themselves above or separate from Nature.

My vision is a society based on love and inclusion for all.


What is your vision?

And are your sharing it with the world?

Embody your gifts.

You came here with gifts and purpose to your passion. Find out more by connecting with Beloved Presence.


*our "easy to see" and "obvious" visions of betterment and change aren't easy for everyone.

Our "common sense" isn't common.

We tend to devalue and dismiss the ideas, skills and talents that come natural and easy to us because we think they must come natural and easy to everyone. They don't. They are your gifts and talents. They come naturally to you. Use them.


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