The Lord of the Flies + Who Gets to Tell Us What is True?

Lord of the Flies scared the shit out of me.

It was terrible, and relatable. I experienced elementary school as a terrifying and unruly place. The bullying and harassment on school grounds was an awful experience... and I still don't trust any of those kids to this day.

A lot of the stuff we get upset over isn't true and we can't ever know for sure that it's true. Our believing it is true is what disturbs our peace, so to regain peace, we fall back on what we know for sure is true.

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Incarnation & the Truth of Beloved Presence

There’s a difference between knowing something in my head and knowing it in the cells of my body and being. I finally understand that The Church of Beloved Presence is literally focused on allowing the experience of the Anam Mór on Earth. It is learning how to allow ourselves to identify as divine wholiness and see the world as divine wholiness. We become Beloved Presence and learn to see all of existence as a Beloved Presence in return.

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Grian-stad a' Gheamhraidh Beannaichte - Blessed Winter Solstice

Grian-stad a’ Gheamraidh Beannaichte. Blessed Winter Solstice.

This is the time of reflecting deeply into self and facing the darkness within. The sun will stop for 3 days to allow us this time of grace and reflection. This time of “sun-stop” is to realize and embrace intention towards what will be re-birthed for ourselves, our community and the world with the return of the light.

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Claiming My Ancestors and Believing Anyway

Claiming ancestors and believing without absolute proof. Sharing our loving visions with the world and standing for them in the face of rejection and dismissal is the call. We have the examples of belief in separation and fear and violence. Now the call if for those with visions of love and equity and transformation. It’s time. If you’ve been waiting - now is the time. If you need permission. You have it.

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Not Me; Your Fault

Marginalized peoples have spent most of our lives seeing ourselves in heroes and main characters that don't look like us. Add additional intersectionality and marginalized categories and there are some in our society that have never seen a hero mirrored to them that they can identify with 100%.

We can learn a lot from what mirrors we reject as "not me". They can help expose unconscious biases that we're carrying that are working to create division in our lives without our notice.

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Owing Creator and Living in Transactional Spirituality

I have some issues around deserving and worthiness when it comes to success or ‘good’ things happening in my life that I desire. I feel like I ‘owe’ Creator or am indebted to the Universe for ‘good’ things. It’s kind of fucked up actually. Also - fill out my survey please! It’s about spiritual community - I need your feedback!

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My Struggle with Witches

Identity is important. It’s how we express universal anam out into the world. What we believe we are is the lens through which universal Spirit is shared. I have struggled with identity as a witch for a long time, because as much as it seems to fit, it’s never been quite right. Learning to pronounce Gaelic words opened the door; I am Bandraoi.

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