Posts tagged Ancestors
We Need Witches in the World

The people of Earth are re-awakening to expanded ways of knowing. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.

Spirit has never been fully erased, no matter how hard the oppressors have tried to control who and where and what and how Spirit is accepted and legitimized here.

The people are awakening.

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Speak with Spirit

I am one of millions of people who came to be a bridge for this message to root and blossom the World.

Speak w/Spirit is sharing the message that both Spirit + Land are communicating with us all the time. This is my little way to normalize the present Spiritual Reality of Beloved Presence; Spirit Present in the World of Form.

Speak w/Spirit is normalizing our constant communication + relationship with Spirit + Land.

Speak w/Spirit is a reminder to you that it’s all real - all your experiences of Spirit in the World of Form are real and they are wisdom and your body is Ancient Wisdom and Land is Ancient Wisdom, and Land and Spirit have never stopped talking with us.

Speak w/Spirit and remind the world of what is real.

Your best, most joyful, soul-filled visions are the map to the World we all want to create. Sharing your visions are the way we create it together.

Don’t wait to be ready to share. Sharing is how we get ready.

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Claiming My Ancestors and Believing Anyway

Claiming ancestors and believing without absolute proof. Sharing our loving visions with the world and standing for them in the face of rejection and dismissal is the call. We have the examples of belief in separation and fear and violence. Now the call if for those with visions of love and equity and transformation. It’s time. If you’ve been waiting - now is the time. If you need permission. You have it.

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