Posts tagged Celtic Culture
Making Votive Offerings III - Seed Bombs

I used left over seed pulp from the seed papers. It added unnecesary wetness to the balls, so it’s not ideal - but was a good use of the pulp.

In The Cailleach Library you can find Tabhartas Bòid; a Celtic Teaching about Votive Offerings, given by Muireann - our Iron Age Celtic Ancestor.

Join the free Library if you’d like to learn more about the meaning, history and practice of Tabhartas Bòid in pre-Christian Celtic culture.

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Making Votive Offerings II - Seed Papers

This is a great way to get rid of old papers and leftover seeds. I have a problem storing my seeds because they never seem to be as fertile the next year.

In The Cailleach Library you can find Tabhartas Bòid; a Celtic Teaching about Votive Offerings, given by Muireann - our Iron Age Celtic Ancestor.

Join the Library for free if you’d like to learn more about the meaning, history and practice of Tabhartas Bòid in pre-Christian Celtic culture.

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Making Votive Offerings I - Suet Balls

This is the first of 3 “Making Votive Offerings” posts sharing how I build relationship with Spirit + the Land through Celtic cultural practice on Mishiike Minisi.

In The Cailleach Library you can find Tabhartas Bòid; a Celtic Teaching about Votive Offerings, given by Muireann - our Iron Age Celtic Ancestor.

Join the Library for free if you’d like to learn more about the meaning, history and practice of Tabhartas Bòid in pre-Christian Celtic culture.

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We are all the blood that flowed away; Celtic Immigration to the Americas

Our Ancestral healing continues with those that have passed over. They are healed when we feel the pain and trauma that has been passed down unacknowledged generation after generation. The Celtic Diaspora is a wound in our trees that can be healed through ancestral witness. I didn’t know how much they hurt when we left. I was cut off from the source. The joining again is bittersweet. Our ancestors love us and want us to thrive.

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