We Kill Our Gods


I've just started level 2 of Transpersonal Coaching with ICU. The year starts with setting an intention. It's a way of focusing our attention on a goal and reminding ourselves that, come what may - it is all in service of achieving our goal.

Setting the Goal - ACIM

You can read the whole chapter over here - but I wanted to include these two passages because its explains how our perceptions change a situation from a problem to an opportunity.

What do I want to come of this? What is it for?
— ACIM Chapter 17 VI.2

I like these passages because they clearly illustrate how our perspective determines our reality.

Imagine a world that is created for us - even the sucky shit parts. I know it’s a hard ask, but what’s the alternative?

The value of deciding in advance what you want to happen is simply that you will perceive the situation as a means to make it happen.

You will therefore make every effort to overlook what interferes with the accomplishment of your objective, and concentrate on everything that helps you meet it.
— ACIM Chapter 17 VI.4

We can choose to live in sucky shit if we want - but it’s so much better when the suck shit is happening with purpose.

I’m sure you all know by now that I am absolutely not a “Good Vibes Only” kind of girl. Bring me the rant - but then lets figure out how we can make it work for our benefit.


Last year I chose the intention of Faithfulness as it applies in ACIM.

“True faithfulness, however, does not deviate.

Being consistent, it is wholly honest.

Being unswerving, it is full of trust.

Being based on fearlessness, it is gentle.

Being certain, it is joyous.

And being confident, it is tolerant.

Faithfulness, then, combines in itself the other attributes of Creator’s teachers. It implies acceptance of the Word of Creator and Their definition of Their Descendants. It is to Them that faithfulness in the true sense is always directed. Toward Them it looks, seeking until it finds.

Defenselessness attends it naturally, and joy is its condition. And having found it, rests in quiet certainty on That alone to Which all faithfulness is due.”

~ ACIM Teachers Manual Chapter 9



Setting an intention will automatically bring events and situations into our life that allow us to practice our intention. This life is one of experience, not sitting on the side thinking about it. Well, it can be - if you choose that, but make an intention and suddenly we're in the rodeo.

This year I considered upon what I'd like to focus... the goals I'd like to accomplish, the things I'd like to do... but none of it was exactly right.

When I allowed myself to accept what I was actually considering - it resulted in a lot of fear.

Intense fear and anxiety.

Fear of embarrassment, fear of scorn and dismissal and rejection, fear of not being safe... Fear of attack.

I turned off my camera and my mic and sat by myself in my fear.


"Who do you think you are?"

“Little girl.”

"Too big for your britches."

"Well, aren't you some 'Little Miss Thing'."

(These voices are a huge indication that we’re on the right track.)


There was no big learning moment.

There was no great revelation.

I was given the simple choice between saying what I believe is true, or hiding.

Those critical voices of condemnation are not new. They have been there since I was a child.

Feeling small, arrogant and inappropriate for my desires has been done already - why not support my desires and risk the hurt?

Risk being embarrassed and humiliated... it won't kill me and I think I can handle whatever shame comes up as a result.

So, I turned on my camera and my mic and tried, terribly, with fear and a shaking voice to tell the group what my intention was for this year.

With some help from Kathy, we got my intention down to a sentence instead of a rambling, anxiety-laced word salad.

My intention for this year is to:


"Be the living embodiment of divine wholiness and share it with the world."




I said it straight, without stumbling or tripping over the words or their meaning. I can stand in the intention because it's the only thing there is. This is the point of everything. Intending to be divine wholiness in the world is the only goal that matters.

Every intention that I could consider for myself has it's source in divine wholiness. Every goal, milestone, accomplishment has it's source in embodying divine wholiness. Let divine wholiness guide the course and be that in the world. Everything else is just details that will fall into place as they belong.

Bye Bye Control

I used to like to plan.

A lot.

I've stopped planning.

Because it doesn't really work. Not really.

I still have goals, but I begin the day and do what feels right to do. I write or record or edit or read or walk or sit and think or journal... sometimes the right thing is making a specific plan for a specific outcome. The difference is that keeping on track with that plan is easier when it's directed first from Spirit as opposed to an ego-driven goal.


I feel more at peace when I see that the goal of what I undertake is to embody and share wholiness. I don't have to decide how that happens, what it is and what it looks like - I just need to be sensitive to the guidance and do what I'm guided to do.

Writing, art, podcasts, videos... they've all been tools in service to the more primary goal of sharing our embodiment of divine wholiness - because it is 'ours'.

We are Beloved Presence in the world.

I see your embodiment of divine wholiness. I am a reflection of your own embodiment of divine wholiness.

Every intention will automatically necessitate clearing of whatever is in the way of total acceptance of the intent. Creation will bring us to the people, events and situations needed to give us the opportunity to learn from our intention. My first lesson came screaming in on the very day that I made my intention.

I had a massive anxiety attack about how we treat Spirit on earth.

We kill god.

In a myriad of small ways we kill god. We kill god when we eat... anything. Everything kills god when they eat. Anything we consume is the death of another. That's built right into physical existence.

Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.
— Joseph Campbell

We kill god in really big ways too. We kill Christ on the cross.

That's who we have been.


Kid Logic - This American Life

A Father is talking to his daughter about Martin Luther King Jr. and his message of “Everyone should be treated the same no matter how they look.”


We kill God all the time.

We killed Christ. We killed the man who recognized divine wholiness in himself and everyone and every being around him. We killed the man who said we could have heaven on earth if we recognized the Spirit of Christ in all things.

We kill god in the form of inspiring figures that speak for love and peace and equality and justice. We kill god in the form of speaking truth to power and protecting land and animals and water and forests.

Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon, Steve Biko, Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi, Dian Fossey, Fred Hampton, Sitting Bull, Louis Riel, Harvey Milk, Medgar Evers, Fikile Ntshangase, Regan Russell, Chut Wutty, Joannah Stutchbury, Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips. This list goes on and on and on


Click the images for more info. Unfortunately, the links only work on desktop. Sorry.


I don't stand here and say "I am Christ. I am God incarnate on Earth." Except that's exactly what I'm saying - because it’s the truth and it’s not just me, and it’s not just you - it’s the reality of all of the everything.

That's the reality of existing in Creation.

That is the call for all of us in existence to become self-aware of our own divine wholiness and recognize the divine wholiness in all of Creation.

I'm a little scared to do this, because it doesn't often work out for those who stand for divine wholiness.

But there's no parable left.

Our shared existence as the living embodiment of divine wholiness is the truth. It is a world view and an ideology that needs to be shared to every corner of the world - without parable. As it is.

We are thirsting for this mirror of our divine existence.

I'm not sure if I want to be resonate and build an audience, or stay safe and small... though I'm pretty sure that the safety thing is a red herring.

What is safety?

I'm starting to understand that safety is Creator's peace in all situations. It's not safe situations - it's feeling peace regardless of the situation.

Who is allowed to speak for Spirit?

Is an old, fat, Celtic woman allowed to speak for Spirit? Try and stop me.

Who in the world mirrors our divinity to us? Do we see Spirit in our celebrities? Do we see Spirit in our political leaders? Can we embrace Spiritual leaders outside of religion?

Spirit is here - Spirit never left or went anywhere else. Who of us are living divine wholiness on the Earth? How do we encourage each other to see Spirit alive in the world with us again?

I don't have any answers, just more questions. My intention for the year is automatically bringing up every possible wrong belief I have about Spirit that creates exclusion from wholiness.

It’s shoving my “sins” in my face with the purpose to re-member them back into wholiness.

The one thought that keeps me grounded and feeling peace and safety during rides of anxiety, is knowing that the world is ready to move beyond a divine hierarchy and embrace wholiness.

Embodiment of divine wholiness is for everyone and

…no one is walking this path alone.

Reciprocity with Spirit on Earth

Learn about Ancient Celtic Tabhartas Bòid - Votive Offerings given to Earth in love and gratitude for our friendship here together.


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