Domination... ummm, not really Christ-like
Christianity as an institution was formed and continues to operate within a strict value hierarchy that is completely at odds with Spirit. It's a pyramid of power, control and value that has God at the top and the leaders of Christianity and commerce a very close second.
Interestingly, God in Christianity is presented as looking very much the same as those leaders of Christianity and commerce. This is not an accident.
Christianity is based in a Strict Father model of morality. I've talked about this before. It's an authoritative, controlling, shaming world view that was delivered to 30% of the world by Christian colonization.
Click on the images below for more info:
Spirit does not recognize hierarchy
It's a world view at odds with Spirit because Spirit doesn't recognize a hierarchy. Hierarchies do not embrace loving inclusion - unless we're being told to lovingly embrace inclusion in a world view that makes us compliant to the hierarchy and our own oppression.
Christian authoritarianism is a world view where white men are at the very top of the hierarchy and the only one they need to submit to is God.
It's helpful that they're also the ones that decide what God's word means and how it applies to themselves and everyone else.
The insidiousness of this is that white, European men placed themselves at the top of the hierarchy and believed that Divinity Themselves put them there and wants it that way. All the twisted, oppressive, harmful and traumatic policies that were inflicted on the world were done in the belief that somehow God wanted to establish white supremacy upon the world.
White women accept this world view because they’re the ones who birth white boy babies, so get a “mary pass” and license to feast off the scraps from the top of the pyramid.
The message to the peoples and cultures outside of the narrow acceptable culture in which Christianity was established was clear; we are wrong, valueless, abhorrent and need to be changed and different in order to be worthy of the love of Creator and acceptance in the Church.
The most enraging part is Christianity takes human ignorance and judgement and claims it as divine truth. This simple act of projection has created the most wars and conflicts and traumatized generations of human beings with crippling, joy-destroying shame.
Christianity was founded in fear of and ignorance of Christ.
Only people who feel intensely unsafe in the world could deliver the kind of toxic rhetoric Christianity did and claim it as divine intention. Every aspect and ideology in Christianity is applied with the most obvious lack of understanding of loving inclusion.
"Dominion" over the Earth could be either an authoritarian oppression of "treading on" or it could be delivered as a nurturing Lord, stewarding their land and all life under their care with the goal of prosperity and thriving for all.
Which do you think we got with the Christianity?
With “sin”, we could have a Creator who understands that we make mistakes and are going to do harm because we're learning - and in knowing this we can be gentle and accepting of errors and missing the mark. We can be understanding and forgiving of mistakes and provide love and support and guidance.
Or, we could say getting it wrong is damnation and guilt and shame and punishment and hellfire. Forever.
That seems very petty and very human to me.
Eternal damnation doesn't seem like something Spirit would do.
We could all be one in the Spirit of Christ - which is the recognition of all beings existing as one within the Soul of Creator, together.
All loved and included and accepting of one another and all beings that exist here together... or we could say it's just this one man-god Jesus and no one else is good enough and no one else is accepted unless they believe exactly what we believe and do exactly what we say and submit to our authority in all things.
Welp. No.
Fuck off, thanks.
Christianity claims to know what Creator wants but actually has no real idea of what Christ actually IS.
Loving inclusion, total and complete loving inclusion and acceptance.
Christianity doesn't have a fucking clue what that is.
Christ puts no barrier on acceptance and inclusion in loving Spirit. Not a single one.
Separated from Home
Christianity has robbed human beings of our rightful home and paradise on the earth. They hammered home the idea of humans being separate from the Earth, set apart and "special" to Creator. We were no longer part of the web of life on Earth, we were set above it. We were superior to the natural world and our role now is not as steward but as consumer and profit maker.
This is trauma.
No longer are we to find our place in harmony with the Earth and it's beings, our cousins. Instead, we were given "divine" directive to take and consume and dominate and subdue that which was “inferior” to us - which was anything that wasn't white, male and Christian.
This applied to land, animals, plants, natural resources - and human beings; women, children, non-white, non-Christian people.
Christianity is responsible for an enormous amount of shame that exists in the world because it was so powerfully insistent on supremacy - of all types - and claimed "god said so".
Supremacy creates Shame
We cannot exist in supremacy without creating shame. It is the automatic result of believing we are better than anything else in existence. When we believe we have more right to life, love, value, and purpose than any other being in existence... we create shame in ourselves because it is a belief that is contrary to truth and life. Truth is loving inclusion and supremacy creates trauma.
Christianity made Christ transactional.
Wait, let me clarify that. Christianity made Christ a debt-based transaction. According to Christianity, Christ died to "save" us from our sins and now we owe him and the church, bigly and forever.
When will that debt ever be paid off?
According to Christianity, we owe our very lives, here in the physical and forever in the Spirit to the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for our sins. Nothing will ever make up for that debt. Not our complicity, our obedience, our silence, our charity, our tithing, being pleasing, or sacrificing every natural inclination and joy we have in subservience to Christian doctrine.
The debt of that life for ours will never be balanced.
It's a great gig for the Christianity.
Total obedience and indebtedness of the community.
Partner this indebtedness with the Strict Father Model and shame of supremacy and you've got a hot mess of division between the white, cis het, able-bodied men who view their success and affluence - not just as meritocracy, but also Divine reward for moral 'correctness'. The poor are viewed as undeserving and morally corrupt. If they were valuable in god's eyes, they would be prospering like the dominant group that made the rules to benefit themselves - and then claimed that it was God's plan.
Whether we went to church or not, this colonization of our minds by Christianity happened. Western society is based upon these beliefs and values and it permeates every aspect of our society.
Capitalism developed FROM these ideologies - from the authoritarianism of the strict father model hierarchy, from the dominance of white men over everything else, from the shame of supremacy and the view that all beings in the world exist for our consumption and profit. Capitalism developed from Christian Colonization.
Capitalism is at heart, the fear response of a human being afraid to be alive in the physical world.
Capitalism is the projection of the belief that one “lucky winner” (or “morally deserving”) will eventually hold all the power and all the control and own all the things, so they can finally feel like they're safe on earth.
Capitalism won't stop until everything is held in one fist at the top, or it’s all destroyed.
This is the spirit of Wendigo that Indigenous nations speak of - and the worst part is that those in power in Western society can't see it. Its the spirit of greed and hoarding and selfish narcissistic destruction. It’s cannibalistic, suicidal consumption. It’s relentless, unfulfilled, unending hunger.
Sounds like late-stage capitalism.
Those in power can't even recognize it's a problem. Or they decide not to see because to do so means opening ourselves to vulnerability and humility and release of the idea of "specialness" and "better than".
Some will never be able to look at the shame they hold. It's too terrifying and the destruction of the Earth is better than looking at the darkness within them.
It doesn't matter.
Spirit will prevail.
Loving inclusion is more powerful than human fear.
We continue to do our own work and heal our darkness and re-member the places in our heart where we believed we were separate from Spirit and eventually, those who refuse to see won't have a choice anymore.
The re-membering of conscious Wholiness will happen whether you want it to or not.
Christ consciousness is here and has never left. The “Return of Christ” story is a ruse by the Christian institution to keep us focused on the after life as a reward instead of doing the work to become closer to the Anam Mór on Earth. It is heaven here, we just keep not seeing it. Wake up. Let’s wake the fuck up.