Religion doesn't equal Relationship
One of my co-workers said this to me the other day in explanation of why she left her fundamentalist Christian church. It lit a firecracker of YES! in me that made me dance a little jig in the frame shop.
Our happiness and wholeness is directly related to our personal relationship to divinity - in whatever way we conceive of that divinity - even if you eschew “divinity”. Every living thing has a relationship to the whole regardless of what they call it.
Creation is infinite - so there are an infinite number of names and titles for the wholeness and an infinite number of ways for us to relate to it as a whole… and no religion can ever capture the totality of that relationship.
I’m ambivalent about religion - providing it doesn’t ever interfere with our ability to love ourselves, each other and the world.
All of those are the same thing.
If religion gets in the way of a loving relationship with ourselves, each other and the world - then bypass religion and forge individual, personal, loving relationships. Our individual loving relationship to (W)Holiness is more important than any religious text or institution or leader.
It’s the most important thing. It’s the only thing.
Relationship to (W)Holiness is (W)Holy Personal
How can it be anything else? We are in relationship with the whole of Creation, all the time, in every aspect of our lives.
We are in choice and in charge of how we perceive our relationship with the rest of the whole, of which we are part. We can choose to treat ourselves and others and the whole as separate, different, apart and antagonistic, or we can see Beloved Presence in all things and act with love and care.
The problems occur when we make exceptions to the whole or we forget, and then forget we forgot and carry on blaming others and trying to prove that we’re actually not one with Creator and all things and that we’re bad and wrong.
I need daily reminders.
Here’s what I know about you
You are magnificent and talented and totally capable and here with a purpose and a passion that you are fulfilling. You are loved and loving and lovable. You are powerful beyond measure and there is nothing that can stand in your way to (w)holiness.
Living my life from heart source is resonate, and I believe that is the simplicity of our purpose here on Earth.
Be courageously authentic, whatever that is.
Our purpose is to find out what that is and allow it to live in the world.