Gaolach Làthaireachd / Beloved Presence

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It comes down to choice. It's always just choice. Sigh.

There is a line in A Course in Miracles about Trust that says we only need to do, "more of what you want and less of what you don't" to be in harmony with Anam Mór and be a Beloved Presence to ourselves and others.

This is so simple.

Do more of what you want and less of what you don't want.

Incrementally that would end up becoming mostly what you want and very little of what you don't want.

Yes please.

Who could say no to that?

It's so simple.

It's our conflicts and fears that make it complicated. Conflicts and fears are always based in a lack of trust.

Trust is the foundation

We don't trust the world, the Great Spirit... ourselves.

I thought not trusting myself was a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I sabotage my life and I'm in here with my shitty little petty thoughts. I know what's going on in here (except I don’t) - so I sure as shit don't trust myself to do the right thing all the time.

But I'm not supposed to trust myself. Not my little-tiny-separate-self-in-a-body all scared of everything self.

The actual quote from ACIM is “Who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow when the mighty power of an eagle has been given them?” (ACIM, M-4.I.2:2)”

I can trust the Anam Mór. I can trust Beloved Presence. I can trust the Wholiness in me, and the wholiness in you and the wholiness in all of Creation.

Little ego, separate-body me is a terrible substitute to the all-the-everything of Creation that I can trust. I can trust Existence. I trust in the myriad magick of wholiness.

If I take fear out of the equation of doing more of what I want and less of what I don't want; what is left is just doing the things that will be more of what I want and less of what I don't want.

My life is reduced to choice. Yes or no.

If I take fear out of the equation - fear of success or fear of failure or fear of consequences or whatever the fear is; when I remove fear there is only the choice to believe or not believe.

Believe means to love - so how do I love myself and the world in this life?

What do we choose to believe?

Do I believe in my greatest desires, hopes and visions?

Do I believe in them enough to choose to act on them? Acting on our greatest vision of our lives for ourselves will definitely give us more of what we want and less of what we don't.

What's your great?

Maybe it’s what you already have.

Maybe it's simple - a partner, or a home of your own, or a family of support (which does not have to be blood relatives, but can be any family of your choosing). Maybe it's a different job or different hobbies or a different wardrobe or different friends. Maybe it's more of what you have or more land or more time to yourself or a bathtub.

It's all for you and it's all valid and valued.

Seriously, what do you want?

Many of us don't even know what we want. We may know what we don't want - but our ability to engage Creation doesn't work well with don'ts.

Spend some time to dig into what you really want.

Be aware of when you react to your wants dismissively or reject as a reflex. There is wisdom there. Your wants are real and valid and any co-opting or minimizing or rationalizing something less for yourself is a fear response.

You are valuable and you are worthy of exactly what you want.

There’s never going to be enough “proof”

There's no proof of outcomes or a guarantee of results either way for anything in this world.

I used to want "proof of destiny" in my chosen path by having Creation mirror me through synchronicity, dreams and most importantly, by the approval of those outside me. I wanted to have the world confirm that I was on the right path.

I wanted the Universe's permission to do what I wanted.

There will never be enough permission from the world if I don't give myself permission to get what I want. There will never be enough proof of my path if I don't choose it myself.

Even when I was mirrored or approved of or supported, I would second guess and doubt anyway.

Creation won't reach out until we do... and Creation is always reaching out; They are just giving us all kinds of random crap because we don't know what we want.

We are required to take the first step of belief in Beloved Presence and Self and path and gifts and vision.

When we can accept and embrace love, peace and joy as the reason for our dreams and desires for our life we can ask with power and focus:

What is this for?

Ask "What is this for?" in any circumstance in our life and uncover how that event is helping us move towards our desires.

Desire is not a bad thing.

“From the stars”.

We have such a complicated relationship to desire and need and want in life. We've been taught that to be "spiritual" is to release from desire and need and want as the path to peace. We also have a deep desire to experience spirit in the world and to feel fulfilled and complete and whole while incarnated on Earth.

Renouncing the world is not the only path to spiritual wholiness… and frankly, I’m not convinced that it’s very valuable to people in bodies.

Bodies are sacred.

Our visions and dreams, wants and desires for our life are a spiritual path. Asking "What is this for" is a choice to see everything that happens as an opportunity to grow closer to our desires and dreams and dismiss as irrelevant anything that isn't helping us.

This is literally the process of how we perceive the world already, but most of us use the situations of our life to prove that we are garbage, not good enough and that we are unworthy of our wants, needs and desires.

Lets switch that shit up and choose yes.

My Elder Paul says that there is one will shared by all. We see it manifest in each of us uniquely by our circumstance and make up and DNA et al. The will is wholiness and is always based in peace and joy and love and best benefit for all.

We know the difference between desire for wholiness and desire for little-ego-self in a body. There is nothing selfish about wanting to live a life that fulfills us and do work and live in a way that we love.

Creation and the Anam Mór supports our desires towards wholiness - promotes, pushes, in fact demands that we do all that we can to make real the beautiful soul-filled dreams and desires of wholiness that we hold for the world.

If it didn't matter, we wouldn't want it or dream it or imagine it or desire it. If it didn't matter, it wouldn't matter and we wouldn't be talking about it.

Outside of fear and wonky beliefs based in fear:

We choose - to believe and to act on our desires.

I believe in you. Align with “the want” you want in peace, joy and love and walk that path to the exclusion of all else.

I absolutely believe in you. I know that choosing to act on your dreams will bring them to fruition, completely.

I struggle with me.

Paul says it's a function of "specialness"; that I'm so special that Creation wants only me to fail. This is dumb.

There is a reason and it's probably fear.

Your fear probably feels real, but it's based in an idea that you are not "something" enough to believe in yourself.

I believe in you. All of Creation believes in you.

You don't even have to be great. You just have to be you.

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