Welcome to the foundations of Celtic cosmology and belief at Beloved Presence. The 3 Cauldrons + the 3 Witches are a toolbox of affordances. They are a framework with which to understand ourselves and our place in the world.
Read MoreHealing shame and doubt transforms our lives from a drudgery to be endured into a joyful creation filled with magick and delight. Developing and trusting inner authority gives us a source of power and direction that can never be taken from us - regardless of the external circumstances.
Read MoreDeveloping into healthy adult emotional maturity means learning appropriate self control without losing spontaneity, confidence and joy in our own unique expressions of soul sovereignty in the world.
Read MoreI see the Solar Plexus Chakra as symbolic of where we are stuck as a society in our evolution as a collective being. We can’t seem to figure out who we want to be; community based social equity or authoritarian, oppressive hierarchy? The conundrum.
This is a battle waged within ourselves in the solar plexus - the center of willful energy.
Read MoreThis is the point.
This is the work that needs to happen in the world. It’s hard work, but it’s simple work. It takes courage and vulnerability and trust. You can do this.
This is the work of owning our feelings and reactions and going through the process of getting to the root and bringing out the diamond of understanding.
Read MoreEmotions are not “objective absolute reality” even though they feel really real and true when they’re happening. That doesn’t mean they’re lies or can’t be trusted. Emotions are just information. What is suspect is how we interpret emotions and what we make those emotions mean about ourselves and others and the world.
Emotions are powerful, valuable, allowed and accepted - but must always be felt and processed through the lens of information, not as absolute truth about reality.
Read MoreBehold, the emotional trigger.
The kernal of offence and internet swarms, Shadow Work intelligence is a skill and responsibility our society has mostly misunderstood and failed to deliver in our education - much to our loss and detriment.
Learning to wield this Shadow staff of wisdom and understanding will transform your life and all your relationships, forever… but first, you need to get super uncomfortable.
Read MoreThere are an infinite number of ways to experience desire and pleasure and enjoyment of life.
Any criticism or rejection of the myriad of pleasurable expressions is received by the child as a wound of Self. A wound to Self at the most core, source part of ourselves.
We come here to enjoy life.
This is simple truth.
Read MoreEmotions are expressed and known through the instinctual, natural expressions of our body. Jubilant, orgiastic, spontaneous expressions of aliveness. Well, shut down that triggering shit, right now.
Spontaneous expressions of joy can be very triggering to wounded, repressed, self-critical adults.
Read MoreThe sacral chakra right and obligation is to feel and enjoy pleasure and desire.
In Hindi, the sacral chakra is called svadhisthana, which means “dwelling place of the self” or “where the self comes into being”. It is where we balance the first dualities of existence as one becomes two. If we’re successful at this balance than we can experience the “sweetness” that the sacral chakra brings to all of life.
The sacral is the basis of our emotional identity and is characterized by movement and flow. This is the place of balance between all dualities: the connection between inner and outer worlds, self and other, Land + Spirit.
Read MoreHow do we trust?
Trust like love, cannot be taught - it has to be experienced to be understood. We cannot intellectualize love. We cannot intellectualize trust. We cannot theorize the life-changing quality of these ways of being until we embody them.
The most important parts of living in the world of form need to be experienced to be known. The cellular, 'in your body knowing' is a very different state of being than thinking something is true.
Trust is not ‘trust that the world of form will always be good and kind and just’. Real trust is knowing that you will be okay not matter what happens. This is the only trust that we ever really have.
Read MoreWe ain’t kidding around.
This baby is the challenge of all challenges. Fear is literally the only other option to love… and even then it’s based in a misunderstanding. There is only love and fear - and fear is forgetting that everything is love.
Read MoreConnecting to What Is.
This class is entirely focused on practice - practice being in connection and communication with your body. I can’t stress enough what an ancient wisdom tool is your body. It knows so much and carries connection and answers beyond our rational mind’s ability to know. Our bodies are the antennae to the infinite. We cannot experience our fullest potential in physical incarnation without the consent and exuberant consent of our body.
Read MoreThe physical is spiritual.
The physical world is not a punishment or a test or a lesson. The physical world is also wholiness. The physical world is just as spiritual as the love and oneness we imagine is awaiting us beyond the veil.
Read MoreThe Summer Solstice is the time of greatest sun, moving into the hottest time of year in the Northern hemisphere. This is the time of the alchemy of transformation &/or the energy/fuel for creating - which is kind of the same thing really. Everything we create and grow transforms and changes us and our lives in some way. This is the time of Sacred Fire.
Read MoreYour body is Ancient Wisdom.
The body doesn’t lie.
Combining western psychology and the chakra system brings a greater understanding of self in the world. It includes all levels of our existence, including the spiritual (which is missing from most Western healing models) and provides the greatest amount of flexibility and nuance when walking a path of personal healing. There is no one right way and no one right outcome which gives us the most freedom and acceptance to be who we are.
Read MoreSpirit. Land. Expression.
Identity on Earth is perceived through 3 main facets (The reality is that identity is infinite, but we need to focus lol.):
the physical body (land) identity,
spiritual identity &
the expression of our Authentic Self (spirit) in the world (land).
There is only Spirit and Land and they are different vibrations of the same unified whole. The trouble comes when the harmony and expression of either gets interrupted or suppressed.
Read MoreLet’s connect with our Beloved plant-kins and land-kins.
The whole world is alive and in communication with us.
Let’s practice being aware and participating in communication with Them.
Read MoreGuidance Given to Us by the Earth
The Honourable Harvest are the rules of being neighbourly with the beings that Share the Earth - given to human beings from the Beings of the Earth. These guidelines are how the plants and animals want us to to treat them.
These are the learned harmonies of interaction with the Land.
Read MoreWe are sustained by others.
There is not a being that exists on the Earth that is sustained on it’s own. All Beings; human, animal, plant, mineral, insect - we are all sustained through the life and death of other Beings.
This is the great dichotomy of joy and suffering in the physical realm.
Read More