33. Sharing Love and Kinship with Earth 'Often and Loud and Joyously'
33. Sharing Love and Kinship with Earth ‘Often and Loud and Joyously’
Part 3 of my collaboration with Śivani. We talk Galactic citizenship, how the new stuff to us is old ‘always-been-here’ stuff, the Earth coming into trust again with human beings, mediumship, transmission of wisdom and proclaiming our love for the Earth often, loudly and joyously.
Find more about Śivani and Solace and Shine below:
Roots&Wings – We are accepting registrations until the end of April: https://www.solaceandshine.ca/rootsandwings
Newsletter - https://www.solaceandshine.ca/ – Get 2 weeks free on We*Are Community when signing up to our Newsletter https://www.solaceandshine.ca/weare
The Yoga of Remembrance book on Amazon - https://www.amazon.ca/Yoga-Remembrance-Shivani-Howe/dp/1388265907
Instagram - @solace_and_shine
Lezley (00:22):
Hi folks. Welcome to the Beloved President's podcast. This is Lezley Davidson, and I am your High
Priestess of Holy Shit, <laugh>. Hi folks. Welcome to part three of my collaboration with Śivani from
Solace and Shine. Um, Śivani is a medium and intuitive artist, uh, Sannyasin on the yoga, yoga path. She
has an ashram in, um, the Purcell Mountains of BC where they have a bakery and a farm, and they also
hold courses and retreats. Right now they are offering Roots and Wings, which is a course that, um,
teaches us how to activate our galactic connection and realize our purpose on earth. So, enjoy my
conversation with Śivani.Lezley:
What do you see coming?
Śivani (01:21):
What do I see coming? I see I, I see two different realities simultaneously.
Lezley (01:32):
Śivani (01:32):
Living and getting further and further apart until they're split.
Lezley (01:38):
Really, like, Actually split.
Well, I, I feel that there is a, there's a, like a, a new, new earth overlay that is already
embodied in there. It's never not been there, but it's now coming into the collective awareness, which
will make it more tangible. And I think many people, myself included, are already experiencing time and
space, psychic connections, uh, anima technology as an internal technology of telepathy and, uh, and
connectivity and, uh, unknowing, um, is already being, um, activated inside of us. Uh, I see, I see an
entire generation of, of humans remembering why we're here. Hmm. Remembering our galactic citizenship. That's
exciting citizenship. Yeah. Right. Remembering our galactic citizenship. And, you know, taking the
awareness of, of not just our human ancestry, which is important, don't get me wrong, um, to, to, to
connect to our, our human ancestry, but as a way of remembering our own indigenous nature because
our ancestors were connected to ma in that way.
Śivani (03:03):
But then taking it into, uh, direct not just a knowledge, but an experience of, oh, actually I'm a galactic
citizen on earth with the entire galactic body of wisdom, of polarization, integration, and of divine
embodiment within me if I know where to look and which questions to ask and know who to call in. So
nothing is actually held back from me, except my own, uh, doubt and fear of, of what if, you know, and
that's why right now we're teaching, um, this course, it's just started, but people can sign up before the
end of October, uh, end of April, sorry, it goes to October of, um, of embodying and remembering their
own, uh, animus technology and, uh, and remembering the what if, what, what if you were God, what if
you were a galactic citizen? What if you had connections to not only the polarization bandwidth of
memory from, for example, the Orion, uh, the Orion constellation, which is very prevalent in our earth
society right now.
Śivani (04:31):
But what if you also were able to tap into the bandwidth of integration and eventually the Orion Light?
You're not limited because it's already happened. Time spaces an illusion. Only you identifying with that
bandwidth is actually creating the reality here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if you can calibrate to the
frequency, the cloud of bandwidth, which is actually what mantras are of bandwidth, you can actually
entrain to that body of wisdom in this moment and resonate from that place. And that is going to create
interactions and a reality from that place. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if you have the awareness of how to
do it. And so that's what we're teaching and sharing in Roots and Wings, and actually have co-created it
with the star seed, um, the collective of guides that, that I'm working with. That's been a real trip to cocreate
a course with, uh, threes from three different constellations. -
Lezley (05:34):
Three three what? Cause I missed a word there.
Star seeds. Three star seeds from three different
constellations. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. So I feel that if we come into our galactic citizenship with the
right orientation and responsibility to the fact that our presence on earth, the frequency of light that is
our divine spark resonating through the meat suit in this density that is able to calibrate higher and
higher is going to support Gaia into letting go of the pieces that are no longer, um, that are no longer
viable to that reality. And so we become like the acupuncture needles between heaven and earth mmhmm.
<affirmative>, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's, it's a responsibility to embody the highest
frequency you can. So that, that the information, the galactic information and the embodiment of Gaia
can be met in your heart. And we have a job to do.
Śivani (06:50):
We have a mission to be part of that happening. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>.
Yeah. It's true. We do. Yeah, we do. And we will. And we are, and we have, you know, <laugh>. Yeah.
And, but, but there's, there's also another bandwidth of frequency that doesn't want it to change. And
so people who only resonate at that bandwidth are going to potentially experience a reality that is going
to be an expression of that. Um, and that will also be the divine will and the necessary digestion of those
identifications, because we are, we're all one, we have to be able to, we are not separate. It's not like all
the people that are enlightened are going to be going to new Earth. And the people that are not are
gonna se it's not like that because there's actually no separation.
Śivani (07:53):
We just, all of us, we're all a facet in the diamond. We all have a unique perspective of the way the
divine light comes through us, and we have a responsibility to report back to that facet. But the facet
doesn't actually exist. The facet is just an angle of light. The way it hits the whole is that the,
it's a hand print on the butter.
Yeah. <laugh>, you have listened to some episodes.
I have listened to some episodes. Yeah. They were great. They were very interesting. You have a lot of, um, uh, like great
wisdom to share.
Like, I hope I don't actually, I'm like, I'm like a total fraud because it's, it's through me
actually. Like when I'm, when I'm teaching with somebody or a class or a conference or something, and
somebody will say, can you just repeat that? I'm like, actually, no, because I have no idea what I just
Śivani (08:51):
I'm literally sitting here as a hollow bone. My special gift is being a hollow bone. It is not from me. It is
straight through me. So the podcast, I agreed to the podcast going out because, uh, the, the teachings
that come through, the teachings, not the teacher, the teachings that come through in that, um, in
those, in those lectures, uh, you know, I think they do have value and they're gonna hit the right, right
place in the right place. But it's not, it's not me.
I get it. But yeah. Thank you for being the tool. The Yes.
We aspire. I aspire to the tool <laugh>.
Śivani (09:35):
Some days I sit perfect. <laugh>. Perfect. Perfect. Um, yeah, I'm,
I I feel exhausted right now. I feel like I
just like was sorry. No, no, it's totally okay. Um, it's gonna take, I'm probably gonna have to listen to this
and watch it a few more times to, uh, like integrate everything. It's kind of like that first email you sent
me back about about yoga where I was like, wow, okay, so much. I need to <laugh>.
Like, I definitely well, I feel you're, you know, you, you emailed me like, uncomfortable questions. I'm like, we've only
just met, in fact, we haven't met, we've had one email back and forth, and you're emailing me. I have an
uncomfortable question. And honestly, I thought the, the, um, the, well, first of all, the way you asked
was so respectful and so based in curiosity rather than preconceived judgment. -
Śivani (10:35):
And I could really feel that. Um, and it was so candid and refreshing for somebody to, to ask really what
they, what, you know, really what they wanted to know instead of sort of pussy footing around
something. Um, <laugh>, I really, I wanted to, I wanted to teach your, your, uh, light in the question with
the un enough sincerity and, and, uh, consideration as as possible. I'm like, well, if, if you're going to
have enough respect to ask respectfully, then I will have enough respect to answer completely. Yeah. It
was, it was excellent.
I, I have referred to it again and again to, to integrate it. Like, I'm very excited to
hear about, um, uh, yoga through your perspective. It's something that I'm interested in learning more
about. I've always been interested in yoga, but my experiences with it have not been great. Mm-hmm.
<affirmative>, do you know what I mean?
Lezley (11:41):
So I just kind of left it as something over there that doesn't resonate. Yeah. Yeah. This resonates with
me. This is very valuable. This is yoga. Yeah. Well, yeah. Of the mind. It's consciousness. Well, why I was
so like ex like interested in it earlier in my life, was that integration of the body into a spiritual practice.
Do you know what I mean? Because that's not, you don't really get that in the west. Like, they're very
separate. They're not, you know?
Yeah. Oh, forget this. Just don't say ‘OM’ three times. You'll go to hell, <laugh>, you know, heaven.
Yeah. Or this is all nothing that, none of this matters. It's all your gifts in
heavens. Just like, no, we're here now. Like, let's be here now and, and integrate them and make the
changes here and have it be what it can be here. Like, please.
Śivani (12:39):
Yeah. You, you're, thanks for your
question. It, it came, it very much came through me. I was like, okay, first of all, I was like, whoa. Uh, and
then I was like, no, just break this down. Like, you know, and then it just again, came through me rather
than from me. And I was like, wow. That's a kinda two pages answer greats you asked, here's Yeah, I did.
Here's your response. That's great. Yeah. And, and the thing, the, the thing I'm really excited about in
terms of as your question about yoga is having been sort of like trained old school connected to a
lineage, um, uh, going back to India every year for at least a month where you're like, oh, I'm going to an
ashram and I will practice yoga. You know how many Asana classes I've done in the ashram in India?
Śivani: (13:43):
Mm. Probably about two in 14 years. Like, it's, it's, it's about consciousness and it's about evolution, and
it's about doing that through service, um, and through aligning so that the mind calibrating to the
container so that what can't calibrate comes to the surface and is able to be, uh, reintegrated without
re-identification. And as I dive into this exploration of like galactic heritage and, and star seeds and, and
new earth, and, uh, all of these aspects that have been coming through in the last couple of years, um,
through my channeling and mediumship work, what is so heartening to me is that what's coming
through exactly what has been taught for the thousands of years, it's just that the part in the middle
couldn't comprehend it because the frequency of mind was so low. It had to orientate it as dogmatic
rules and regulations and mythology instead of understanding the, hmm, the, the, the myths as a way of
moving through specific bandwidths of consciousness that are the same bandwidths we're working
through right now. -
Śivani (15:14):
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So there's an embodiment right now of the the Bhagavad Gita of, and you understand
when you read these texts, the Upanishads and the Puranas, when when you read them, they are, again,
because they're in Sanskrit, they're not just an intellectual, you read one sentence in Sanskrit. It is a light
code capsule that unpacks itself on different layers of consciousness. You know?
Can you read Sanskrit?
I can a little bit read Devanāgarī, which is the script of Sanskrit, but I can chant it
quite proficiently when it's in the Roman alphabet. And most important, when you learn Sanskrit, when you learn
Sanskrit, uh, the mantra is you're not, uh, trying to intellectually remember them. Because as soon as
you can calibrate to the frequency that that mantra holds, the whole thing is memorized. Mm mm-hmm.
<affirmative>, right? So learning Sanskrit is, is not about a learning a language.
Śivani (16:22):
It's about calibrating to a bandwidth that, that that holds. And then it's very easy to remember the, the
mantras, um, and to use them to calibrate too. Um, but with the, with the text, like Ramacharitmanas you know,
there's a transmission of light in the, in the text. It's not actually like Svādhyāyā is one of the, the tenets of
the Yamas of, of yoga. And they're like, oh, it's self-study. And it's like, so to read the Bhagavad Gita to
read the Ramacharitmanas, and you're reading the story and you're like, dude, this does not make sense <laugh>,
but with like the English translation of the Sanskrit, you're like, whoa. Uh, but if you can get past the
intellectual conscious mind and you can tap into the paradigm of transmission within the body of work,
you start to understand and calibrate to the frequency of the shift of consciousness that they're talking
about in it.
Śivani (17:25):
Okay. And having done that for many years, I'm now seeing that what is coming through from the galaxy
is the same. There is no, oh, this is really old, and all the new stuff is coming out. It's actually, the new
stuff has been here the whole time. Right. We just haven't had the bandwidth to recognize it. Right. So
this thread, this golden of lineage that's been held sacred 5,000 years is actually what we are ready for
now. And to me, that's really exciting.
It is exciting. Are you saying that the frequency is in the English translations as well?
Oh, yeah. If you can, if you can read the, like, if you read, um, quite like Steven
Mitchell's, um, translation of the Bhagavad Gita, anything from the Gita press specifically in India does a
very good job of translating, uh, into Roman English. Um, especially the, especially the Gita and the Ramayana,
which is the story of Hanuman actually today is Hanuman Jayanti (April 6, 2023).
Śivani (18:35):
Cause it's, uh, the full moon, um, the s full moon. And that is when the, the birth of courage from the
foundation of pure service is comes, comes forth, which is six days after the spark of Rama. Now, why is
Krishna blue? Why is Shiva blue? Why is Rama blue? Why? I think just my hypothesis, I think it's because
they're actually star seeded wisdom keepers that have been turned into the mythology of holding the
wisdom of that on Earth. And we've made it, the, the, their experience and what they taught as, um,
digestible mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Ok. But they, they encapsulate like transmissions of light. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, honestly, I kind of think that's the point of all spiritual stories is to hold a higher truth
transmission. Yeah. A higher transmission. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not the originals. I'm not too sure about the
Bible, just in terms of how many times it's been rewritten and which agenda it's been rewritten into. -
Lezley (19:51):
Yeah. No, fair enough. I don't the original, I'm sure. Yeah. I was thinking specifically of learning about, of
course, the Celtic gods, because I'm not a big fan of Gods and goddesses. I don't resonate with that at
all. Um, but reading about them and learning about the, you know, the, the tombs that they would
make into the earth and stuff, and it was resonating on a very symbolic, like, like universal way with the
solstice and stuff. So it mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's just, it's all the same. Joseph Campbell, you know,
it's all, it's all just a couple stories being <laugh> being retold Yeah. With different characters.
Yeah. And then you see it coming through pop culture. Yes. I mean, you know, I, I, I, some, some people
think my theories are a little bit out there, but you know, there's, there's a resonance that I can perceive through
pop culture, and I'm like, well, is this coming through pop culture because it's, you know, like
Hollywood? Or is it coming through? Because that's actually the level of awareness that we're ready to
remember. You know, things like the Star Wars mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, things like Star
Trek, things like Avatar, things like Marvel, Multiverses, you know, why are they so popular? Because
they're sparking something in us that goes, what if mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what if we could open
portals? You know? That's, I don't think it's weird at all. I think that's exactly what's happening. Yeah.
And so it's really, I think it's really exciting. Yeah. It is exciting. It is.
Lezley (21:38):
Okay. I think I'm done. <laugh>.
Beautiful. What a joy. Thank you for, for this. This is really sweet, really
No, thank you. Thanks. Very exciting. Thanks, mark for Yeah, thanks Mark for hooking us up,
<laugh>. Yeah, I'm excited too. Um, I'm gonna, I'm looking forward to looking at Roots and Wings. Yeah, that
sounds great.
I think, I think you, uh, I think it would light you up from hearing your podcast and now
meeting you. Yeah. Nice. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You were not the only one. Stalking <laugh>. I was also
listening to your podcast. They're beautiful.
Thanks. I assumed, I assumed you would.
Absolutely. I love your passion and your candor.
Thanks. Thank you. I think that's my, well, that's what Beloved presence
is, is is just being who I am. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> as much as I can. You know, that's my process is
getting rid of all the things that are stopping me from embodying mm-hmm.
Śivani (22:47):
<affirmative>. Yeah. It's, I mean, that's all of us. It's all of us. Yeah. Yeah. It is all of us. Yeah, for sure.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's not just me. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that’s it’s just me.
No, no, no, I'm trying to say you're not alone. No, no, no. So you're definitely not alone in that of like, who am I?
That's so funny that you just said that. I'm writing a post right now that's called I, I released the new website on my birthday.
Um, and I sat down to write a post, uh, last week that I thought was gonna be, you know, a foundation post about beloved presence and kind of what we're doing here and whatever. And, and no, I was told, who, who am I? Who are you? Who are
Lezley (23:42):
And I went, what? Really? That's what we're doing. Yes. Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? So that's
gonna be me for the next few weeks.
Who am I? Yeah, yeah. Who are you? Who are we? And, and who,
who, who are you to? And, and who are you not to? There's so many people out there with very loud
noises that are closing hearts and shattering dreams, you know? Yeah. If you really, if you really feel that
connected to trees and to Gaia and to the heart, and to the land and to the ancestors, and that, then
who are you? Not to you. It's needed.
Yeah. And I mean, that's, I, that's a repeated, a lot of it is me
telling, um, speaking and sharing what I wish I'd heard as a young person, what I wish someone had said,
or I had just managed to stumble on that I wouldn't have spent so much of my time thinking that how I
felt in the world was a weird anomaly and not just perfectly welcomed and wanted, you know mmhmm. -
Lezley (19:51):
Yeah. No, fair enough. I don't the original, I'm sure. Yeah. I was thinking specifically of learning about, of
course, the Celtic gods, because I'm not a big fan of Gods and goddesses. I don't resonate with that at
all. Um, but reading about them and learning about the, you know, the, the tombs that they would
make into the earth and stuff, and it was resonating on a very symbolic, like, like universal way with the
solstice and stuff. So it mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's just, it's all the same. Joseph Campbell, you know,
it's all, it's all just a couple stories being <laugh> being retold Yeah. With different characters.
Yeah. Andthen you see it coming through pop culture. Yes. I mean, you know, I, I, I, some, some people
think my theories are a little bit out there, but you know, there's, there's a resonance that I can perceive through
pop culture, and I'm like, well, is this coming through pop culture because it's, you know, like
Hollywood? Or is it coming through? Because that's actually the level of awareness that we're ready to
remember. You know, things like the Star Wars mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, things like Star
Trek, things like Avatar, things like Marvel, Multiverses, you know, why are they so popular? Because
they're sparking something in us that goes, what if mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what if we could open
portals? You know? That's, I don't think it's weird at all. I think that's exactly what's happening. Yeah.
And so it's really, I think it's really exciting. Yeah. It is exciting. It is.
Lezley (21:38):
Okay. I think I'm done. <laugh>.
Beautiful. What a joy. Thank you for, for this. This is really sweet, really
No, thank you. Thanks. Very exciting. Thanks, mark for Yeah, thanks Mark for hooking us up,
<laugh>. Yeah, I'm excited too. Um, I'm gonna, I'm looking forward to looking at Roots and Wings. Yeah, that
sounds great.
I think, I think you, uh, I think it would light you up from hearing your podcast and now
meeting you. Yeah. Nice. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You were not the only one. Stalking <laugh>. I was also
listening to your podcast. They're beautiful.
Thanks. I assumed, I assumed you would.
Absolutely. I love your passion and your candor.
Thanks. Thank you. I think that's my, well, that's what Beloved presence
is, is is just being who I am. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> as much as I can. You know, that's my process is
getting rid of all the things that are stopping me from embodying mm-hmm.
Śivani (22:47):
<affirmative>. Yeah. It's, I mean, that's all of us. It's all of us. Yeah. Yeah. It is all of us. Yeah, for sure.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's not just me. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that’s it’s just me.
No, no, no, I'm trying to say you're not alone. No, no, no. So you're definitely not alone in that of like, who am I?
That's so funny that you just said that. I'm writing a post right now that's called I, I released the new website on my birthday.
Um, and I sat down to write a post, uh, last week that I thought was gonna be, you know, a foundation post about beloved presence and kind of what we're doing here and whatever. And, and no, I was told, who, who am I? Who are you? Who are
Lezley (23:42):
And I went, what? Really? That's what we're doing. Yes. Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? So that's
gonna be me for the next few weeks.
Who am I? Yeah, yeah. Who are you? Who are we? And, and who,
who, who are you to? And, and who are you not to? There's so many people out there with very loud
noises that are closing hearts and shattering dreams, you know? Yeah. If you really, if you really feel that
connected to trees and to Gaia and to the heart, and to the land and to the ancestors, and that, then
who are you? Not to you. It's needed.
Yeah. And I mean, that's, I, that's a repeated, a lot of it is me
telling, um, speaking and sharing what I wish I'd heard as a young person, what I wish someone had said,
or I had just managed to stumble on that I wouldn't have spent so much of my time thinking that how I
felt in the world was a weird anomaly and not just perfectly welcomed and wanted, you know mmhmm.
Welcome to American Fascism 2.0: The Totalitarian Redux.
What do we do?
When I get scared, I remind myself of what is. There are only 2 choices - we are choosing fear or we are choosing love.
It's that simple.