55. It’s all Separation Sickness

Would you like to talk with me about Land + Spirit?

55. The One Wound to Rule them All

Separation Sickness - or the belief that we can ever be apart from wholeness, that we are ever unloved or unlovable, is responsible for fear. It’s the great wound that fractured the all.

It’s not real though - we just believe it is.

(I’ll update the links below as I write the posts.)




Lezley (00:02):

All right, you ahead enough. You annoyed by my filming? So it's, Hey folks, welcome to the Beloved Presence Podcast. I'm Lezley Davidson. You're High Priestess of Holy Sh!t. And I just found out, or I just looked up and researched, holy shit. And Gaelic, it's Bean Draoi na Sh!t Naomh. Nu oh yes, Bean Draoi na Sh!t Naomh. There's technically no actual Gaelic word for priestess that I can find. Maybe there is. And Bean Draoi is female druid, which actually translates to witch. So not mad at it. Sorry, I'm sitting on your tail today. Let's talk about separation sickness. This is the one wound to rule them all. It's seriously the basis of kind of all the fuckery that's going on in the world. Separation sickness is the umbrella wound, the root wound of all other wounds. And the other two that I've identified. I came to this through ancestral healing.

Lezley (01:32):

All of my connection to my ancestral healing keeps reaffirming this same cutoff wound over and over again. And it shows up in different ways. It is the one wound that exists, but it shows up in a million different ways in the world. And there's also the witch wound, which is separation sickness, but specifically for how it shows up for women in relationship to our society, global society. And then there's how separation sickness shows up in our relationship to land, which is the when to go way. And I'll talk about those later, but I want to talk about separation sickness today. So separation sickness is the belief that we are unconnected, that we are completely separate and alone and disconnected from our source, from ourselves, from each other, from the land, from spirit. It's the belief that we are this frail small human body and we're vulnerable and unsafe and unloved and unlovable.

Lezley (02:56):

That's just so sad. Separation is the root of all fear. Fear didn't create it. The belief in separation created fear. And we know that this feels bad, but not only did we believe it's true, do we believe it's true? But we also believe that it's our fault that we did this, that somehow at source were bad and that creation rejected us as unworthy and unwanted and it's all in our minds. It never happened. It's not real and it doesn't exist. But because we believe we did it because we believe we're bad, we also believe that we are deserving of punishment, that we have transgressed fallen and that God or the world or creation is righteous in punishing us. And the punishment, the transgression, is eternal damnation and core. Evil and core badness, which comes up again in the witch wound because of course western society blamed women. But the transgression is seen as eternal and forever and immortal instead of what transgressions actually are. Sin is actually an oopsie. Missed it, made a mistake. Oops, try again.

Lezley (04:39):

It's really not that big a thing. It's really not that big of a problem. It's just, oops, oops, made a mistake. Oops, try again. Oops. Fuck that up. Who hasn't fucked that up? We've all fucked it up sometime. Like fucking go. Fuck it up. Fuck it up. Just go ahead. There's no sin. There's nothing that you can do here that can reject you from creation. You are here, you are here, and you are here because you are loved and wanted exactly as you are. So we get punished and then we're afraid of the punisher. We're afraid of the authority and be that whatever we're afraid of authority, we're afraid of God or the government or the police or our bosses or our teachers or our parents or our spouses or our friends. And of course we miss the biggest authority that we're afraid of, which is ourself because we cause ourselves the biggest fucking problems. We are the worst judges, juries and executioners. And we will put ourselves to death at the drop of a head.

Lezley (05:59):

Wow, so mean. So mean to ourselves. We've institutionalized separation sickness by building institutions and systems around this false belief because I can't stress you, stress to you enough how this isn't real. The belief in separation isn't real. It can't exist. It's not possible. It's not possible. Regardless of what your eyes see here as supposed separateness, there is nothing that is outside of the whole. There's nothing that is outside of the whole. And this whole is loving inclusion. That's truth. That is the truth of being. And I can only say it, I can't make you believe it. It's up to you, but I'm just telling you that it's not real. Cutoff and separation just isn't real. It's never been real. We just really believed it.

Lezley (07:10):

We've built structures. We've built the entire society around separation, sickness, hierarchy, result of separation, sickness because our response to separation and the fear that separation creates in us, it is an existential fear. It is a fear of oblivion because there is no existence outside of the whole. So believing that it's possible creates just the most existential fear possible. And it's all around something that's made up. You made it up, doesn't exist in response to the fear of separation is this idea of specialness. So we're all cut off, we're all separated, not really, not ever. But the way to feel better about it, the way to pat our egos a little bit is to feel special. And you only feel special when you can be better than someone else. Specialness is all relative and no one gets specialness unless someone else is less than. And that leads to superiority and that leads to shame.

Lezley (08:32):

And it's all based on a belief in being separate, which doesn't exist. And this is the foundation of every structure that's been created on this planet, in this physical world. It's all been based on a false belief of separation. Separation. And then I feel bad about being separate and evil, so I'm special and those people are worse than me because all separation sickness breeds is hierarchy. And hierarchy is based in specialness. And specialness breeds superiority, which is again the hierarchy and the hierarchy and the superiority leads to shame. The shame that was first there when we believed we weren't worthy to be loved by creation, that we weren't good enough to exist here and belong, and then we just replicated that experience in every institution that exists in hierarchies of specialness and superiority to cover up the shame of not belonging. It's so fucking awful and twisted it and not based in anything real.

Lezley (09:51):

It's just not based in anything real. It's not based in reality, but when you believe it, you get it. When you believe it, it shows up in your face. So all hierarchy systems in our society, our shame-based specialness, which is the reaction to fear, that we are separate and alone and unloved and unlovable, animism points to a time when we lived in wholeness. There's animism all over the world. And I'm not a historian. I'm not going to claim to be a historian. I'm not an archeologist, I'm not an anthropologist. I don't study all of this stuff. I just read what I'm interested in and what I'm interested in is how spirit shows up in the world. That's all I care about is fu. You're going to hear me say that forever, which is land and spirit are woven and sewn together forever. So it doesn't matter in the hierarchy, it doesn't matter what we've chosen as the specialness factor, race, sexism, religion, belief, I dunno, strength, sexual prowess.

Lezley (11:11):

I don't give a shit what we've chosen as the specialness aspect. It's all false and it's all created systems of hierarchy that are an illusion. Animism points to a time where we lived in wholeness, where we considered ourselves animated by the same source, animated by spirit, animated by soul. One together where humans considered themselves animals like other animals and considered our place as part of this wholeness here has separation sickness always been here? There's some that say that this world was created because of separation sickness, which I don't agree. I do not hold the belief that ascension means going beyond the physical material world. I think it's a mistake and it's a misunderstanding of the wholeness and it is a hierarchy. We'll talk about that later. We'll talk about it later. Anyways, where the fuck am I going with this? Has separation sickness always been here?

Lezley (12:29):

I dunno, I'm not going to say, but it's possible that it came into institutionalization through societies like the Acadians and Sumer and Babylon, ancient Mesopotamia with the emergence of the first God kings. They were the first on record who separated themselves from nature above land and above the people as somehow separate and different and special. There we go again. That special, special really did a number on us. You could also argue that the first God kings were the most fearful and scared toddlers that have rested control. There's also an argument that says separation sickness also began with private property where we first looked to the land and saw it not as kin and not as part of our wholeness, but is something dead and separate to be exploited and used for our benefit.

Lezley (13:33):

Land and spirit are woven and sewn together for eternity. In the quantum beginning, the standard model doesn't go back to zero. It doesn't go back and has no idea what happened before the big Bang. It actually goes back to 0.0, 0, 0, 0 whatever one seconds after the big bang. Or it's an illustration of how land and spirit, so the scene and unseen seen physicality and nothing can't exist without one another that they've always been FETs of fusA together. There's also a very small and slight bias in our universe towards matter versus antimatter. So there's a slight bias that wants things to be versus not being. I don't hate material reduction of science, I don't hate it, but I do hate how it's been presented as the only way of gathering knowledge and presented to the world as if it has the truth about reality.

Vidana Shiva (14:45):

What we call science is a very narrow patriarchal project for a very short period history. We name a science that which is mechanistic and reductionist, but that was the kind of science that bacon, Descartes and others who are called the fathers of modern science created domination of nature, exploitation of nature, declaring nature is dead and then using a mechanistic reductionist mode. But these were born at a time when the industrial revolution needed an exploitative knowledge and that knowledge for exploitation was then treated as the only reliable knowledge, whereas the knowledge of protection, conservation, rejuvenation, regeneration, which is actually the vital knowledge and which women have, which peasants have with tribal and indigenous people have was put into a garbage bag.

Lezley (15:51):

It's a tool material reductionist science is a tool. It's one tool in the toolbox. It's a piece of the pie, not the whole pie and separation. Sickness in science has led to the viewing of the world as objects, separate objects that can be studied and categorized and also dissected down into their parts to be understood as if dissecting things into parts will lead to the experience of being alive or will lead to a whole understanding of what this creation is, what this universe is and what it means to be alive. Separation sickness would say that the result of all the component parts together will tell us what it means to be whole. And you can't experience flight by dissecting a pigeon.

Speaker 3 (16:47):

You're doing it wrong, dissecting the birth, trying to find the song that's your here.

Lezley (17:02):

Of course there's knowledge in material reduction of science. Of course there is, and it's been a beautiful, wonderful, transformative tool, but it's not the only tool and it's not the whole truth. And I wish it would stop suggesting that it is material reductionist. Science is limited in that it is never in relationship with the whole material. Reductionist science is based on a belief in objectivity, a belief that doesn't exist. The premise of scientific material reductionist scientific investigation is based on a premise that is false because you cannot ever step outside the universe that you're observing. Being an observer is a lie. It doesn't exist. And you are never separate from the object, from the thing, from the process, from the experiment, from the material that you're observing. The observer effect in physics hammers that home. It's part of the fabric of reality that just by observing we are affecting what happens.

Lezley (18:19):

Schrodinger's cat, the idea of God as a watchmaker is just poisonous teleology. It's a way to describe an objective, patriarchal, hierarchical creator of the universe that someone maybe science decided was no longer here. There will be no end to searching for particles and there will be no God particle that's found because the looking will result in the finding smaller and smaller into infinity and looking big will result in finding bigger and bigger, on and on into eternity. There will be no end. There is no God particle. There is no foundational stuff that makes up this world because nothing exists outside of the relationship to the whole. Science really took a power and authority to themselves as the ones who know they know what's real, they know what's true, and anything that is outside of their acceptance is ridiculed and rejected. And our history is filled with mavericks of science who are ridiculed and rejected, who were proven true afterwards. These mavericks and inherits of science who've been proven true again and again despite how the establishment of science would reject them at the time, I wish science material, reduction of science would have a little bit of humility to understand that their knowledge as great

Tommy Lee Jones as Agent K in MIB (20:12):

As it is, is just what we know so far. And that has to be humbling. It's only what we know so far. What else are we going to learn? 1500 years ago, everybody knew the earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody knew the earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago you knew that people were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow,

Lezley (20:42):

The idea that we're done learning. It's just so egotistical. Yeah, I wish that a material reduction of science would accept their own bias, acknowledge their subjectivity and their bias over their handling of knowledge. They have said that there's just one way of knowing and they have all the ways of knowing and the only way of knowing. And there's so many ways of knowing and being in the world and the restriction of ways of knowing. It's the same as restricting people's access to learn to begin with. If you deny a particular way of knowing, you deny an ability to know that is outside of your control. And that's all that this is, is science wants to control knowing. They want to control as a whole. They want to control what is true and real about society. And it's dangerous and it's not true and it's limited and it is inadequate. And I've said this before and people hate it, but material reductionist science is very similar to dogmatic, to dogmatic belief, to dogmatic religious belief. It is what it is because we say it is. It's exactly the same. Arthur Redington, Arthur Redington and his resistance to black holes is just the best example of how truth in investigation, truth in intuition is ridiculed and rejected through subjectivity, through an inability to accept expansion beyond what we are comfortable with. Well, fuck your comfort.

Lezley (22:29):

Fuck your comfort. There's no growth in comfort. Nothing changes in comfort. We don't expand in comfort. And you can say this about a lot of things that have just been accepted as real and true, and the only way that things can be religion, like the proof of the Bible. The Bible is right because it says it's right, very self-referencing. The same with dogmatic science, scientific proof, scientific proof based on false premises of objectivity and the neutrality of the market. Capitalism based on just made up lies like lies. There's nothing neutral about our markets. There's nothing neutral about the economy, and it's all made up. Like everything is made up. It's all made up. And it doesn't have to be this way. We can make it up in whatever way we want to. This is fundamentally the power in freedom and why the authorities and those who are protecting the power structures that they have do not want us speaking or sharing or gathering together to come up with alternatives to the bullshit we've got right now because it's just bullshit.

Lezley (23:46):

It's bullshit based in separation sickness, and it's there to benefit a few for the sake of benefiting the few and every decision along the way has been made in separation sickness. It's been made in a misunderstanding of wholeness. There has been no institution created. There's been nothing created in this world that has been based in wholeness, that hasn't been based in benefiting a few at the expense of all of us. And I think we're finally kind of fed up, and I saw today something that was great. It's called an extinction burst where this guy was saying how he gets it now, how he understands how racist, how the hierarchy, how the hierarchy is so mad right now and so afraid because they can see the end to their bullshit. There is an end to their bullshit because none of us want it. And for the most part, most of us just want everyone to be okay.

Lezley (24:50):

We want you to thrive because we understand that your thriving is our thriving and that no one needs to suffer for someone else to thrive. I think this is something that is growing and blooming all over the world and it is creating an extinction burst in those that rule. They are freaking out and they are doubling down and being fucking ass hats fucking assholes about trying to fucking put a lid on this shit. They don't understand it. They can't control it, and it's just a last ditch effort to save old crumbling systems. One of the biggest wounds for me in separation sickness has been the separation of spirit from land never happened. Can't happen. We just believed it and lived in that belief and literally they're just a kaga in Indian Hindu philosophy that talks about the time where God is no longer present in the world.

Lezley (26:10):

It's not that God is no longer present in the world, it's that we believed they were gone. We believed spirit went somewhere else. Separation sickness has cut off the presence of spirit in the world of form cut off the presence of the unseen here in the scene. And that's not true. It's never been like that. We've only ever believed it. We've only ever believed it. Part of preventing spirit from being present in the world is preventing your relationship directly with spirit in the world. Getting in between you and the knowledge you're given and the relationship you have and the revelations you're given when you are in direct communication with spirit, which you are at all times and no one can get in between that, no one can tell you what that is for you. That is yours. That's your birthright, that's your magic. And your miracle is your direct relationship with spirit. And it is fess of fuso with land chi.

Lezley (27:26):

Land and spirit are woven in, sewn together for infinity. Spirit is here. All religions pretty much. Actually, you know what? I don't know all religions. I know Abrahamic religions because that's my trauma. But they said, no more prophecies, times of prophecy are over. That's fucking convenient, convenient to have. There be no more revelation direct from spirit because then no one can change your hierarchy, your separation sickness, the separation sickness of religion and their structures of power and control. I mean, that's not true. Spirit speaks all the time and there is consistent and ongoing revelation. There is nothing but a call for us to return to wholeness. Literally the only thing that's been calling for millennium. Return to wholeness, return to wholeness, return to direct relationship with wholeness, return to direct relationship with spirit, return to direct relationship with land. It's the call that's been happening for thousands of years since we all believed, ooh, we're separate and we've been punished in the past for speaking revelation that threaten the power structures of the institutions of separation.

Lezley (28:49):

There's just too many of us now. There's just too many. So if you take anything away from this ballooned fat video that didn't need to be this long is that this is all wide open, okay? Nothing is set in stone. There's nothing that is ordained, meant to be fatalistic, nothing. The only thing that I've known is true for 30 years is loving inclusion. It's the only thing that's real and it's the only thing that stands. Every test that it comes up against in every form, in every level. It's the only thing that remains true over and over again is loving inclusion. And we don't get to, we're going by forgetting that it is what we're building. It helps us if we can remember that in every interaction. Remember, we are kin to one another. It's a literal thing. It's not an analogy, a kin to all beings on this planet.

Lezley (30:01):

We are all cousins regardless of our differences. And sometimes family isn't a great analogy because not everyone's family is great, but think of your chosen family. There is only loving inclusion. It's the only thing that's real. It's the only thing that exists. And it's not a matter of if. It's just a matter of when, because we will get there together. Doesn't matter what, who's in charge or what kind of extinction bursts bullshit they're trying to bring to us. You and I know better, better. Just remember loving inclusion as you go into the world and you encounter them in real life. It's hard in the marketplace when people are jerks. It helps me to remember that it's all just fear. Fear of being bad and unloved and unlovable. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of not being wanted for who we are. And you are wanted and welcomed and needed and loved exactly as you are.

Lezley (31:08):

Okay? Love you. Bye. Oh, for fuck's sakes, Lezley can't do any call to action shit ever. Okay? So check out the library. There's ancestral healing stuff. There's, I'm all about practice. I want you to practice in the world perceiving the presence of spirit. We need to practice. This isn't just ever going to happen to you. You need to actually ask and practice. You need to be present and practice. And that's what I provide. I provide a bunch of it sounds. So I provide a bunch of, yeah, nice. Ooh, everyone wants that. But no, I've got tools and teachings for you to practice perceiving spirit in the world, being spirit in the world, practicing loving inclusion in the world. Love is a verb, belief is a verb. They aren't things that are going to happen to us unless we practice and make it habit. Okay? So check out the Cailleach Ken Library. It's which Wisdom Library, Lincoln Bio. Okay, love you. Bye.


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