Posts tagged Witches
39. The Pretanī Witches are on Turtle Island

I feel like this title needs an explainer.

Pretanī is a more accurate title for the people and land of the original indigenous “Celtic” people of Ireland and the UK. Apparently, “Celtic” was a term applied to the people in the 18th century to differentiate them from Anglo-English.

Desiring a greater connection to Spirit means paying attention to what roots us in identity and Place. “Celtic” descendants will gain from rooting into our Ancestry and how that is revealed on Turtle Island.

We talk Witches and Witchcraft as the remnants of our “Celtic” cultural and spiritual heritage + why I don’t resonate with Wicca. I share what I think are the 2 most important tasks asked of us to become Authentic Expressions of Soul at this time.

This is part I of II - stick around for the second part.

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