Take your time with these Teachings. This flower will unfold and bloom in it’s own time as you reconnect to your ancestors, lineage and personal rooting into Land + Spirit.
There is no “done”.
This is ongoing discovery as you walk yourself back to your Self, root deeply and stand in your Soul Sovereignty.
This takes time and you may need breaks and that’s okay. Take all the time you need and allow the re-connecting to re-enchant your life.
Click the links to download the Teachings to your device.
Footprints Video
Click in the video for full-screen or a pop-out for larger viewing.
Who likes history? I Do!
Create an ancestral history timeline for as far back as you want to go. Maybe for the first one, go back as far as your great-grandparents.
You can revisit the timeline and footsteps exercise as often as you want and focus on whatever particular time period or events in your ancestral history that seem relevant and resonate to you.
Identify all the global, national, local and familal "events" (traumatic and celebratory) that you feel are resonate to you at this time.
Include as much or as little detail/information that you feel is relevant to you at this time.
refer to my timeline to get a feel on how I did mine
you do yours in the way that feels good and right for you right now.
Using the information and resources provided, create a personal family genogram that includes your great-grandparents.
Include as much info as you can find about them
refer to your ancestral timeline and connect your genogram to the global events happening at the time of your ancestors lives.
Please be patient with this process. My genogram took a few months to assemble.
When appropriate, reach out to family members for stories and information that you don't have.
Read the article on my experience around Dumb Supper and do your own.
Record your experiences on paper!
Your family is made up of the coming together of two different family needs, gifts and talents.
Spend time with your research: timeline, genogram, life events and reflect on what the needs, talent and gifts are that show up and attracted the different sides of your family.
Doing this work and making these connections is so valuable in walking back to your Self, your purpose, your gifts and talents and what issues pop up in this life for you.
Take your time. This is not a race.