We are magick.

Celtic re-connecting is real and transformative. I’ve gathered together a beginners guide to the resources that have helped me to Belong to our beautiful, magickal cultural and spiritual roots.

I can only point you in the directions that I know. You will attract new and interesting golden nuggest of Celtic inheritance that resonate with your Spirit. Please share them in the community - I am always on the look out for new Celtic reconnection pathways.

Celtic magick is real.



Click the links below to download the Teachings to your device.



This is a small start to re-connecting to your Celtic language and culture. We are in a unique Place because our Celtic-ness is rooting into Mishiike Minisi (Turtle Island), so we must braid those two together in our rooting.

Add me as a friend on DuoLingo! I’m learning Gaelic. Tha cèic blasta!


  • I don't know that any of us are going to get fluent in Irish &/or Gaelic, but any speaking of our ancient language into the World of Form is re-igniting and re-invigorating our cultural roots.

    • using the free links above or on the Celtic Source page - learn to say one word or phrase in Irish or Gaelic with confidence

      • choose a word or phrase that has emotional resonance for you

      • a very simple one is Fáilte (FEL-cha) in Gaelic, which means Welcome!

  • A great way to jump into Celtic cultural and spiritual beliefs and world view, is to read our mythological stories through children's books.

    We are we bairns (children) when it comes to our re-connecting journey - so let's use the bairn resources.

    Go with what resonates with you. Mermaids? Fairies? Witches? Giants? Magickal tales. Our culture is filled with magick and miracles. Jump in where it feels good to you.

  • Your Celtic cultural and spiritual inheritance is rooted in magick and mystery.

    We are reclaiming our rightful world view and re-enchanting our experience of the world through Ancestral healing.

    Your magickal imagination, your psychic vision and your witchy ways are your ancestral inheritance.

    They are yours by blood and birthright. Encourage and embrace them. They are ways of knowing yourself and the world that were taught to us by the Land.