Who are You?

Ancestral healing is probably one of the most important healing practices that European settlers can do on Mishiike Minisi. Reconnecting to roots and coming into connection with our ongoing ancient, ancestral, cultural and spiritual world view is a path to nurturing a sustainable personal and community identity.

Who am I? Who do I want to be?

You are the descendant of thousands - millions of life experiences on this planet, both good and ill. You carry the experiences of those who have gone before you and you are the ancestor of untold millions who will come after you.

We are links in a chain of love that we don’t really know anything about.

Your journey starts with the past, because the past continues to live in today until we heal the wounds we inherit.



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Further Reading + Resources

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  • Download the Life Events Inventory here.

    The Life Events Inventory creates a document of themes of healing that you will likely be encountering as you walk this path of Being + Belonging.

    The wounds in our personal lives are often reflected back through the ages in our Ancestors. Pain points can be connected to local, national, or global incidents. Cycles of trauma that are experienced by our Ancestors can become ingrained ways of seeing the world.

    These themes are important to identify and be aware of as we seek to connect to Ancestors and the themes of healing in our own lives.

    • download the Life Events Inventory pdf and complete each stage of development.

    • take your time with this - there is no rush.

      • be gentle with yourself and go at your own pace.

      • there is no race to healing. You are becoming exactly as you are meant to, in the time frame that is perfect for you.

    • once completed, put the Inventory aside and go do something nice and nurturing and kind for yourself. Whatever makes you happy to be alive - go do that because this was a challenging exercise.

  • When you are ready and re-charged - return to the inventory and make note of repeating themes that you notice.

    • what is a story that gets repeated in your personal history?

    • what is a perspective or assumption that is automatically believed as truth and solidified as reality?

  • We will be revisiting art + mark making throughout these teachings.

    You may want to return to this exercise after a few days of allowing the Life Events inventory seep into your self awareness.

    • Hold the ask for clarity in regards to you and your Life experience now and going forward.

    • Using whatever medium you are drawn to - hold the ask as you make marks on paper, or canvas or whatever you have chosen.

    • Try to refrain from engaging consciously with the mark-making.

      • Allow the marks to flow and happen as you feel guided by Spirit and Land.

    • After at least one sleep - return to the art and emphasize areas that speak to you.

      • emphasize in whatever way you feel guided to bring into focus the feeling, knowing, quiet voice that is revealing Themselves to you in the marks.

    • record your discoveries of this unconscious/non-linear process. If you don’t record it - it will disappear. Recording can be whatever you do to keep a record of your discoveries.