Most Truth is Personal, Subjective, Relative and Wonderful

Most truths are subjective, personal and relative. We believe strongly in our own truths but they should be open to change if we've got stuff wrong.

The only absolute Truth that exists is the First Truth and it trumps every other truth out there. If my truths deny equality or personhood to another, my truth is false. If my truth makes one group of people more valuable than another, my truth is false. If my truth is that monogamy works best for me in my life, then that is my truth. If Edwards truth is that polyamory works best for him in his life, than that's his truth - and both those truths can exist at the same time.

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The Vague Path

Our Body is the Barometer, Compass and the Boat

Not only is there no pre-made path for you, we're using tools that aren't even acknowledged in our education system. They're not accepted or acknowledged by those in science who claim to know what reality is.

We are using intuition, mystic and visionary senses, dreams and day dreams and wonderings.

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