Stop “shoulding” on yourself.

Through this work you will realize that there is very little that you don’t already know. Most of your transformation will come from unlearning what you thought was true. The world is not what you thought it was. You are not who you thought you were.

You are not broken.

You do not need to be fixed.

You do have to connect to the truth of who you are and let go of all the unbelievable horseshit we thought was real.

Please reach out to the community. We are here to hold space and support each other walking ourselves back home.

No one needs to live a life of “should”.


Click the link below to download the Teachings to your device.



Further Reading + Resources

Some of these are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission when you purchase. Thank you! Every little bit helps support re-enchanting the world.

I love engaging the randomness of Creation in tuar (prophecy in Irish). These cards, tarot, the dictionary… anything can be used as ways of knowing.


  • Download The Work resources by Byron Katie.

    "The Steps"

    With a buddy you trust, who can hold space for you to process your emotional triggers:

    1. Rant. Feel all the feelings fully and express them at your buddy. Your buddy is the stand-in for whomever/whatever is triggering an emotional response.

      1. Don't hold back - go all in and say all the nasty things.

    2. Ask yourself: "What am I making this mean about me?"

      1. How are you using this event to prove to yourself some supposed "truth" about who you are and what the world is.

    3. How old are you when you learned this supposed "truth" about yourself and the world?

      1. Who is teaching you this supposed "truth"?

      2. Can you recognize the circumstance and the situation around this learning?

    4. Is it true? What is true?

    5. How have you participated in this perception?

      1. Have you done this to yourself?

      2. Have you allowed people to do this to you?

      3. Have you done this to others?

      4. Have you allowed this to be done to others?

    This is powerful, courage work. It is the work of transformation. This will change your life.

    Do this as often as you need to. Over time you may find that you can do this without a partner.

    In the beginning, please partner up with a trusted buddy to hold healing space for you. In the early days we can easily get sucked into a rut. Unquestioned beliefs rule us until we bring them to consciousness.

    You are a courageous bringer of light to a world re-enchanted. <3

  • Must, should and never are flag words that can alert us to unconscious limiting beliefs.

    • Sit with these phrases and record what comes up for you.

    • What must you do in this life?

    • What must you NOT do?

    • What is a should that’s on your mind?

    • Are there should NOT’s that you accept without question?

    • What is a NEVER in your family of origin?

    • What are you putting up with?

    • Whose voice are you hearing these admonitions??

    • Under what circumstances are they speaking?

    • What is the truth of these situations?

    • What is the truth around these circumstances?

    Sit with these questions and note what comes up for you and your responses.

    Be gentle with any emotional reactions you may have. It can be painful to see unquestioned family "truths" in new and less authoritarian absolute ways.

    Click here to download the Should•Must•Never worksheet.

  • Bring out the art + mark making. This process tends to be the same - it is an uncoupling from conscious thought to engage with Spirit through the tool of art.

    • Choose your supplies.

    • Get quiet and connected to the ask for clarity on what is in your way to Being.

    • make marks free from conscious judgement or resistance - just allow and support the process.

    • have at least one sleep and return to be with the piece and allow the marks to speak to you

    • emphasize what the message is through reworking the piece

    The Bear Oracle is a Winter Solstice exercise of this process.

    You are the expert of your own experience. Follow your Soul Sovereignty.