Core Qualities

Do you accept your skills, gifts and talents? Most of us don’t. Our Western cultural values looks down on people embracing their gifts and owning their talents. Be humble. Be meek. Be mild…

You cannot come into the fullness of your Soul Sovereignty without consciously connecting with and accepting your skills, gifts and talents. Who you want to be is wrapped up explicitly with your natural and Spirit-given ways of Being.

The Great Binding Law knows that you are exactly as you were meant to be and you are needed and wanted and warmly welcomed here exactly as you are.

Your purpose is to be who you are.


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3 Being Quadrants Video

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Further Reading + Resources

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  • This is a great exercise in getting to know your strengths and potential challenges. This whole teaching is about coming to awareness of qualities of Self - which also makes us aware of the how we react to others.

    Knowledge is power.

    Click here to download the Quadrant Instructions.

    Click her to download a blank Quadrants sheet to fill out yourself.

  • Give yourself a couple sleeps and then return to the Quadrants exercise.

    • Reflect on how this shows up in your life.

    • How can you use this to be more gentle and allowing of yourself and others?

    • What is your biggest "a ha!" moment in this exercise?

  • If you're ever unclear about the path in front of you, try the 5 Wishes exercise. It has a way of clarifying purpose and passion.