Gaolach Làthaireachd / Beloved Presence

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Speak with Spirit

Join The Cailleach Ken Library to watch the Speak with Spirit LIVE recording.

Trying a thing.

I believed, incorrectly, for years- that before I could share my world view with you, I needed your agreement. Welp.

Not true!

In FACT - we NEED to share our world views with one another in order to come into agreement. We share our world views and agree, disagree, take pieces, leave pieces, add pieces, switch them up and turn them around until we are in consensus about what this world will look like for all of us.

Sharing beliefs about the world and what it means is the way that we create the world.

I’ve been waiting for someone else to share what I believe is true and real so that I could feel safe and accepted to do so. Oh. Well that’s a waste of time.

After Ancestral healing + Celtic ReConnecting (which is still happening) and Decolonizing (on which I am still working), I was unsure about how to go forward with my new understanding of vocation.

Spirit + Land are inseparable.

That’s the whole vocation. lol.

We are in constant and uninterrupted relationship, communication and connection with all aspects of Being - Spirit and Land. They are fite fuaite, inseparable, woven and sewn together forever.

Now I feel free to share that perspective everywhere, to everyone that will listen and wants to hear. Together we normalize the speaking about and sharing our experiences with Spirit as we experience Them. Together we create a consensus of what is actually happening here on this planet by sharing our lived experiences, beliefs, visions and hopes about ourselves and the future of our authentic Soul Expression in the World of Form.

I have never before been so clear about not hiding or hedging when speaking and sharing Spirit in the World.

The biggest wound I ever experienced in this life was when I accepted as true the false view that Spirit was separate from the Land. That the “Dead” are separate from the living. That we are separate from each other or from anything in existence.

Belief in separation is a deep and universal wound + cut off.

When we believe in separation, we are cut off from love, power, stability, wholeness, peace and joy. I used to be afraid to speak what I know to be true because I was afraid of being rejected and ridiculed.

I was afraid of being despised for what a held as most sacred.

I was afraid of sharing the worldview of wholeness because I was afraid of being made separate.

Awww… lol. So understandable. But not possible.

No one can make us believe in separation - regardless of what is happening.

Belief in separation is not possible when we come into Trust.

Here it is, the super power to living:

If you trust that you will be okay no matter what happens - you can find the courage to do even the scariest thing.

If you can look at yourself in the mirror and say…

Our greatest wound is that we rejected ourselves.

Accept yourself without conditions and you can love and accept others the same way.

Sharing our beliefs in the world and with the world, literally builds our reality.

Our voices are a direct expression of Spirit in the World of Form. Our voices are Spirit made into physical waves.

What are you saying? What are you building with your voice?

What am I saying? What am I building with my voice?

It takes courage to share without reservation, the beliefs we hold in our hearts + the visions we carry protected from the harsh light of judgement.

Your visions of love and wholeness are made to withstand the knives of those who are scared of the immensity of your vision.

It is nothing less than a changed world.

The world is changing (because we are changing what’s possible). It is not a matter of “if”, only a matter of “when”.

How long have you held your vision hidden?

It’s been 30 years for me.

I needed the assurance of your agreement before I’d open my mouth about my experience with Spirit in the world. It felt like there wasn’t enough room to share.

I was afraid of ridicule and humiliation.

I was afraid that there was something wholly lacking and scornful about what I believe and how I see the world. I was afraid that I would agree with the shame and and scorn and derision of those who reject the experience of Spirit in the World of Form.

This is all delicious Witchy shit.

My worldview is wholly Celtic Witch.

Healing Ancestral shame and self-hatred and the attempts of my Ancestors to repress their nature to align and identify with the colonizer is ultimately the freedom I needed.

The aspects of my Ancestors most ridiculed and despised are the source of my greatest joyful experiences of being alive.

The wild, witchy, mythological, Earth-connected, communicating with Animals and Wind and Trees magick is alive.

It’s alive, it’s alive and we will normalize this into a new reality by sharing it with one another. Publicly. Proudly. With strong clear voices and open hearts.

You are not fully living if you are not fully sharing that which is most heart felt, soul-truth of your Being. But of course, that’s the scariest to share.

I sure as shit wasn’t prepared for how vulnerable this sharing can be. I wasn’t prepared for those that I thought were closest to me and would accept me as I am, didn’t. They were not comfortable. They were not okay and they weren’t able to understand or to support me.

That’s fine.

Having my most heart felt vision rejected isn’t about me.

Unless I reject myself, nothing has happened.

All that has happened is someone has indicated that this is not for them - and that is okay.

Carry on and find your people. Sharing will bring us together.

We can’t wait to be supported before we speak. We can’t wait to be supported before we stand for a new version of the world. The standing and the speaking IS creating the new world. The world is made in the sharing.

We learn what we need to support ourselves in the sharing.

Land + Spirit is Wholeness Together.

It is Fite Fuaite forever.

I am one of millions of people who came to be a bridge for this message to root and blossom in the World.

Speak w/Spirit is sharing the message that both Spirit + Land are communicating with us all the time. This is my little way to normalize the present Spiritual Reality of Beloved Presence; Spirit Present in the World of Form.

Speak w/Spirit is normalizing our constant communication + relationship with Spirit + Land.

Speak w/Spirit is a reminder to you that it’s all real - all your experiences of Spirit in the World of Form are real and they are wisdom and your body is Ancient Wisdom and Land is Ancient Wisdom, and Land and Spirit have never stopped talking with us.

Speak with Spirit and remind the world of what is real.

Your best, most joyful, soul-filled visions are the map to the World we all want to create. Sharing your visions are the way we create it together.

Don’t wait to be ready to share. Sharing is how we get ready.

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