Are We Honouring the Holy Shit in Others?
6. Honour the Holy Sh!t in Others
Just as we own our own Holy Sh!t, we honour the Holy Sh!t in others. We are all walking the healing path - whether we choose it consciously or are completely unconscious, we all have Holy Sh!t to heal.
Try and be compassionate and have empathy towards those who have no idea that they're carrying loads of Holy Sh!t.
I know how annoying it is. It's hard to manage relationships with family, friends and co-workers who are never wrong, never have any responsibility or ownership in any of the conflict or issues that arise.
In the same vein, have compassion and empathy towards yourself when you realize that we are all blind to aspects of our healing and we’re all here just doing the best that we can with what we know at the time.
Breathe deeply and remember the First Truth.