32. The Cauldron of Warming / The Magickal Child
Return to Play
The Cauldron of Warming / Coire Goriath (COR-e GER-d).
Welcome to the realm of your Magickal Child. The Magick Map in the Cailleach Ken Library is a good resource to get you started, check it out. Here we’re going to dive in deeper and offer up practice to strengthen your relationship to this essential part of your Self.
The Cauldron of Warming/Magickal Child is the life blood of experience as a body in the World of Form. It is the source of vital energy needed for doing and being. This is the source of childlike joy and wonder at existence.
It is the height of ego arrogance to think that we know so much as to be bored by the infinity of Creation.
A “been there, done that” aloof attitude is the Cauldron of Warming almost out of juice.
This Cauldron functions best in non-judgement. This is the root of childlike acceptance and loving what is. This is the perspective of joy and beauty and acceptance and a welcome invitation to all.
We cannot wait for this to happen on it’s own.
Wounds to the Magickal Child do not heal without your loving, understanding, grown up intervention. That’s what you are now (in the Cauldron of Vocation), you are the nurturing parent to your wounded Magickal Child.
You are the guardian you needed as a child.
We practice now the purposeful choosing of awareness and perspective. We practice now the intentional choice of what stories get told to our Magickal Child. The vitality of the Cauldron of Warming is connected to good soil, to good ground. The good safe soil of a loving Earth is warm welcome and acceptance. This is a choice of perspective that you control.
Play is the fire of vitality.
The fires of the Cauldron of Warming are increased through Play.
The root of play is literally caring for Self, amusing Self - tending to the needs of Self in a fun, amusing, active way. You are allowed and encouraged to have a good time here! You are asked to make this experience good for you.
Play has no use to Capitalism (unless it can be monetized).
Play got taken away from most of us very early on and is not generally something we have good relationship with as adults. For most of us, play was not valued for itself, but was used as a reward or taken away as a punishment. Play was considered to be something expendable - only approved when the “real” important activities of life had been completed.
There are a lot of boundaries around what play is, and what’s allowed, and when, and how it can happen, and if we deserve it, and if we find the time and energy.
Play, like the Magickal Child, doesn’t have very much value in a capitalist society. Children and play do not produce necessary profitable output the way adult workers do.
This is the exact same harm done to Land.
Like the Magickal Child, Nature is valuable only in Their potential for profit. Nature is dismissible until the time industry desires to profit from the resources the Earth provides for free, with love. Until then, the needs of Nature and the Magickal Child are unimportant and erasable.
This is a great wound and trauma to the Magickal Child.
The rejection of the inherent value of Being cannot be overestimated.
The value of existence without providing service, profit, product or labour is anathema to the structures of our current society.
This is a fundamental harm to all of us - but especially to our Magickal Child and the Cauldron of Warming.
We absorb the understanding that our joy, fun, play and all the existence of the natural world is not valuable or worthwhile, as it is. We absorb the understanding that play and love for the physical world can only happen after the “real” work of life is done. The world of capitalism. The work of production. The work of exploitation. The work of producing value out of the “valueless”.
The Cauldron of Warming is perhaps the most important because it supports and gives life and vitality to everything else. It is always upright. Upright until death - but not necessarily providing warmth. If this Cauldron is suffering, there is nothing left to ignite transformation in the Cauldron of Vocation or the Cauldron of Wisdom.
Building relationship with the Magickal Child and the Cauldron of Warming is an on-going lifetime exercise.
This is not a “one and done”.
You are building trust with Magick. You are building safe haven and unconditional acceptance with Magick. This will literally transform your world and every world you touch.
The Ask:
Try to remember, when you are feeling low and have lost vitality, to ask:
How am I ignoring the needs of my Magickal Child? How am I making them not matter?
What does my Magickal Child need right now?
That’s enough. You are enough.
The Practice
Create a Magickal Child self-portrait. You are your Magickal Child - and you are their Guide and Guardian.
create a piece of art that represents your Magickal Child.
you may want to use this image as a motif/symbol of your connection to your Magickal Child.
this can create a quick-connect for you to immediately be in resonance with the needs of your Magickal Child
get centered and grounded.
hold the intention to create a symbol/motif for your Magickal Child.
ask for help, guidance, direction.
trust the process
use whatever mediums and mark-making techniques you’d like.
without being too conscious and over-bearing - make the art the way you feel guided to make it.
Have at least one sleep and return to the image.
sit with the piece in centered groundedness.
make any changes or additions to the image that feel right and good for you.
Trust the process
make a record of any visions, teachings or interesting feelings or insights that occur during the process.
keep your image in a sacred space. This is connection to your Magick and is an intentional image of your wholeness.
What does your Magickal Child want to do for fun and lols? Ask them.
Let your Magickal Child know how vital and important they are in your life. They have spent most of their life believing that they don’t matter and aren’t important - when the very opposite is the Truth.
Do you put unnecessary restrictions on Play?
for one week make a note of how often you allow yourself to Play.
Play is whatever YOU decide it is
what do you do for fun and enjoyment only?
what is an activity that fills up your energy and makes you joyful and happen to be alive?
how do you prevent yourself from Playing?
do you make if-then statements around play?
“If this or that, then I can…”
Conversely, are you always Playing and never getting anything accomplished?
What are your feelings around Play?
what’s your reaction to me saying “Play is an integral and necessary aspect of your life and health.”?
Note/record your experiences somewhere to be able to refer back at a later date.
That’s it.
Make the intention.
Speak it into the World.
Tell your friends and loved ones.
Share on social media.
Let Creation know you mean it and Play is valued in your life.
Sometimes we can’t be flexible or spontaneous about things like Play and Enjoyment.
If you feel like you can’t follow spontaneity and impulse to Play when you feel the need - schedule it.
Put Play into your planner and then STICK TO IT.
This is a commitment you make with your Magickal Child to honour their enjoyment and Being in the World.
break these dates and break trust with your Magickal Child.
honestly, don’t do that - they don’t deserve you flaking out on them.
Check out Magick Chat if you feel like fun and enjoyment are an obstacle for you.
This is not uncommon. Come hangout and talk about it.