Unbroken Ancestral Bonds

Let’s talk about your Ancestors.

Your Ancestors are linked to you through the bonds of love. These bonds are unbreakable and can be followed like a Spirit map to unite you with Ancient Wisdom and Being that is patiently waiting for you to hear Them again.

In your cultural past, the line between Ancestors and God/Goddess figures was vague. Connecting with your Ancestors opens doors to Universal wisdom traditions that help you navigate both the big and small transitions in your life, and give you the nurturing support you need to build a life from Authentic Self. You exist in Spirit and in Body, as an integral part of an immense, inseparable fabric of Being that is both Seen and Unseen. You are connected to unlimited wisdom, and guidance that never fails.

…though you wouldn’t know that by this society we’ve built. Lol!

We can’t create what we don’t know. Reconnecting to your Ancestors is a nurturing, reliable way for you to rebuild far-reaching Spiritual roots into the actual Earth and begin to build your world anew.


Who needs support?


Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you can’t get anything going? Do you feel like you’re in a rut? Can’t seem change your circumstances or your opportunities, no matter what you try? Do you have deeply resonate visions for what you would like to do in the world, what you have to offer and share - but you can’t seem to get anything going?

No matter what you try, does it seems to fizzle out and disappear like mist?

Nothing lasting can be created without a solid, supportive ground and deep nourishing roots. If you’re a European descendant, you are likely cut off from the power and energy of your ancient ancestral roots.  


Story time


In grade school we had heritage days where the class was encouraged to share cultural beliefs and activities. When I asked my dad about our heritage, he reacted with an angry, “We’re Canadian!”

That’s it. That’s all.

My ancestral lineage was limited to Canada. (Substitute America, Australia or any of the commonwealth countries and you may have a similar cut off experience.)

Welp, that’s not nearly good enough.

The idea of our existence being limited to this small tiny moment, in this small, frail body is sad and scary and insufficient.

It’s also not evenly remotely true.

Immigrants to Turtle Island are suffering from a disconnect and alienation of roots that makes it hard for us to feel safe, embodied and present in the world. (This work isn’t limited to European descendants, but the work for me, has developed with this experience in mind.)

We have a lineage of cut off. We have a disconnection and dislocation that prevents the development of deep spiritual growth and transformation. We cannot embody our Soul Self fully when we don’t have strong roots to support us - strong roots that support us physically and connect us to continuity from the ancient past, into the eternal future.

You cannot express authentic Soul Self when your ground is not connected to the continuity of your existence in the world of form. You cannot embody your full expression of Soul Self in the physical body when you are disconnected from the ancient and ongoing lineage of your physical inheritance.

None of us suddenly sprung into being on Turtle Island when your family came to this land. If there wasn’t already a deep and ongoing sense of identity and connection to your ancestors, culture and the beliefs of your lineage, you experienced cut off. Often times your ancestors came to this land to escape trauma, shame and oppression at the hands of colonizers on their own lands. They often participated willingly in disconnection from their ground and ancestral roots.

This is a deeply damaging dislocation and disconnection from our ongoing ground of physical being.

Not one of us can make a lasting, nurturing, enriching and satisfactory ground from roots that are cut off from our ancestors, cut off from our source of being in the world of form.

Cutting off from your Ancestors and your ancient wisdom makes you small. Ancestor cut off cripples you from developing a Self and a world view that is integrated into the ongoing wholeness of the fabric of being. You cannot spring up as “Canadian/American/Australian” and cut off the past and expect to form a future that is whole and sustaining.

There are deeply damaging cracks in the cut off ground of European descendants. Connect to your Ancestors and Re-member Self. Begin the process of integrating your ancient ground and the ancient wisdom that is your inheritance. It’s literally in your body to know. You unlock it through connection with your Ancestors.

What you’ll find are roots and a ground that is deeply meaningful, rich and filled with nourishing support that resonates deeply in your body and connects you, in your body, to an ancient and ongoing expression of Soul through Form. Connecting with your Ancestors is stepping on the path of integrating your entire ongoing lineage of soul wisdom expressing Self through form.

We are still connected to our Ancestors, both those who have gone before us, and those who will go on after us. We are all still transforming and learning and growing together. Connecting with your Ancestors is saying yes to that Universal access, saying yes to the infinite available in your unique body, and saying yes to being open to receiving wisdom and seeing the world and your place in it, in an entirely new way.

Connecting with Ancestors is an opening up of our mundane lives to the mythological and living our regular lives with one foot in universal meaning. When we connect to Ancestors we connect to ancient unbroken links of love, power, wisdom and guidance.

You are not alone.

Ancestors are your crew of Guides and Guardians. They have always been here with us - we just lost touch for awhile.


Moving through

I have been working on my spiritual and personal growth for over 30 years, to a greater or lesser degree. The two things I’ve done that have supercharged my growth and transformed me in leaps and bounds are:

  1. Working with others in group learning situations. (You get to a point in your development where you can’t make any more progress alone. We are triggered/challenged and supported best by others. The big work has to happen in community.)

  2. Ancestral connection and healing.

Even after 30 years of purposeful, incremental shifting of blocks and resistance to truth and authentic self, I felt stuck and small and ineffectual. I still worked at an unfulfilling job and felt stymied by every attempt I made to change that situation. I wasn’t looking to move sideways to something that was different but equally unfulfilling - I wanted to do work that is satisfying and engaging, that makes me feel alive and joyful and makes me want to get up and get at it as soon as I awake.

For 30 years it didn’t happen.

I felt disconnected and unsupported in my quest for passion-filled work. I did a lot of things and a lot of them were enjoyable, but nothing was sustainable - nothing felt like I could build on it. I was unstable and inconsistent. I didn’t feel like I fully belonged in the spaces that I was trying to grow roots - and my roots never felt like ‘enough’.

My mediumship comes through all senses and often I get “day dream visuals” that I don’t fully understand until I have context to look back. For years when I would think about the businesses I was trying to bring to fruition, I would see a misty grey field with small rocks all laid out in a foundation, but very small and sparse and spread out. I didn’t know exactly what it meant, but I did know that it didn’t look promising or strong or supportive. It looked unclear. It looked like it would take a long time to build anything of value and it could easily be washed away. This is literally a symbol of my past attempts at building a supportive, fulfilling livelihood.

Sian Bru Triskelion

I’ve only been actively doing medium Beloved Presence work for 4 months and I’ve already made more money than I did in all the other work combined. Lol. I haven’t even officially launched yet.

When I think about this work I see with clarity, giant boulders all tightly packed together. They are nestled into a perfect fit with one another and are made to last for millenniums. Even the small rocks and pebbles fall into place between the giant boulders and add more structure and support for everything that will be built upon it.

This feels different. This is different, because I am different. I am different in part because of connecting with my ancestors and inviting them into my life. I have claimed them and they have claimed me in return.

A second mystical awakening

My ancestral re-connection was a second mystical awakening. I had a first mystical awakening in my early 20’s when I knew that everything was loving and one and inseparable. My second mystical awakening was knowing that there is no death, our ancestors are still with us, quite literally (if we want), and bodies are not separate from the loving oneness of Spirit; bodies have their own ancient wisdom from which we have been disconnected for a long time.

Reconnecting with my ancestors gave me a sense of home and place in my body. This is what roots do. I have known for 30 years that we are all inseparable oneness - but reconnecting with my Ancestors brought that knowing into my body. This specific body with it’s specific DNA lineage and trauma and cultural beliefs and expression of Authentic Soul in the world. For the first time I had an Ancient Past and an Infinite Future in this unique physical body. I belong to an Ancient cultural practice of Celtic Animism that made me feel fully at home in my body for the first time.

Ancestor connection is richly coloured and deeply nourishing to Soul Expression in the physical body. It is connecting this particular physical moment with an ancient cycle of physical experiences that share common dna. It is the re-membering of the physical body with the whole of Spiritual existence.

Re-connecting with Ancestors is allowing the mythological to become part of everyday life. There is a vague line between Ancestors and the Gods/Goddess spoken of in our cultural stories. The Ancestors of the ancient wisdom past become the Gods and Goddesses of today. We all continue to learn and grow in Spirit and in Form, together. There is no disconnect between the living and the “dead”. There is no end to the communication and sharing of wisdom from the Unseen to the Seen and back again.

Our life perspective changes when we enlarge our connection to ancestral lineage. We are seen, accepted, wanted and celebrated by our Ancestors. We literally expand our physical presence when realigned and connected with ancestor. Honouring the value and learning available in our personal physical lineage gives us great access to expanded wholeness and presence in the physical world.

Ancestor connection and support expands the possibilities and potential in the physical world of form. Ancestor connection and the support of strong roots and solid ground make real the highest, most resonant visions you hold for your life, because those visions are being held by all of your Ancestors too.

You came into physical expression to make real your soul desires and passions (whatever those look like to you). Your ancestors are here with you, to support you and guide you on your path.

Connecting to Ancestral Celtic Animism made me feel fully at home in my body for the first time.
— Me, after re-connecting with my Ancestors.

Let’s talk about your Ancestors.

 The Expression of Authentic Soul Self


We haven’t be taught how to live our physical lives from authentic Self. It’s not a path that’s encouraged by a society built on the false beliefs of hierarchy, scarcity and the failure of being born in a body. Lives here can feel very one dimensional, small and weak, especially when our sense of spirit and purpose is held away from the physical world and relegated to some “later” time when things will be a paradise.

But not now. Not here. No way.

We don’t know our place here as Being in a physical body. We don’t and haven’t been taught the integrated wholeness of Presence in the world of Form, of Being in the world of bodies. Our sense of identity has been formed around a false sense of surface physical value and the attainment of unity and wholeness has been relegated to a time after physical incarnation where it will all make sense.

Don’t wait. There is only now.


If you’re a descendant of European immigrants, maybe you connect to an identity of ‘whiteness’. Maybe it feels very simple and obvious to think “I am white”.

This is not a real or nourishing identity and it prevents you from connecting to the deeply rich and actually nourishing ground of your roots in Ancestral cultural heritage. Connecting to my own Ancestral heritage transformed my understanding of ‘whiteness’ and my identity as a descendant of European immigrants on Turtle Island.

Most European descendants are disconnected from their roots through immigration cut off from ancestral source and a re-alignment with ideas of ‘whiteness’ as a group identity. “White” isn’t an identity that can nourish because it doesn’t actually have connection to ancestors or cultural ground. There is nothing available in ‘whiteness’ except ‘not being black, brown or Indigenous’. This becomes really obvious when European descendants adopt the cultural and spiritual beliefs of others without understanding that we do this because we lack grounding in our own roots and our own ancient cultural beliefs.

I am not suggesting that we don’t learn and grow from the cultural and spiritual beliefs of others - we absolutely do. It is precarious to do so when we are looking to replace the lack of ground and root in our own ancestral identity.

The invention of the White Race, Theodore W. Allen, silhouette of black face, lino cut of field and cottage

Story time

I have always had a resonance with Indigenous cultural and spiritual beliefs. It resonates very deeply in my soul and permeates my world view and belief system. It has been a weird struggle for most of my life because I am not Indigenous. Feeling so strongly pulled to Indigenous ways of life left me feeling uneasy because there was no ground or root in me from which to interact with these ways of Being. It felt like fully embracing Indigenous world view and belief as my own was a misstep - it felt like a taking something that didn’t belong to me. It felt like an appropriation and a donning of identity to which I do not have legitimate access. This was a great confusion and dislocation for me… until I connected with my Ancestors. Indigenous Turtle Island identity does not belong to me. Indigenous Celtic identity does.

I am Celtic. The Celts are Animists.

My pre-Christian Celtic Ancestors hold cultural and spiritual beliefs very similar to Indigenous world view. My resonance with Indigenous belief was real and true, but it was a calling from my own roots and ancestral ground. Now I can be taught by the Land and Indigenous world view without a grasping to own and take for myself and make mine. I can approach Indigenous world view from the strength of my own common ground. I can work to transform my world in resonance with Indigenous world view from the root and nourishment of my own ancestral cultural identity.

What is your cultural identity? How can connection with that identity give you access to supportive ground and power to express your Authentic Self?

I know this story is very ‘meta’ and ethereal - but that’s what it means to work with the Unseen. There are great and mythical energies working Unseen in the physical world. You can make use of the energies, and benefit yourself and the whole when you can understand what’s actually happening and understand what your needs are actually saying to you.

Connecting to Ancestors and finding your own roots is powerful.

To me, it is an essential step to trusting your expression of Authentic Soul Self in the physical world.

Lack of roots means you have no ground, no place of physical identity of your own. No ground means no space to grow, no legitimacy in the physical world. Reconnecting with your Ancestral cultural roots gives you ownership and authenticity of your body in the physical world. You are re-connected with the Ancient and ongoing lineage of your physical body and you have the right to take up space and place in the world.


Legitimacy of your existence in a physical form is the right to build your life in alignment with your visions. You carry in you the visions and dreams of your Ancestors.

You have a place in the world.

You have a right to be here as you are.

You have the right to see your dreams take shape in the world of Form.

Roots can not ever be over estimated.

You are the result of millions of years of Ancestors on this planet.




Let’s talk about your Ancestors.

The Unseen support everything we want to make real. Our ability to walk in Creation is changed completely when we accept and own the legitimacy of BEING in the physical world. When you accept and own your right and authority to be here, and be here as you are, you can finally change your world to align with your Authentic Soul Truth.

None of this happens because you think it or you will it. This is accomplished through the alignment of your Spirit expressing authenticity and authority of Being through Form.

Stand for your truth.

Support your boundaries and how you allow yourself to be treated. Act to change life situations that don’t honour you.

Roots once found are a foundation to build solid ground in wholeness and connection. Roots align us as Kin with all the physical world to BE AS WE ARE in the world of Form.

Connecting with Ancestors leads you back to your roots. Roots lead you back to solid ground and back to a foundation strong enough to support your dreams moving from the realm of Spirit into the world of Form.


What is this? How does it work?

There’s been a lot of mystical and etheric sharing about Ancestors, wisdom, roots and ground. Well - what is this and how does it work?

If you’re ready to connect to your Ancestors, book a free 30 minute consultation and we can talk about what’s involved and if you’d like to proceed. Connecting with Ancestors requires you to be the bridge.

If you’re ready to begin Living in Lineage and you’re ready to heal the trauma and receive the gifts that are waiting for you in your family line - this is for you.

You will be doing this work for yourself. I am a facilitator and a guide. I am a support to you and an anchor on this journey. This is your Ancestral pathway and your discoveries and revelations will be uniquely for you.

This is the most powerful spiritual process I have ever been involved in and it is always a transformational event for those who participate.

This is just the beginning.

You are beginning a relationship with Ancestors that will continue to grow and teach you for the rest of your life. This relationship will hone and strengthen your ability to communicate with Spirit in the World of Form which will enrich and enchant your life in ways that you can’t even imagine right now. This is the beginning of a new world.

this is the sign you've been looking for, brick wall, neon lights, dark, bright

 We make the meaning.

A strictly physical life on this planet is devoid of meaning. Survival focus is intense, but reflects only a small sliver of the experience of being alive. Pursuing the accumulation of things and power is exciting for awhile, but can never be ultimately fulfilling. Placing our worth and value in externals is a hamster wheel of failure.

Life on the plane of physical existence alone is a struggle for survival and subsistence living. There is no room there for being in a larger world of meaning and relationship to a bigger sense of purpose or connection. A strictly physical plane of living is lonely. It is separate and isolated and has woven into it a deep fear of lack and a sense of competition and aggression against others for pieces of a supposedly limited and scarcity pie.

Alternately, religions and spiritual world views that minimize the body have cut us off from our ground and our spiritual home on the Earth. Our source may be Soul, but our home on the planet is our body… and the Land Themselves. Holding the body and the Land as separate from, and anything other than our Spiritual ground is a grievous and traumatic wound to our well-being.

The meaning and wholeness of existence is experienced through the body on Earth. Connecting with our Ancestors re-members.
— Beloved Presence

Connecting to our Ancestors returns us to our unbroken lineage of Soul expression in flesh - that is currently expressing through you and your body. Connecting with Ancestors places the unique experience of you in your body within a much larger meaning and context of existence. You are part of a Universal and infinite fabric of being that is both seen and Unseen, Spirit and Flesh.

Connecting with Ancestors immerses you within a cultural context of meaning. Your existence is known, valued, appreciated and part of a larger ongoing whole of existence. You are vital and known in your physical body, exactly as you are. You are rooted and part of an evolving and unfolding Creation of the seen and Unseen. Your physicality has a context and a history that goes far beyond your individual experience in this incarnation.


Return to purpose. Return to passion. Return to Knowing Soul Self in the Body.


Let’s talk about your Ancestors.

You are the result of a long line of unbroken links of love.

Ancestors are our past and our future. All time exists as one and we are connected both to the infinite past and the unending future.

Ancestors are both Gods/Goddess and mortals. They have existed in and out of the world of flesh and continue to evolve and learn. They are still connected to you today. Right here. Right now. Our Ancestors are wise and available for guidance and support and direction.

Your Ancestors are eager to re-connect to you, and are waiting only for your invitation.
