Animal Anamcharas

Here’s a start to learning more about your Animal Anamchara. They may be with you for a reason, a season or for life, but knowing about their temperaments, pitfalls, gifts and enemies can give us a lot of wisdom and perspective about our own lives and situations.

Remember, these are just my perspective based on years of observing them together in my backyard. Spending time in their Presence will bring you your own particular insights and understandings. Bhraitheann Anam in the Divine Reminders Library is a guide to help you work with animal and plant anamcharas directly.

If an Animal Anamchara has gifted you with a feather or some other aspect of themselves, it is an invitation to learn about them and the wisdom they have to offer. We have an obligation to search out that particular Anamchara knowledge to uphold our end of the friendship.

Reciprocity in all things.

Every being that exists is a Beloved Presence to us, and we are a Beloved Presence in return.

Click the little index buttons on the right to go to specific animals. >>



Racùn (RAH-cun) - Irish / Esiban (ES-i-BAHN) - Anishinaabemowin


Clever + Adaptable

These cute little critters have evolved to thrive amongst human beings in urban environments. Raccoons are super smart. They have been known to manipulate and open all kinds of locks and clasps and covers to get at food and shelter. They will solve all manner of obstacles to access what they need - and they are tenaciously dedicated to the task.

If Raccoon has shown up in your life, consider what needs you may have that are currently going unfulfilled. Raccoon’s cleverness and tenacity will help you connect to novel and imaginative ways to fulfill your needs, and their tenacity will keep you committed to the goal until it is realized.

They may be called “Trash Pandas”, but Raccoon is adept at being adaptable. They will make lemonade out of anything - including what other people throw away. Raccoon knows that other people’s trash is their treasure and this may be your time to try treasure hunting. If you haven’t been a thrifter in the past, maybe now is the time to try out garage sales, or garbage day walkabouts in your area, or browse second hand and consignment stores to find things you need at a bargain. Raccoon doesn’t worry about what other people think. They know they’re adorable as hell and getting what they need for free or cheap is just the diamond on top of their cute-ass crown.

Raccoon is a clean eater. They are washing their food and hands all the time when they eat and it’s not just to get it clean. The water helps their wee paws gather information about what they are eating which is important to an animal that will eat almost anything.

What are you laying your hands on lately? Is it good for you? Have you gathered all the information necessary to know whether it is nurturing and good for you?


This little baby is enjoying some peanuts and shelled sunflower seeds on my deck last summer. Sometimes I’ll put out cat food or leftover dinner. I like to see them eat.


Consider getting into the habit of ‘washing off your day’ when you get home from work or outings. Bathing is a physical and symbolic act of refreshing ourselves and removing all the detritus we can do without. Like Raccoons little sensitive paws, our bodies are a finely tuned wisdom instrument that works best when it is clear.

Raccoon says slow down, wash your hands and start with a fresh touch. What is it this? Is it good for you? Gather all the information available and assess it’s health for you before you let it in your life.

Raccoon is gregarious and social, until they’re not. Momma Raccoon will hang with her babies until it’s time for them to be independent and then she will run them out of the nest; for their best interests and her own. Raccoon siblings will cavort with one another, until they don’t and they will fight until one moves on to find it’s own territory.

Are you making time to be alone? Are you developing a relationship with the Beloved Presence within yourself? Raccoon says that you will thrive with some time to be solitary and develop your independence and self-reliance.

Raccoon says you are enough.



Iora (ERA) - Irish / Feórag (Fe-OR-ak) - Scottish Gaelic / Ajidamoo (Ahjid-a-MOO) - Anishinaabemowin


Tenacious Playful Practice

Squirrels have fun. They are a rambunctious crew of hyperactive adrenaline. They’re also tenacious about getting what they want.

I have been feeding the squirrels in my neighbourhood for over a decade and they never fail to cheer me with their light-hearted playfulness. Racing around tree trunks, over the roof, lunging from branch to branch, hanging from the bricks and all manner of gymnastics… they are in constant activity and tenaciously return even after being chased away repeatedly by other squirrels.

They have managed to get to every supposedly ‘squirrel-proof’ bird feeder I’ve installed in the garden, and I’m here for it.

Everyone eats in my backyard, and the squirrels work for it.

They will try again and again and again until they figure out the precise acrobatics to get to the seed. Then they’ll do that every day like they’ve been doing it their whole life. Honestly, I’m in awe of their tenacity and willingness to try all the things to get where they want to go.

Squirrels know when to take a break. Stretched out on their bellys in the sun, on top of the fence, Squirrel is the picture of contentment.

When Squirrel shows up in your life, it’s time to identify where in our life we need to apply playful practice. Are you considering, or beginning on a path that will require consistent and repeated efforts over a long period of time? Squirrel is your mate on this journey. They show up to remind us to keep it fun, to not get bogged down by the repetition, and choose to find enjoyment in each step.

If you’re running into obstacles, or aren’t sure how to reach your goals, Squirrel tells us to keep coming at it - from all directions. Squirrel tells us that we can stretch just that little bit more and grab it. Keep at it because the difficult stretch today becomes tomorrows daily habit.

Squirrel reminds us to find play in all things. We can find enjoyment in all the activities in our life, or at least take the time to do the things we enjoy. What’s the point in working so hard if we’re not enjoying our time here?

And lay out in the sun whenever you can.



Seabhac (SHOWk) - Irish / Seabhag (SHEH-vak) - Scottish Gaelic / Gekek (Gek-Gek) - Anishinaabemowin


Patient Vision

Hawk is to the sun what Owl is to the moon. They are companion animals and represent the same energies, one in day time, the other at night.

Hawk has vision. Grounded, day-time, what can be done, what can be built, right now vision. Hawk takes the night-time dreams and seeing into the dark visions of Owl and roots them into the physical reality of here and now.

Hawk sits on the highest point of the neighbourhood and sees how all things are connected to one another. Hawk sees far and can see all of the steps needed to bring visions to fruition.

Just now, I got up to pee and looked out the window to see Hawk sitting in my tree. Hello Beloved Presence.

Hawk warns us not to get bogged down in the nitty gritty details. Hawk has an awkward time on the ground and takes a lot of energy to get back up to their optimum high-level view. Take heed to not get overwhelmed in the details of a project or path and always stay connected to the high-level, far-sighted vision that is guiding your way.

Predators and their prey are important to balance together. Hawk needs the tenacity of Squirrel on the ground and squirrel needs the far-seeing vision of Hawk in the sky. It’s a good idea to consider both predator and prey qualities to get the full picture.

Hawks are patient.

I’ve watched them wait silently for the animals in the yard to forget that Hawk is there and go about their regular business. Hawk will wait until the moment is exactly right and then move so fast that their prey has no idea until they are caught. It’s breathtaking and startling. They are so quick and absolutely silent.

Hawk cautions us to keep our own counsel and to not share all our plans and activities with the public. Some things are better left unsaid or unannounced until the time is right. Only you can know your own rhythms and those rhythms are right for you.

Hawk arrives to help us own our highest level visions. They bring them to the light of the day and encourage us to make them real.


A Hawk is sitting on a fence post in my backyard. I loved that there are so many now - I didn’t grow up with Hawks in the city.
Pearson Airport released a bunch of Hawks to control the seagull and pigeon problem at the airport - but SURPRISE! Hawks didn’t stay at the airport. Now they’re everywhere. <3


Starling: Druid (Drij) - Irish / Druid (Drooj) - Scottish Gaelic / Blackbird: Lon Dubh (LON-doo) - Irish/Scottish Gaelic

Asiginaak (AH-sigin-AAK) Anishinaabemowin


The Power of the Community

I am grouping all Blackbirds, Grackles and Starlings into one group because in my experience they flock and feed and roost together. It appears that they don’t interbreed, but after nesting season I see them together all the time.

They have been called bully birds and a lot of backyard birders hate them. Not me, surprise. They are wonderful. Loud, yes. Voracious appetites, yes. They can clean out a feeder and suet in a matter of hours.

I don’t care. I think they’re lovely.

(I put out a small covered feeder that only fits tits and finches and chickadees. I put out multiple feeders so that everyone can have a munch, even while the posse of Grackles and Starlings are being overbearing. Everyone is hungry.)

They are beautiful and iridescent and shiny. Grackles make me think of velociraptors and I can see in them how birds descended from dinosaurs. They are a strong symbol of community and the power of the common.

Grackles are called “Common Grackles” and there’s nothing that is more quickly dismissed as unimportant and not valuable than “common” things. Human beings value the rare and the exclusive, and in doing so can miss the power available in the community of the common.


In huge numbers, Grackles, Starlings and Blackbirds move as one in the sky as a way to confuse and deter predators. This is the same defense as schools of fish in the sea, and looks amazingly similar.

This happens with birds, fish, insects, bovids… and it is a powerful lesson for human beings.

We are strongest in a group.

Grackles and Starlings teach us to form our communities around shared interests and band together to become stronger as a united force.

The community also shares information - and every member becomes smarter for the sharing of the knowledge amongst the group.

Hundreds of Grackles, Starlings and Blackbirds will gather together in a tree and share information, then take off as a group to roost for the night. I have watched it several times and it is thrilling.

Start watching this video at 1:58 to see the vast numbers of Starlings gathered together and then launch from the tree together.

This video lacks the audio sense of being there with the cacaphony of birds all screaming together and then just before they lift off they all fall silent for 2 or 3 seconds and BOOM! It is really thrilling.

This video gives a good sense to the volume of community. We are louder when we amplify each other. This is the power of community acting in harmony.

Where is your community? What values do you share? What actions are you able to follow through with that support the community and support yourself?

The community always works for the benefit of all. In a large sense, murmurations are how society is supposed to work for everyone - the whole protects and guides and enriches everyone.

How is community working in your life? How can you build stronger community to benefit yourself and others?

This is powerful magick from Starling, Grackle and Blackbird.



Iora Talún (ERA TAH-loon) - Irish / Agongos - Anishinaabemowins



In Irish, ‘chipmunk’ literally means ‘ground squirrel’. LOL. So true. Chipmunks have many of the same characteristics as squirrels, just on the ground. They are a whole different energy though. The frenetic, joyful play of Squirrel is calmed down on the ground and Chipmunk is more subdued and focused. Chipmunk is also much more stealth and hidden than cousin Squirrel.

Chipmunk has so many positive qualities, not least is the total cute adorableness of them. Small and sweet and quick and quiet, chipmunk is a favourite of everyone and they know it. If I am still enough for long enough, Chipmunk will climb up my pants and take peanuts from my hand. It is thrilling, and I am always reminded of the trust that Chipmunks have in human beings.

Trust is a big deal and it comes with two parts. Chipmunk trust is given and taken away quickly and easily. If I move to fast or cough or make any sketchy movements, trust is rescinded and I have to return to the silent earth-like stance to regain their trust. The second part is that Chipmunk trust themselves completely. They don’t second guess their reactions or wonder if they’re hurting my feelings by fleeing; they trust their instincts absolutely and act on them instantly.

Chipmunks offer us the delicate balance of Trust. We decide who and how we trust. We believe ourselves and our instincts and intuition. We trust ourselves and act on our intuitions and instincts. Earning the trust of Chipmunk is a big deal because it is not guaranteed and we need to prove that we deserve it. I trust Beloved Presence implicitly and unconditionally AND I trust the intuition and instincts that Beloved Presence has given me to keep me safe.

We don’t owe anyone Trust. Chipmunk says that we can develop our intuition in how to use Trust in Action, and the first place to start is our trust relationship with ourselves. How are we betraying our own trust? How are we not behaving in an ethical way with ourselves? How are we letting ourselves down? How are we showing up for ourselves and fulfilling our own needs? Chipmunk trusts that there will always be enough. They are certainly enough. They can pack their cheek pouches so full.

Chipmunk says you’re enough and you can trust yourself.



Coinín (COON-yin) Irish / Coinean (COON-yin) Scottish Gaelic / Waabooz (WAH-booz) Anishinaabemowin


Heightened Awareness + Balance

Rabbits are crepuscular - meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn… though honestly, the rabbits in my neighbourhood are only out in the morning. I never see them after noon. Rabbit teaches us to arrange our schedules so that we have our most active, energetic time for ourselves. It may not always be possible, but working within our own natural rhythms is the most nurturing and productive for us.

Rabbits have long been symbols of fertility and this is no less so for you in whatever area of your life you choose. Finances, creativity, relationship - the secret to Rabbit’s fecundity is the getting down to it and moving on. Rabbit doesn’t dwell on good enough, ‘right’ or better, best. Rabbit tries it all - get a little taste, move on, try a bit, move on. They are prolific because of their focused movement. Rabbit is very much a ‘fail quickly, fail often’ kind of character. No need to get hung up or bogged down, if it’s not working - NEXT. Rabbit knows that there will always be a next if this isn’t working.

Rabbit is attuned to their environment. They are a symbol of awareness on all levels. If Rabbit is showing up for you, you may need to tune in your attention and awareness some way in your life. There is an area that needs your focus and energy and isn’t getting it. Maybe you’re focusing on the wrong things and missing out on the clover all around you. We can’t enjoy the fruits of our labours if we’re so focused on threats that we can’t taste what we’re eating.

Rabbit has a wonderful way of balancing both aspects of enjoyment and caution and they are quick to act when things get a little sketchy. Rabbit says you’ve probably always had that sense for when things are getting weird - trust that. It works the other way too. When Rabbit shows up in your life, it is a signal to start using your awareness sense to lead you towards your fulfillment and the manifestation of your desires instead of just as an alarm for danger.

You are being asked to develop your sensitivities further in service of your own joys and dreams. Rabbit says that you’ve always had the antenna - it’s time to tune it to a channel of your choosing.

P.S. It’s always a good idea to add more greens to your diet. :D


 Blue Jay

Scréachóg Ghorm (SKRAY-hohg GOR-im) - Irish / Sgreuchag Gorm (SKREE-a-hack GOR-im) - Scottish Gaelic / Diindiisi (DIN-dee-see) Anishinaabemowins


Sharing Wisdom

It makes me laugh a bit that the animals I love most (because they’re around the most), are often the ones that annoy the neighbours. Blue Jays are loud and raucous and so beautiful and sweet. They have wonderful little chirrup “squeaky gate” sounds that they make while they bob up and down. Keith and I think they sound more like a squeaky clothesline - but tomato, tomahto.

I love seeing them swoop in and around the feeders and deck to pick up shelled peanuts. They are beautiful and seeing bright blue out in the world is a treat.


Blue Jays are always the first to announce anything that is happening in their area. They report on everything. Predators, food, stranger birds… if something is happening that everyone needs to know about - Blue Jay will be the first and the loudest to sound the alarm.


The first few moments of this video are about Blue Jays spreading the news. “Something’s happening” is their logo.


If Blue Jay has entered your life, it’s time to begin sharing what you know with the world.

Especially, if this knowledge feels new and important and necessary.

Lol! They always look so bedraggled and crazy during their molting. Tiny buzzards.

Blue Jay is okay to not be admired by everyone for awhile. Blue Jay knows the value of awkward growing pains. Every August, Blue Jay goes through a molt that makes them look terrible. Sickly, bald, ugly little creatures.

Blue Jay carries on and cares little for how they are perceived. In a few short weeks they will have grown back a full set of beautiful blue feathers. Be comforted by Blue Jay, that the ugly awkward moments can be taken in stride as you practice sharing your wisdom with the world.

Blue Jay doesn’t just share their knowledge and wisdom quietly for a few; Blue Jay proclaims their wisdom far and wide for everyone. Not everyone cares for what Blue Jay has to share. Some people wish Blue Jay would shut the fuck up, but Blue Jay will not. Blue Jay knows how important it is to share what they know with everyone. Often times the sharing urges others to join in through their own calls and action.

Make use of your community and your communication connections. Blue Jay is widely connected and can get messages to spread widely, quickly because of their group. Use yours to spread the new wisdom you think is needed for the benefit of everyone.

There may be push back and not everyone is going to like or want what you have to say - but Blue Jay doesn’t share the news for likes or affection. Blue Jay shares what needs to be shared for the mutual benefit of everyone in the neighbourhood.

What do you want to share that you’ve been keeping to yourself? What about it is making you nervous to share? What are you afraid will happen if you share your truth and perspective?

Blue Jay is here to assure you and give you strength. Blue Jay says don’t be afraid.

The sharing is more important and you have valuable wisdom to share.



Caróg (CAH-rog) - Irish / Feannag (FYEN-ack) - Scottish Gaelic / Aandeg (AAN-dehg) - Annishinaabemowins


Clever + Resourceful + Commune with the Spirits

One year for Christmas I received a bag of walnuts in the shell. I didn’t have a nutcracker and I wasn’t about to go buy one, so I tossed the walnuts outside in the yard. I spent an afternoon completely engaged in watching the animals make quick work of the walnuts - especially the crows.

They would pick up a walnut, fly up high and drop it on the road. They would repeat this several times. Some walnuts were crushed open by passing cars, or they cracked enough that Crow could get their beak in and pry them open. It was fascinating to watch. They are clever, resourceful and committed.

Crows can recognize human faces and they remember who has treated them well or ill, and will respond in kind. Crows are highly protective of their own and will retaliate for years against those that have harmed one of their own. Kin-group support is important to Crow. Rewarding those who have been kind is also important.

Click image for source.

Crow is an important part of the carrion clean-up team. All carrion eaters are psychopomps and have associated mythologies around carrying spirits to the spirit world. They have often been seen as bad omens because of their carrion nature. When crows arrive there is death present or immanent. Fear of death comes, only when we believe that is the end of everything. Crow tells us that it is just a door way to another way of being and they can help us communicate with the other side.

When Crow arrives they encourage us to ‘feed’ from the Spirit world just as much as we do the physical. Psychopomps are in constant communication with the Spirit world and signal a need to turn our attention to making connections to Spirit and making regular, habitual efforts to be in communication and connection with Spirit in our life.

Crows are smart and they are resourceful. They tell us that we can use all of our gifts and talents in new and novel ways to connect to Spirit and gain wisdom and understanding about ourselves and the world. Crows are teachers. They walk both sky and earth, Spirit and Physical and are a wise companion on our journey as spiritual beings embodied on Earth. Crows have long memories and hold the doorway to greater depths of being as spirit and flesh.

Crows are also jokesters and love to play tricks. When Crow enters your life, Creation is ready to play so you’d better be ready to laugh, because shit is going to get hilarious.



Apasam (A-PA-sum) - Irish / Bengwajishk - Anishinaabemowin


Hidden Gifts / Appearances are Deceiving

These little creatures are misunderstood and maligned because they’re not as cute as their other fuzzy cousins. Admittedly, they can be startling - the long tail is reminiscent of a giant rat… but they are a big help in keeping our yards free of pests and garbage.

Possums being “tick vacuum cleaners” may not be as accurate as once believed - but they still may be tick eaters due to their fastidious cleaning habits. What possums are great at is catching mice, cockroaches, rats, snails, snakes, toads and a number of other garden and backyard pests. They can eat almost anything and not get sick; corpses and waste material - they can even digest animal bones which is a benefit to removing dangerous pathogens from the environment.


Hissy’s close encounter with an Opossum. That patch on Opossum’s back looks like a bald spot, but it’s actually a patch of white fur. Little weirdo.


Opossums have a low body temperature which makes them less likely to get rabies. They don’t dig or try and break into our attics and garages and are much more likely to make a home out of an abandoned den.

When Oppossum shows up in your life it’s time to start taking stock of your gifts - especially those that aren’t normally appreciated by others. You may be the one that has a knack for knowing what’s needed in the moment without loudly proclaiming your contributions. It’s okay to keep a low profile, but it’s not okay to be taken for granted. You may have gifts that are used all the time that go unnoticed. Opossum may be reminding you of others in your life whose gifts are going unappreciated. Opussum points out where the surface isn’t telling the whole story. This is especially true because Opossum is the only North American marsupial and carries their babies in a pouch… and then on her back.

Opossum carries the burdens of love.

Oppossum says it’s time to own your gifts in the communities that you frequent. It’s not necessary for anyone else to acknowledge or recognize what you do - but it IS necessary for you to know your worth and own what you contribute. Your gifts are valuable and necessary, so own them completely and root them in the ground you stand on.

Oppossum also cautions not to judge worth by appearances. Value comes in all kinds of different packages and many kinds of ways are worthy. Oppossum may be cautioning you to reassess judgement about appearance equaling value - either in ourselves or others. Love who you are and how you look and what you offer.

Opossum is all about acceptance and love of what is.