While Describing the First Truth - This Crazy Thing Happened
Core Values Series #1: Loving and Inclusive
This is what I learned from The Mystical Event.
It’s the First Truth.
The only thing in this life that I know is true and real. When everything else is blown away - this is the truth that remains.
It’s the result of a Kundalini Raising and changed my life forever. It changed how I saw myself and “others” in the world.
It changed my relationship to everyone and everything that exists in all of creation everywhere.
It’s a truth that gurus everywhere and holy texts speak of regularly - We are One. There is Only Love.
It’s something I’ve suspected since I was a child.
The equality and oneness of all things seemed right and true and kind of obvious - but it’s different knowing something in your body versus knowing it in your head.
Heads can be changed by body knowing because the body knows in a way that experiences the feeling of living truth that can’t ever be doubted. 25 years later and I STILL know that this is truth. Nothing that has happened in 25 years has even remotely moved me to change my mind.
There is No Judgement
Beloved Presence doesn’t judge, not ever.
Beloved Presence doesn’t punish.
We do those things. (And then we blame “God” for them.)
We are able to do and experience anything we want. There’s no judgement and there’s no commandments against anything. We have free will to do anything. Anything we want.
Except it’s not for free.
Nothing is for free - all debts have to be paid, all equations have to be balanced… so what we sow, we will reap in kind.
We can choose to create havoc and terror and pain and suffering. We can choose that and Beloved Presence will still love us unconditionally. But eventually, we will take on for ourselves everything we created for others.
“An it harm none, do what ye will.”
Karma is real and it works, but never how we think and always in the best way for us to learn whatever it is we didn’t know that made us think it was okay to be harmful. So go do what you will, without fear of divine judgement - but it’ll come back on you none the less, and likely leave you on you knees.
All debts will be paid.
The Dark Night of the Soul
I’ve read other accounts and apparently most “dark nights” occur before a spiritual awakening.
Mine didn’t.
It happened 10 years after my Mystical Event spiritual awakening. Take everything any spiritual guide tells you with a grain of salt and discernment - INCLUDING ME.
All we know is what we’ve learned on our own path.
That’s it.
That’s the only thing we can ever really know. How can it be otherwise?
So whatever the “experts” say - your path is the one that matters and you’re not “wrong”, whatever way or time you’re walking it.
I’ll go through a more thorough share of my Dark Night at a later date, but I know well the purpose of my experience.
Even after my awakening, I held fast to beliefs and ideas that I thought were “truth”. I clung to certain ideas because they felt good - they made me feel good and right.
Perceiving Beloved Presence as a “Parent” divinity that will swoop in and “fix” it or “save" me.
That’s a lie. That’s not how it works, not ever - but it felt good to believe it.
I thought my beliefs would keep me “safe”. Believing that I knew “the truth” and that knowing would save me from any further harm in this life.
They’re essentially the same belief and they’re both false, false, falsity-false-false-false. NOT TRUE!
My Dark Night of the Soul knocked me off of every foundation that wasn’t strong enough to hold me in a storm.
That’s kind of how I perceived it too. It lasted over a year - almost 18 months and it was not a great time. It also synchronistically, coincided with my coming to terms and acceptance of my childhood sexual invasion.
It’s all connected. Always.
Shifting and dissolving blocks allows more light to illuminate where we’re holding energy frozen, and forces it to move.
Some people never move beyond where they are because they’re too scared to see what’s hidden in the dark.
I PROMISE YOU - the fear of the dark is bigger than whatever is in the dark.
I promise.
And it fucks everything up when we leave it in the dark to continue spewing it’s lies and stories about what’s real and what’s true. The frozen darkness is so much full of shit. Really, it’s just a pathetic shit show.
I PROMISE - the fear of the dark is always bigger than the darkness itself.
Watch the video to see the crazy thing happen. It’s so perfect for anyone walking a spiritual path. You never know what you’re going to get.
Is it Loving & Inclusive?
This is the framework through which everything in my life gets weighed.
Ideas, beliefs, philosophies, politics, behaviours… It’s applied to every thought, word, deed, action, religion, belief and friendship that I have.
It’s the only thing that’s real.
Some call this belief Animism and it’s one I’ve only just encountered and I’m not overly familiar. Basically, Animism believes that everything shares a soul. Nothing is better than anything else because we all share a soul.
It belies beliefs like humans “subduing” the Earth, and actually sees these ideas as false, damaging and dangerous.
Contrary to many spiritual people I meet who claim to not ''feel at home on the Earth", I feel the exact opposite.
The Earth is my family. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen and imagining being elsewhere brings me a sense of homesickness that makes me weep.
The Earth is my home and my love and the centre of my worship.
Beloved Presence is the experience of Spirit, present, here and now, on the Earth.
Worship and Divine Experience is Earth Based
We wear the earth as our body. Literally.
How we treat our body is how we treat the Earth. Burying garbage is like burying a tumour in our flesh.
Air pollution is like smoking.
Water pollution is like blood poisoning.
The breath of interconnectedness is beyond my ability to understand with my brain, but I can feel it in my body.