Gaolach Làthaireachd / Beloved Presence

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Grian-stad a' Gheamhraidh / The Winter Solstice

Brú na Bóinne during Grian-stad a’Gheamhraidh.

Welcome to the Sun Stop and the “destination” of the dark times.

This teaching is intended for Dec. 19-23, but can also be tucked into when you feel like you need to re-direct, find your bearings, shake things up, get a new perspective... It is a season for bringing light to darkness, which can be useful at any time.

The use of symbolism.

In the world of Form, everything is a symbol pointing to greater wholeness. There is a thing and the thing represents other things or ideas.

The symbol is not the thing.

“The Treachery of Images” ©Magritte, 1929

All words are symbols. All language is symbol. The word apple is not a "real" apple - it is a symbol of an apple.

We are always working in symbol with Anam because fite fuaite/eadar-fhighte, the wholeness - can't ever be contained or encapsulated in the world of Form. It can only ever be suggested. The wholeness is incomplete if anything is left out.

Think about that for a moment.

Nothing is left out. Nothing is excluded. Not a single spec of microbe or dust mite or idea or feeling or thought is left out.

Nothing is left out of wholeness - not even the things that we can't accept or the things we judge or the things we reject; they too are included in wholeness.

Mythology is living, organic symbolism. It works in our lives if we come from the understanding that myth points to what is real that can't be spoken of or shown wholly. The Tao te Ching speaks to this repeatedly - the inadequacy of language and symbol to encapsulate the wholiness of all existence.

Grian-stad a'Gheamhraidh is a symbol of part of the cycle of wholeness.

Laozi - Chinese Philosopher-Ancestor-Legend-God, 6th Century BC


Everything that I learn and share is partly a reconstruction of pre-Christian Celtic spirituality, belief and world view. I use historical research and direct ways of knowing to bring back into the world of Form, the essence of our ancestors world view. My direct ways of knowing are filtered through my modern mind in an ancient physical body.

Oh yes, your body is ancient wisdom.

Your body is the Earth from the beginning. Your body is the stars and gases that made the Earth billions and billions of years ago.

I can't know for sure what our ancestors were feeling or what these seasons and mythologies meant to them. What is important continues. What is necessary is shared. Everything that is shared is valuable and pertinent to our lives in the modern world.

Muireann is an Cailleach.

They are an embodiment of the energy of the Ancestor Goddess/Lady of the Land/Sovereignty Goddess/Mermaid of the Dark Water. In a very Celtic way, They are Goddess and Ancestor.

I don't mess with the idea of "god" as separate from the human realm anymore. It's not helpful to me or my journey. All representations are attempting to translate the individual and universal and I accept them all as such. Perceiving "god/goddess" stories as being separate and apart from our lives creates a division that isn’t helpful.

There is nothing that exists on Earth that IS ALL of god or can even come close to representing the totality of the wholeness of the seen and unseen, infinite past and infinite future... so why bother? I see all forms of god and goddess as "ancestors", which I feel is the closest to the true meaning and purpose for us. You are intended to see yourself in the god and goddess stories. That is who we are, who everything has been, is, and will be.

Muireann Shares:

Before we plant anything, we have to make the soil rich and nutritious. That’s what we do at the Solstice. Dig in deep.

Grian-stad a'Gheamhraidh is the celebration of the height of the power of Cailleach. Bríd is present in the heart of the time of Cailleach and vice versa.

Samhain is the passing of the branch from Bríd to Cailleach. This is the nadir of darkness, rest, silence, fallow ground. This is the time of preparation for the planting to come.

Existence is a rotating triple spiral and the human being is part of the Earth and the cycle of the land. You prepare yourself psychologically and mystically for the coming of the light. Our intention is to stand in the middle of the spiral.

All preparation is for the goal of emergence. What are you planting? How rich is your soil? We will always share in symbols and cycles of Nature. You are Nature. You are part of this cycle no matter how far into concrete you remove yourself.

The 3 arms of the spiral of emergence are:

  • your community and larger world

  • your family + relationships

  • your self and relationship to spirit

The triple spiral encompasses all the 3s: birth-death-rebirth, past-present-future, maiden,-mother-crone (apparently a modern invention - but instructive and fitting), sow-grow-harvest.

We must first prepare the "self-Earth" for coming of planting in Spring. Our ancestors had so much to do in Spring, Summer and Harvest that the winter months were the time for inner reflection and truth, reclaiming gifts and purpose, rooting self in the community and reorienting self to the spiral path; most often through storytelling.

People say the veil was thin from Samhain through to the Grian-stad. The truth is that the "veil" is thin all the time. For me, the veil doesn't exist at all and the "dead" walk freely in Spirit all over the Earth. This isn't scary, it just is.

The lack of work in winter gave the people the time to be in Presence with inner messages and communication with Anam.

Cailleach + Bríd (Bride, Brigit)

This story is the passing of protection and governance of energies between the light/dawn/fire of spring and summer, and the dark/sunset/cold of fall and winter. Samhain to Imbolg is the time of Cailleach.

This is related to Kali - a time of destruction, old age, death and darkness. Skeletons are a symbol because it was a scary time for the people. Is there enough food, how long, cold and difficult will be the winter, who's still going to be here in spring? It was a scary, uncertain time.

Traditional modern Witch symbols belong to the Cailleach and all the dark Female Goddess figures.

The cauldron is the source of Earth and all the food and medicine, skeletons, skulls, carrion eaters, brooms, hats... read more about Cailleach here.

Cailleach goes on even after the world is destroyed. She is the dark mother from which all things of Form are born. She is there in the dark to recreate after she's finished destroying. We don't rebuild until we let go of what is no longer for us, and make space to for something new.

This is only scary if you don't know Them. This is scary if you resist letting go, if you turn away from the dark, reject Their offer and refuse to embrace the ugliness of the dark as well.

Imbolg to Samhain is the time of Bríd (Bride, Brigit). They are the dawn goddess, birth and the promise of light and fire and warm, growth and increase. Everyone loves this time. Abundance is easy to love.

Holiday Chaos is in direct conflict with the Call of the Solstice

Grian-stad a’Ghreamhraidh is the time of greatest darkness and stillness. It is suited to inner reflection. Modern life during the holiday season is in direct contrast to the cyclical call of Nature. We are out and about, busy, hectic, stressed and given no time to rest, reflect and re-connect to inner truths.

This time for our ancestors was a reality check of death and the tenuousness of life. Is there enough food? Is there sickness? Who is old and likely not going to survive this winter? Are the sheep okay? Are the animals healthy? Will the lambing be okay? Grian-stad represents the reminder of light in the nadir of darkness.

This is the time of reflecting on ancient mythological stories to re-connect to the cyclical rhythms of our Presence of Being.

Brú na Bóinne

Brú na Bóinne (Boann / Boyne) - Newgrange, Ireland

Brú in Irish is a bank of a river, the edge of death, sorrow, press, crush (bruise). Brú is also belly.

What are you nurturing in yourself? What do you have to grow and give birth to and share? Grian-stad a'Gheamhraidh at Brú na Bóinne is the reminder to allow space to hold and nurture the coming birth of the highest vision you can hold for the community, family, yourself and your Spirit.

The Bóinne (Boann - BOWH-n - a goddess embodying opposites) is a pregnant belly of Earth and a funeral mound. This is the time of allowing both to exist at once. This is a place of the dead and also an entrance to new life - we don't have one without the other. At Grian-stad a'Gheamhraidh, the light penetrates to illuminate the earth - the light is closest to the Earth to fill your body with celestial light.

During the solstice the sun shines for 5 days into the belly of death and transforms it into a womb of light and life. In the midst of the great darkness, the light still shines.

“This too will pass” always reminds me of The Wheel of Fortune.

This is a reminder that 'this too will pass', that the dark is necessary for new life to grow, that everything is in cycle. Grian-stad is a reminder that everything comes from the void, from the darkness, from the no-place, no-being. Only partnership of the light+dark, Form+Spirit makes everything exist on Earth.

The sun-STOP is a call to rest, reflect and celebrate. For 2 days the sun appears to stop in position closest to the Earth. This reflects our fear of life stopping, of Spring never coming, being stuck in the dark, stuck in a rut. Grian-stad is a call to accept the truth of what is - to know that you are held by Anam and there is a spiral for you too.

The sun-STOP rests closest to the horizon - closest to us for 2 days, which is a call to revisit the celestial Anam light within us. This is a sacred and power time for inner sight and understanding.

The Spiral

Grian-stad a'Gheamhraidh is not separate from Samhain - it is the continuation of the beginning of the New Year. When your life revolves around the production of food from the land, harvest is the end of the year's labour.

The darkness proceeds light.

What was your story? Going back to your Samhain class experience - what was the story of your harvest? Refer back and refresh, because now we're in it. Now we activating that rich nurturing soil. We have 5 days of "celestial" light to illuminate your darkness and activate sacred ground in your life. This is the time to release blocks and move resistance to wholeness. This is 5 days of inviting Cailleach and celestial light into your life for a "deep clean". lol. Click here to search your city’s solstice sun schedule.

Toronto sunrise and sunset times for December 2023

There are no hard and fast rules in this for timing. This isn't a magic carriage that you must ride before midnight or the magic doesn't root and you turn back into a pumpkin.

These are gentle turnings that you are more or less in tune with in your life depending on your circumstances. You are more or less able to turn with the cycle, depending on your acceptance. Just acknowledging that you are in a cycle connected with community, with Earth and the Universe at large makes the connection stronger.

The Practice

The following exercises were shared by Muireann, but they are not given time or schedule. I have arranged them in what feels like the most obvious arrangement - but you do them how you see fit.

You are in resonant cycle with this time of year if you go inside self to reflect, with purpose, and envision your life as integral to the whole - necessary, needed and valuable, exactly as it is.

All ritual and ceremony and spiritual exercise must past your personal sniff test.

Not everything is going to feel right for you and you should honour that. I encourage you to only engage what feels right for you. To do otherwise is a deep disrespect to your vision and personhood.

Muireann says these specifics are shared because they are what I am made for; but the purpose is clear so please feel inclined to develop your own rituals, ceremonies and spiritual exercises that resonate with your soul expression. Keep what works, reject what doesn't.

I’d curious to know and learn what you're doing and what's working for you - so please share in the Discord.

Click here if you'd like to learn more about Ceremony + Ritual before you begin. To the right you can download instructions for each exercise. Below you can find a small description of each exercise.

You are not expected to do all the exercises (unless you want). Different kinds of exercises suggested depending on your inclination.

Download the Exercises:

Listen to my experiences with the exercises:

A Firm Foundation

A Firm Foundation

Preparing the Ground

Preparing the Ground

My 2-Step Process

My 2-Step Process

The Checklist