Lersi Brahmaputra
**All the Gods and Goddesses represented should be taken as gender neutral. There is no inherent male or female separation between them as the energies, characteristics and wisdoms discussed are available to all regardless of gender.**
Lersi Brahmaputra is a Thai Hermit. He was born of two great Brahmas and since early childhood spent his days in solitude in the forest practicing austerities to gain magical powers and wisdom.
After years of practice, Brahmaputra became so powerful that all the other Lersis fled from him in fear. In the Brahma realm he caused a ruckus when he challenged his father to fight. Father and son were both too proud to back down and made the whole world tremble with their battle. Brahamputra wouldn’t back down even when Vishnu came and told them to calm down.
So, Vishnu cut off his head with his chakra wheel but Brahmaputra was so advanced in wisdom and magic that he wouldn’t die. Vishnu used his inner eye to turn Brahmaputra’s body to ashes.
Brahmaputra realized he was being a jerk and repented. He agreed to go back to earth and forever be in service to people who need help.
He still only had his head.
Ask a question…
Know yourself. It’s the only task that’s required.
One of the great things I love about Hindu and Buddhist fables are that the heroes are often so flawed and make terrible choices. They get knocked down, they learn and know better and then they do better.
They are much more powerful parables than stories of superheroes who always choose the right way and never go astray.
If Lersi Brahmaputra has come into your life one of two things is happening; either it’s time to disconnect from the world and take an inner journey, or you’ve been working alone too long and probably getting judgey about people and it’s time to bring the wisdom you’re so proud of back out to the public.
Lersi Brahmaputra is associated with the Hermit of the Tarot deck with almost the same lesson to be learned in the cards. If Lersi has appeared in your life you may need to unplug and retreat. Social media and the internet might be getting you down. You may have had many social occasions over the last little while and you’re feeling burnt out and exhausted. You may be ready for the next step in your own path and require time alone in order to go inside and access it.
Sometimes we need the quiet and the alone time to hear our inner voice. There are some lessons we can only learn by ourselves and no amount of wishing it wasn’t like that will change those lessons. If you’re normally a very social person, this could be a very uncomfortable god to get, because there will be no way around the need for withdrawal from the world.
Unfortunately the Hermit gets what the Hermit wants and you can go along with him from the start or you can resist and be forced into it eventually. You’ll get sick and be forced to take time off work or have plans cancelled and no one taking your calls. Either way, take the hint now to retreat into yourself and begin the process of learning how to dialogue with yourself.
Journalling, meditating, reading tarot, going for rambling walks alone in the woods, sitting in the backyard staring off into space are all a great start to finding your way back to yourself.
Long hot baths without a book, eating without the tv or internet or a book. Do things in your life without being distracted by other entertainment. Be with yourself and listen to what you have to say.
Like Lersi Brahmaputra, there is wisdom and power to be found within you - you just have to give yourself the space for it to arrive.
You may be in a social job and life that requires you to unplug the phone, or you may already be living the Hermit life and need to get yourself and your wisdom back to the people.
Maybe you’re an entrepreneur or an IT professional or works from home alone so you have gobs and gobs of time to yourself all day, every day. You like your own company, prefer it, in fact and think that most social interactions should be avoided at all costs. You don’t miss other people and don’t seek them out, and you may actually be starting to development attitudes of superiority to those social creatures who need to be with other human beings to be happy and fulfilled.
Well, so do you and it’s been too long.
You need to reach out and make plans to see people.
Get out of the house, get out of your solitary head space.
You are great at austerities and practicing denial and building your solitary power and wisdom. That power and wisdom needs to be shared for the benefit of humanity and for your own fulfillment. You have needed and necessary ideas and philosophies and beliefs about the world and the work that you do that the public needs to hear.
Write books, make videos, record a podcast - share your wisdom with the world and get out there and be with the people. You need to be around people on a regular basis to stay inspired with life and with your own ideas. They become shallow and stale and self-referencing when you spend too much time alone.
Dig deeper…
Book an hour reading and get the clarity you need to move forward into your best life.
You need people.
You don’t want to admit it because you like your independence and you like doing what you want to do when you want to do it. Life is filled with people and the point of life is the sharing our gifts and powers and magic with them to make everyones lives better.
We need your wisdom.
We need the connections you make when you sit in your solitude and travel in your mind. The Hermit holds a lantern because he is lighting the way in the darkness for everyone.
Lersi Brahmaputra was left with just his head which is a warning that you need all your chakra levels for balance. Relying on just your thinking sense and ignoring your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies is a great way to get out of balance and develop a health problem.
We need the Hermits to retreat and uncover their wisdom, but we need them to come back and deliver their wisdom to the world to help everyone - or else, what use is it really?