Kali -The Triple Goddess
**All the Gods and Goddesses represented should be taken as gender neutral. There is no inherent male or female separation between them as the energies, characteristics and wisdoms discussed are available to all regardless of gender.**
Kali is the triple Goddess, the ‘Dark Mother’ of the Hindus. She is creator, preserver and destroyer but is most well known in her Death aspect; holding bloody knives and wearing a belt of human skulls, sometimes even feasting on Shiva’s entrails.
She is a fierce, ‘give no shits’ goddess. She is one of my favourites, although she requires opening ourselves to embrace one of the hardest lessons in life: death.
The great wisdom of Kali is accepting that there can never be just one side of the coin. To fully embrace and live life we cannot deny death - we must welcome it in and make a place for death at our table. To do so is not maudlin or morbid; it is giving honour and respect to the precious fragility of the lives we have been given for so short a time.
You may be discovering a new interest in the transition times in life; birth, death, motherhood, growth, healing, and all things hidden behind the veil.
Transitions can be actual birth and death, but also the small cyclical births and deaths of our lives that signal mental, emotion and spiritual growth and transformation as human beings. The dark waters of the unconscious, the uncharted depths of the human soul and psyche are the dominion of Kali and she is inviting you to begin your tutelage.
The dark mysteries are calling and Kali is the keeper of these secrets.
You may be recently drawn to study human behaviour, mental disorders or you may be one of those people who are fascinated by serial killer documentaries.
This is your connection to Kali. You want to know what is hidden. You want to know why. You want to understand the motivations and desires of the dark paths of the world. You don’t turn away from the ugliness of the world - you want to understand why it is there and what role it plays.
Kali will show you.
Ask a question…
Know yourself. It’s the only task that’s required.
Death, destruction and disease are a necessary and vital part of life. Without endings, there can be no beginnings. Without destruction, we stagnate. Without disease, we have no way of knowing that we are holding ourselves out of balance.
Disease is dis-ease with our bodies; spiritual, mental, and emotional as well as physical. We are out of sync, out of harmony with ourselves and dis-ease allows us to see what we have missed and how we can course-correct.
Disease is an opportunity to learn.
Kali can show you how to see death, disease and destruction as opportunities to be embraced and great sources of wisdom in life. Instead of using our energy to defend against destruction, Kali tells us to embrace them. Kali shows us that, far from bringing depression, welcoming the wisdom of death, destruction and disease can open up more room for joy and abundance in life.
Kali is often associated with Death, the 13th tarot card in the Major Arcana. This is appropriate as Kali is the destroyer - however, she’s also the creator and preserver and can also be associated with the second and third Major Arcana as well - the High Priestess and the Empress. The High Priestess is the initiator of ancient mysteries and esoteric wisdom. She arrives when you are ready to learn to use your psychic gifts and are ready to open the door to connect to the unseen forces in the universe.
The Empress is the preserver. She is the fertile mother, the abundant Queen, the keeper of the realm and the protector of the innocents. The Empress is the part of Kali that ensures that her people are clothed, fed and educated. She is the every day, physical manifestation of the nurturing parent. Kali is a triple goddess - possessing both nurturing, life-giving and life-taking aspects.
Kali is often seen as angry and violent, which she can be. She is also compassionate and empathetic. She is a nurturing, supportive and loving goddess, although quirky and often misunderstood. Her dark powers of destruction and easy communion with death are often so feared that even her more socially acceptable graces are rejected.
You may not be understood or accepted by those who care about appearances or saving face. Those who like to keep things nice and pleasant and who prefer to avoid any conflict or confrontation are not going to be comfortable around you. You want to know what and why and you will call out bullshit when you see bullshit and you support those in your world to do the same, even if they’re talking about your own bullshit.
Kali is often depicted as wearing a necklace of beads inscribed with sanskrit letters. She is believed to have created the first alphabet and presides over words and storytellers. She is the source of wisdom with words, or Logos - divine reasons and creative order.
Dig deeper…
Book an hour reading and get the clarity you need to move forward into your best life.
With Kali in your life, you may start to journal or write stories or be interested in learning and reading about a new subject matter. Old interests may pale and seem juvenile in the face of the wisdom you seek.
You will be more inclined to consider your word choices and be mindful of wanting to express yourself as accurately and concisely as possible. Word etymologies and word definitions will have more weight and interest in your life.
You want to know what things mean. You want to know what is hidden - in all areas of your life.
You are altogether a radiant bad ass. You do not suffer fools and will take no shit from any quarter.
You have already, or have recently become, ready to speak your truth in life, regardless of the consequences. Speaking your truth, even when it is unpleasant or unwanted or results in conflict is connected to your divine purpose. It’s important for you to always stay in touch with your empathy and compassion while speaking the truth so that you do not fall into the habit of becoming the destroyer when it isn’t totally necessary.
Careers in psychology, therapy, mental health and social support are all of interest to you. Detective work, criminal forensics, and criminal behaviour are also appropriate to those connected to Kali. Overt careers in death industries like funeral service providers are also an option.
Working with words, writing and speaking are common with those connected to Kali. Teachers, professors, authors and similar roles that deliver messages of wisdom and education are all associated with Kali’s logos.
Kali’s people tend to create deep and dynamic bonds with friends and family. Those who want to walk a deeper level of understanding about the world and their role in it are those that connect most to you.
You cannot stand small talk for very long and you will not keep people in your life who are unwilling to look deeper at themselves and the world around them.
Without meaning to, you often force people to confront aspects of themselves and their life that they are avoiding. You are a catalyst for change in those around you and you will attract and repel people based on this uncanny ability.
You are the least judgemental person because you walk in both the light and the dark paths; you don’t see the point in judging people for anything provided they don’t hurt others. For those that cause unnecessary harm and suffering, they will face the full force of your fire and they will never forget it.
Kali counsels us to accept ourselves as we are, even the dark, ugly parts; because they too, have a place in our lives.