**All the Gods and Goddesses represented should be taken as gender neutral. There is no inherent male or female separation between them as the energies, characteristics and wisdoms discussed are available to all regardless of gender.**
Abundant Aphrodite, you make the world a more beautiful place.
Aphrodite is the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Her Greek counterpart is Venus, but that’s also a planet so we’re using Aphrodite. If Aphrodite has arrived in your life you already are, or are ready to pay more attention to the physical side of life.
You’re ready for good food, good frocks, good fucks… I’m not even kidding.
Aphrodite is the epitome of enjoying the physical aspects of life.
This isn’t a hedonistic avoidance of your issues by drowning in Earthly pleasures. Aphrodite encourages eating and drinking and making love and wearing beautiful clothes and surrounding yourself with beautiful things as acts of worshipping the divine.
Taking pleasure in the world is an act of divine adoration. To take care to clothe and make yourself beautiful is a gift given and enjoyed by those around you.
We all love beautiful things. We want to be surrounded by beauty and to do so is a reminder of the divine in all things.
Ask a question…
Know yourself. It’s the only task that’s required.
You are likely already involved in areas of beauty. Hairdressing, aesthetics, visual arts, home decorating, home staging, landscaping, selling the products of beauty in a retail setting… If you’re not already involved, you’re being called to look closer at your world and give attention and energy to how you can live more beautifully and with more love.
Do you love your home?
Do you love your clothes and your haircut and your makeup?
Do you love your yard?
Do you love the art in your house?
What in your life is not reflecting back to you the divine beauty that you see in the world?
Whatever does not give you that thrill of beauty, that satisfaction of joy to look up on, change it. Fix it, move it, paint it, change it - Aphrodite enters into your life to remind you that beauty is a reflection of divine love and that beauty isn’t just for you - it’s for everyone you encounter in your life.
Striving for beauty isn’t a shallow, surface application of paint or make-up. Aphrodite is reminding you that seeing beauty is connection to divine source.
Seeing beauty is seeing god.
Aphrodite reminds us that the perception of beauty resides within us. Consider that you may need to change your own mind about what you find beautiful.
All bodies are beautiful, not just model-thin bodies. All bodies are beautiful, not just those shown in movies and TV. All nature is beautiful, even the wild and unkempt places.
Can you find beauty and love in the people and things that have repelled you in the past?
Choosing to see beauty is choosing love and acceptance. We cannot stay separate from that which we find beautiful. The next time you are in conflict, look specifically for something you think is beautiful in your adversary.
Focus on your appreciation of the beauty and it will de-escalate the conflict. Choosing to see beauty is choosing to see and connect with their divinity. It’s the same thing.
Aphrodite is associated with the Lovers and the Star card in tarot.
The Lovers card is about balance. It’s the give and take between equal partners that is required for a relationship to thrive. It’s about the redeeming qualities of love that can burn away the sorrows of the past and transform today into a day of unlimited possibilities.
The sexy times with Aphrodite is the joining of equals in a dance of give and take that puts “us” before me and before you. The Lovers goes forward as a unit compromising and balancing needs for the sake of the whole vs. the individual.
Aphrodite mirrors this for society where decisions are made for the good of the whole, not just for the few at the top.
The Star card mirrors the balance of the Lovers except on a cosmic scale. Aphrodite walks the balance between the enjoyment and worship of divinity on the physical plane and the hedonistic addiction and loss of self that can occur when we become ungrounded and get lost in our needs that we self-medicate with food or drugs or sex. Aphrodite walks the thin path between the darkness of chaos and the light of divine worship.
Aphrodite is there for those struggling with physical addictions. She can turn us away from self-hatred and critical loops and instead remind us of how beautiful we really are.
Aphrodite can remind us that addictions aren’t a moral failing, but a misguided attempt at healing emotional and spiritual pain. Aphrodite can show us how to seek help without judgement and stop re-traumatizing ourselves for past choices.
Aphrodite reminds us that every moment is an opportunity to see beauty in the world and in ourselves.
Dig deeper…
Book an hour reading and get the clarity you need to move forward into your best life.
Aphrodite is calling you to have more balance in your life.
You may be falling more one way than the other - either too involved in your physical self and all the pleasures associated with the physical, or you’re denying the physical and it needs your attention.
You may already be involved in beauty in life and Aphrodite is here to confirm your choice and remind you that this is a legitimate choice and beauty is not fluff or surface and isn’t something that should be scorned or looked down upon.
Those involved in the beauty industry can provide needful spiritual and emotional service and support to many who struggle with finding divinity in the physical world.
In these times of change we desperately need those with connections to Aphrodite to remind us of the enjoyment and love that is here in the physical world.
So many would like to escape the physical world because it is such a struggle here. It requires constant attention and maintenance and effort, but the rewards are so great and it is so beautiful and a source of such joy and admiration.
Aphrodite is here to remind us that seeing the beauty in the world is our choice, every day.